Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2681: Orchid Dark Guardian Effect Black Robe

Wushuang was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed: "Black Robe, don't you want to lie to us, Princess Lan is the aunt of the current emperor, the head of the Dayan Intelligence Organization, a high-ranking authority, and is widely respected in the country. How can it be you? Can it be done in a few words?"

The black robe smiled "hehe": "Really? Then you follow the high-ranking and widely respected Princess Lan to punish and eradicate Murong Zhong and Murongfa and other rebellious clan princes, these uncles of the current emperor's clan, again Has anyone escaped because of their noble status?"

This sentence made Wushuang and others' expressions changed, and they were suddenly speechless.

Hei Pao said coldly: "If you say that the first emperors of the two big Yans grew up with Princess Lan and treated her as a younger sister and a daughter, this kind of love can be just as what you said. But today's emperor. He had grown up in an enemy country since he was a child. In order to return to the country and recognize his ancestors, he could even throw away his own mother, his wife, and his own son. After he took office, he raised butcher knives against many clan princes. , King Murong Town of Guilin, but Dayan’s first veteran, who is not respectful of his martial arts? Didn’t he put the whole family in jail if he didn’t agree? Just now his eldest son died in a battle outside the city. Do you think, Princess Lan’s husband is coming to destroy my country with a large army. When the day comes, the Emperor will let Princess Lan live?"

Wushuang gritted his teeth: "If Princess Lan's life is alive, there is still the possibility of negotiating peace with Liu Yu and Jin, if you dare to harm Princess Lan, then this road will be broken too!"

Heipao sneered and said, "Do you think there is still talk? Then Liu Yu is aggressive, and the army is coming. This is an opportunity he has prepared for a long time. How can he let it go? When he rises up, he will not take care of himself. In the life and death of Dayan’s wife, this person has always put the word "Mie Hu" on his lips. Your princess Lan is also the Hu he wants to destroy. Now Liu Yu is already a powerful general in charge of a country. How can you care about a woman for the sake of your history?"

Gongsun's fifth floor echoed: "That's right, and this time, Liu Yu also brought his old concubine, the Queen of Jin, who has the pseudonym Wang Shen's love, huh, it is the former Wang Miaoyin, Wushuang, you don’t know. Why did this woman come with Liu Yu? If she didn't kill Princess Lan by herself, how could she get in and out of Liu Yu?"

Wushuang opened his eyes wide: "What?! The Queen of Jin is Wang Miaoyin? How is this possible? She is not..."

Hei Pao said coldly: "I don't have any reason to lie to you. The reason why Liu Yu doesn't care if Murong Lan is around is because there are other women around him. Even, he and Wang Miaoyin had long been married, it was Murong Lan. Forcibly intervening, they broke their good deeds. If it weren’t for Wang Miaoyin’s multiple shots in Jin, how could Muronglan be so forced to have no way to gain a foothold and could only return to Dayan?! Of course, these things about your master are naturally not. I will mention it to your subordinates. But you need to understand that Murong Lan is my apprentice. As long as I don't betray Dayan, I will not harm her. But I am not the only one who wants her life!"

Wushuang gritted his teeth: "Black Robe, you really don't have to lie to us who are dying. We are all members of the Murong tribe, or people from other tribes who have been favored by the Murong clan. Only then will we be loyal to Princess Lan and become dead. Shi. ​​The reason why we want to assassinate you is because we believe that you want to kill Princess Lan. If you can save Princess Lan’s life, then we people are willing to listen to your dispatch. Brothers, do you think so?"

The dead men said in unison: "I will follow the orders of Wushuang Sister, and I am willing to work for Dayan."

Heipao smiled slightly: "Very good. This is just like the dead soldier trained by Murong Lan. You need to choose the right one. This battle is about the life and death of Dayan. You can only defeat or repel Liu Yu, what you think. What kind of negotiation is the only way to make peace. If you don’t listen to orders, even if it’s a high-ranking general, I don’t hesitate to cut it off. You’ve all seen Gongsun’s fate. If there is another act of surrendering to the enemy and treason on the battlefield, Not only will you have no corpses, but the head that hangs on the banner will also become another person's."

Wushuang was shocked, and said sternly: "Since I have been loyal to me, I will never be distracted again. This matter has nothing to do with Princess Lan. You must not..."

Hei Pao said coldly: "It's not about it. It's not that you have the final say, but I have the final say. You are dead men trained by Muronglan. She is responsible for everything you say and do. Just like Gongsun Gui, just now. The defense is that his men did not listen to the orders and attacked in violation of the order, which led to the defeat, but those of his men were killed in the battle, so he can only borrow his head to be responsible for the defeat. Do you understand?"

Wushuang looked around and sighed: "Although I am a spy, I am also a soldier. I should obey the general's order. Have you heard that? For Princess Lan, no more mistakes can be made this time. Black robe, no, handsome, I will wait for the spies to serve Dayan, so please assign us tasks."

Heipao smiled slightly: "Very well, remember your vows. As long as you can complete this combat mission, not only will you be proud and wealthy, Murong Lan will also wash her away because of your battles. Don’t worry, if we repulse Liu Yu, we may marry Murong Lan to Jin by means of peace talks to consolidate the covenant."

Wushuang opened his eyes wide: "This is fine too? You are not lying to me, are you."

Hei Pao said coldly: "The Northern Wei Dynasty is Dayan's number one enemy, and Jin is now in power anyway. If he can escape this time, he will come back again and again in the future. If he can't be eliminated, the most Well, don’t be the enemy. Muronglan is also caught in a dilemma anyway. Why don’t I be a good friend and let her return to Jin to reunite with husband and wife. Maybe Jin can be our help against the Northern Wei Dynasty. But now it’s useless. If Liu Yu doesn't lose, it is absolutely impossible to negotiate a peace. Whether or not Princess Lan can get what you want depends on your performance."

Wushuang said in a deep voice: "I will do my best to defeat the Jin army!"

Hei Robo nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, go down and prepare now. From now on, the general on the fifth floor is your chief general, and his orders must be carried out. Even if you want to die now, you can't hesitate. do you know?"

Wushuang and all the Lanhua dark guards said in unison: "I will swear my allegiance to the general on the fifth floor of Gongsun.

Gongsun sneered on the fifth floor: "I don't believe that you people are so loyal. The second big beard on the left would have looked at you a long time ago. What did you look at me just now? I want you to die now, listen. Do not listen…………"

Before he could say anything, the bearded spy laughed loudly: "Eldest sister, Princess Lan is pleased to you!" As he said, he slammed into the spear in the hands of a sergeant next to him, and suddenly broke his intestines. Flow, die out of breath!

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