Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2682: Grace and righteousness can win people's hearts

Suddenly, even in the black robe who is accustomed to seeing the world, his brows inevitably raised slightly, and Gongsun stayed in place on the fifth floor. He was always surrounded by slackers and horses, just follow him. He had the same character, which made him fundamentally disbelieve that there were people in this world who saw death like this. Watching that bearded guard fell to the ground and died with a smile on his face, he was at a loss.

With tears in Wushuang's eyes, he looked at Gongsun on the fifth floor and said word by word: "General on the fifth floor, do you have any other orders to give?"

Gongsun finally reacted on the fifth floor and stammered: "I, I just made an angry statement, don't you guys..."

Wushuang said loudly: "This is in the army. Your words are military orders. There is no joke. We will do every order you give, just like Brother Hu Xiyong. Now, the general on the fifth floor believes what we just said. Yet?"

Gongsun nodded quickly on the fifth floor and said: "I believe it. I have heard that the Lanhua Guards are well-trained and are not afraid of life and death. Today I finally saw this big beard, oh, brother Hu Xiyong died heroically, and I will surely doubly treat him in the future From his family, please put in..."

Wushuang's voice was a little choked: "As the national teacher said, we are all orphans of various tribes. We were adopted by Princess Lan since childhood. Apart from ourselves, Princess Lan is our only family. We know that this time I don’t want myself to survive. I just hope that the national teacher and the general on the fifth floor can abide by your promise. After retreating from the Jin army, they can release Princess Lan and reunite her husband and wife. In this way, we will all die without regret! "

Hei Pao said calmly: "Your wish, I will definitely fulfill it. However, it depends on your performance this time. If you perform well and can successfully defeat the Jin army according to my plan, then everything is there. Possibly, even if we kill Liu Yu, I will release Murong Lan as promised. She is my apprentice, just like she is your master. How can I abandon my apprentice so easily. Now I really do I was just afraid that she could not stand the stimulus when she saw her clan and her lover fratricide like this, and the mother and child were both in danger. This allowed her to rest. If my Majesty and I really had a murderous intent on her, how could we let her live till now? What?"

A hint of joy flashed across Wushuang's face, and he said, "Thank you, National Teacher, General on the fifth floor, please give me an order now."

Heipao said coldly: "You go to eat something first, take a break, you will fight for a while, if you have no energy, you can't do it, this handsome has something to explain to the general on the fifth floor, you go down first."

Wushuang and the others saluted and retreated, and carried away the bearded corpse by the way. The huge gate, except for a puddle of blood on the ground, became empty again, as if nothing had happened.

Gongsun sighed on the fifth floor: "I really want to know what exactly Murong Lan used to get these people to be so devoted to her, saying that he would die."

Insert an app: Perfectly re-engrave the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an interchangeable app-Mimi Reading.

Heipao said calmly: "Muronglan is different from ordinary spies. She is not driven, but caring for people. If she encounters danger, she will not let her hands go to death, but will use her life to cover her men to escape. Although these people They are orphans, but Murong Lan has arranged for them to start a family, establish a business, marry a wife and have children, and find a way to get their families and children out of this shady guardian status and become normal households."

Gongsun shook his head inconceivably on the fifth floor: "Is she stupid? The position of the dark guard is often one after another, so that their descendants become normal households. Then who will work? The spies I know, no One did it."

Heipao sighed: "He Lanmin is indeed the kind of person you are talking about, so at the last critical moment, her subordinates betrayed her. This is the main reason why I missed in the Northern Wei Dynasty. I used to think that this kind of dark guards can continue for generations. Guarantee loyalty, but after experiencing this incident, I discovered that people still have their own selfish desires. Sometimes, kindness and righteousness can make people more willing to die than coercion, especially when there is no other way to control others. "

Gongsun sighed with a sigh of relief on the fifth floor: "The human heart is the most difficult thing in the world to grasp. The words of the national teacher are really reasonable. But fortunately, you found Murong Lan's method to threaten these people. , Now they should be determined to tread on the ground, but I see these people, it’s okay to be secret guards and spy intelligence, if they are torn up frontally, I’m afraid they may not be better than the soldiers in the Helan Department. They can really do it. Play a role in determining the outcome of the war?"

A cold light flashed in Heipao's eyes: "One man desperately, the three armies fight for change, people are not afraid of death, devouring the world! There is a fundamental difference between rushing upwards without fear of death, and rushing upwards with a desire for death. That is what I want A person who regards death as liberation and glory, and a person who knows that death will never go ahead, because only such a person can carry out my task."

Gongsun laughed on the fifth floor: "I can't wait to know these tasks."

The black robe smiled slightly: "Good boy, come over here, let me tell you what to do after seeing wolf smoke!"

Jin army, big formation, front.

Already there were only 20,000 infantrymen in the Yan Army, who retreated like a tide amidst the sound of tight gongs. The sergeants who received the order to withdraw troops ran backwards like an amnesty. I didn’t even want to move the thousands of corpses abandoned in front of the formation. In the formation of the Jin army, there were bursts of cheers and laughter. The soldiers in front waved their weapons and beat them rhythmically. With the armor on his body and the shield in his hand, he celebrated the victory.

On the chariot that was two hundred steps away from the battle, Liu Jingxuan looked glamorous, looked at the battle ahead, and let out a sigh of relief: "It's really good, but the combat effectiveness of these Yan army is too weak, old wolf, you say , Shall we open the gate and pursue it all at once?"

Liu Fan smiled and said: "Ah Shou, if the slaves allow the fight to disperse, we can eliminate the 30,000 Yan army just now, but we were not allowed to take fifty steps from the beginning, and it is the same now. Our head-to-head confrontation , It’s just to buy time for the left-wing battle just now. Now, the battle over there is over, and the battle here is also divided."

Liu Cui on one side glanced at the left-wing car formation and shook his head: "I don't think the fight is over yet. Yan Jun seems to have added reinforcements and continue to attack. Both sides are fighting lively."

Liu Jingxuan was about to speak, and suddenly his face changed, because he saw a large pile of things covered with a curtain two miles away from the opposite side, slowly approaching him: "What is that?!"

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