Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2683: Where is the enemy's main attack?

Jin Jun, Central Commander.

Liu Yu's expression was calm, he glanced at the car formation on the two wings, and the corners of his mouth twitched gently: "Suppress evil, you said that the Yan army has added tens of thousands of infantry to attack the two wings of our army. Why?"

Wang Zhenya smiled slightly: "If it is a general general, such as Murong Chao himself, he may continue to attack because of anger, but Heipao is the kind of cold-blooded and ruthless master of warfare. The car formations on the two wings have proven that it cannot be broken by a strong attack. No matter how many people are piled on it, it is useless. The black robe should know this very well, but it still increases troops to attack. There is only one purpose, which is to cover his true nature. Direction of attack."

Yu Yue laughed: "Wang Canjun is right. Hei Pao used this trick just now. It pretended to attack our front and right wing. In fact, it was to use fire attack and raid to attack our army's left wing car formation. It's just a repeat of the old trick. Thousands of Yanjun elites have been killed in the left wing, and the Helan Division has almost collapsed. Therefore, now they have replaced the offensive with about 20,000 infantry. What they really want to fight is probably the right wing!"

Liu Muzhi smiled and said: "Geng joined the army, how do you see that the enemy is going to attack the right wing?"

Yu Yue confidently said: "The striker has fought, and the left wing has fought, so this time it must be the right wing to fight. If they don't fight like this, how can they know the importance of our army's defense and how the troops are deployed? Right, handsome."

Liu Yu shook his head helplessly: "Yu joins the army, no matter how cold-blooded and cruel this black robe is, it won't take thousands or tens of thousands of lives to try the battle. He should already know the deployment of our army. The attack will be the main attack like the previous assault on the left-wing car formation."

Yu Yue was boring, her face turned red, and she pointed forward: "According to the commander's intention, is the Yan army going to attack the forward of our army this time? Oh, so many things came all at once. With the curtain covered, what will it be? Is it a catapult, or a crossbow?"

Xiang Jing shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Generally speaking, war machinery cannot be at the forefront, because it is too close to the enemy and can be captured by a single charge. The forwards of our army did not put the carts and reject the horses. It is reasonable. It is said that they can attack at any time. Yan Jun will not dare to put the catapult on the front line."

Yu Yue said unconvincedly: "The ballista is a powerful killer like our Eight Stone Crossbow just now. It should be no problem to push it forward."

Xiang Jing smiled and pointed to the things that covered the curtain tightly: "Join the army, the ballista will not exceed five feet high. Because of the higher requirements for the bottom plate of the launch, the center of gravity will be biased. Low, and these things, look at them, they are a foot high, how could they be a crossbow machine? Even if our army’s eight-niu crossbow was placed on a cart just now, it was not so high."

Yu Yue murmured: "What the **** could that be? Could it be that a big shield was added to the chariot?"

Xiang Jing began to scratch his head: "I said that Yu joined the army. If it is a tank, there will be war horses in front of it. Our army's cart array is set up to prevent the enemy from impacting. Let it go, but the Yan army is going to attack. How could it be possible to fix the chariot with a large shield in place? You see, there are no horses to pull the cart now. It can't be a cart with a wooden shield."

Yu Yue gritted his teeth: "No matter what it is, should we preemptively and use the catapult behind the front army to smash them?! Or, let Liu Jingxuan blitz and hit them!"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Yu joins the army, don't worry, do you know if this is the enemy's trick to lure the enemy? Now that their weapons have not been made public, we don't have to rush to attack. Let's take a look. Take a step back. In terms of the black robe dared to push these things up openly like this, the arrangement was made long ago, not afraid of our army attacking and snatching. In the art of war, we need to know the enemy in order to win all battles. Now I don't know the enemy, how can I fight?"

Yu Yue smiled awkwardly: "The commander is still reasonable. I totally agree with you. Just wait and see the changes. Hey, what's going on in front of you, why the front army has pulled dozens of carts? Come back with armor and ordnance? Is there a shortage of equipment here in the Chinese Army?"

With a quick finger, he saw that more than a hundred steps before Shuaitai, more than forty large cars were pushed back from the forward. These cars were not equipped with shields, but were piled up with pale mail and leather armor. , There are even more than a hundred leather vests draped on war horses, and the flags of the Yan army, piled together, also occupy several carts.

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Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, Liu Guanjun and the others moved very fast. After a quarter of an hour, they stripped off the armor and flags of the Yan army's sudden riders that were wiped out in the front line."

Wang Zhen's evil eyes lit up: "Does the commander want..."

Liu Yu smiled slightly, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com waved his hand to stop Wang Zhenyi from continuing to say: "Now you don’t have to guess what, when it’s time to use it, you will naturally use it. By the way, suppress evil, you I also think that the enemy's main attack direction will be in front of our army?"

Wang Zhen's evil brows raised slightly, and he glanced around, more than 20 miles away, outside the car array, smoke and dust billowed, only the sound of horseshoes and the sound of killing, there was nothing to see from the car array fifty steps away. Up. He murmured: "It seems that there is only a frontal attack direction. Even if the two wings increase their troops to attack, we also have this indestructible array of vehicles. Fire attacks can also be prevented. Is it possible that the black robe is okay... "

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he turned to look in the direction behind the battle. He saw that besides a thousand cavalrymen, under the Shen family's battle flag, thousands of swordsmen armed with short soldiers and walking lightly, his brows frowned. Get up: "If the enemy circumvents the cavalry and arrives behind our army at this time, I'm afraid..."

Liu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly: "Suppress the evil, your worry is very reasonable. The quieter the place, the more dangerous it is, especially on the battlefield. Our army has no camps in the rear this time, and there is no black robe. I don’t know if our rear is strictly guarded, so he will definitely send cavalry to the back. Whether it is a test or a main attack, he will not completely ignore the rear army. Therefore, now is the time to strengthen our army’s rear defense, Iron Bull, You go to prepare, take your men, put on the armor of the Yan army on those carts, roll the flag and set off, go to the back formation to meet Shen Tianzi, go out first, to the area five miles behind the formation Hidden in the woods. By the way, those carts were all pulled to the rear and left to Shen Tianzi, telling them that if the enemy rides, listen to my orders and act. If there is no order, don't strike!"

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