Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2685: Wooden Armor Strikes with Rifle Armor

Zhang Gang rode a horse and stood side by side with Duan Hui. He looked at him with triumph. There were more than three hundred wooden armored organs lined up in front of him. At this moment, they were advancing and retreating, lining up in an attacking formation. With the rolling of the wheels, some wooden armored mechanics even wield weapons in their hands, and rotate the two large bows on their shoulders, or rotate them up or down, to adjust the angle of shooting. Almost every operation will attract them to these wooden arms. About a hundred steps behind the machine, the tens of thousands of Yanjun's central foot cavalry lined up to watch the battle.

Duan Hui sighed softly: "This is not the first time I have seen this thing. I think that when I was a general under Emperor Xian, I had seen Taoist priests of the Heavenly Master, driving dozens of such wooden armored mechanisms. The attack on Yecheng surprised me at that time. I didn’t think that there were such wooden weapons in this world that could move on their own and fight. When I was reading the Three Kingdoms, I saw that the prime minister of Shu Han Zhuge Liang, there was a wooden cow and a horse that transported food for him thousands of miles. , I thought it was bragging, but when I saw this thing, I really believed it."

Zhang Gang said indifferently: "These wooden armour techniques originated from the Mohist technique of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period. Zhuge Liang's wooden bulls and horses are also inherited from the Mohist school. Of course, these Mohist techniques may be traced back to the Xuanyuan Huangdi period. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl went down to teach him various secret methods. And since I was a child, I was interested in various organs and tricks. Later, the religion of God emerged. My Zhang family went to the religion of generations to believe in the religion. Brother Lu has a lot of inadequate artifacts of the organs. Knowing that I was obsessed with this, I asked me to develop this thing specifically. In the end, the battle of Yecheng was nothing but a small test for me. The wooden armors back then were far from mature."

Duan Hui opened his eyes wide, and said in surprise: "What, can these things be more powerful than the wooden armor institutions that attacked Yecheng?"

Zhang Gang laughed, pointing to the wooden armor mechanism in front of him triumphantly, and confidently said: "No matter its size, hardness, or flexibility, it is far better than that of the past. After all, I have spent more than ten years without sleep and food. I study this every day. Two years ago, I finally achieved success. Now these wooden armored organs of mine can even be armed with armor. They are one foot and two inches tall and weigh more than a thousand kilograms. The key parts and the interior are even made of steel, even for the Beifu army. The sharp knives and spears can hardly hurt my wooden armor mechanism!"

Duan Hui took a deep breath: "What, some are actually made of steel? But I see it here, but it's wooden armor."

Zhang Gang sneered: "That is to confuse the enemy. In fact, my wooden armor mechanism requires flexible movement, such as arms, shoulders, etc., which are made of wood. However, the front torso is made of solid wood on the outside, but the inside is not fake. It is made of a whole piece of fine steel armor, which is similar to the two armors worn by a cavalry suit!"

Duan Hui laughed: "Awesome, too amazing. I just saw some dwarfs crawling in from the back of these wooden armored organs. Are these wooden armored organs controlled by these dwarves hiding inside?"

Zhang Gang smiled and said: "General Duan's observation is very careful. That's right. This wooden armor organ is operated internally through organ techniques and relying on various interlocking levers to maintain operation. Although it is so large, it is because of the internal structure. It's complicated, so it can accommodate people to control the space, but about five feet, it must be a dwarf!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Gang gritted his teeth: “It’s not easy to train dwarves for so many years. In order to train this kind of dwarves, Tianshidao kept some children in iron cages since childhood. The development of their bones can take many years to become like this. And this training method, the first emperor of Dayan also helped me to maintain it, and only then trained more than a thousand people who can manipulate wooden armor mechanisms."

Duan Hui sighed: "This method is too cruel, there is harmony in the sky, no wonder I just saw many such dwarves have short bodies, but their heads are about the same size as ordinary people. It turns out that this is the reason."

Zhang Gang smiled slightly: "The body can restrict development, but the brain can't. If you are really a stupid person, you can't operate such a complicated tool. Moreover, after all, it is not your own body limbs, and there will be various accidents on the battlefield. , It takes a smart person to control it."

Having said this, his face sank, raised a red flag in his hand, and said solemnly: "A team of wooden armors, come forward, get close to the enemy a hundred steps, and shoot!"

There was a dull and monotonous sound from the wooden armored mechanism, similar to the sound of the force arm turning and throwing stones at the upper arm. The 30 wooden armored mechanisms in the first row were pushed forward by hundreds of sergeants. Go, and Duan Hui pointed with a big sword. There were three thousand well-equipped armored soldiers with long shields and spears. They followed the thirty wooden armor organs, lined up and followed. The distance behind these killing machines is about ten paces, and they follow each other step by step.

A trace of anger flashed in Zhang Gang's eyes: "The Beifu Army, that is the unending enemy of us people, my Zhang family, more than a dozen relatives died in their hands, and I worked hard to make a few The ten wooden armor organs were destroyed by Liu Yu in the first battle. It was my painstaking effort for many years. Today, when it is finally time for revenge, I want to see how the flesh and blood can fight against these war machines, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, Sergeant Beifu, how do you fight my wooden armor mechanism!"

Under the recommendation, the novel app I'm using recently, [\Mic\Mic\Reading\app\\] Both Android and iPhone support!

Duan Hui nodded: "These wooden armor mechanisms are sturdy and durable, swords are difficult to enter, and bows and crossbows cannot penetrate. Even if they are placed in front of the Jin army, they will have the advantage. Just now, our army's front army. The infantry and the Jin army stalemate and returned in a disastrous defeat, but with these artifacts, I'm afraid the victory and defeat will be reversed."

Having said that, he paused: "It's just that if the Jin army rushes out to fight in close combat and wants to destroy these wooden armored organs, I am afraid that dozens of wooden armors will still be difficult to resist. I have sent elite soldiers to protect them in the rear. The enemy's surprise attack succeeded."

Zhang Gang smiled and waved his hand: "General Duan, I am afraid you have not seen the power of these wooden armor mechanisms of mine. My children are not afraid of melee and fierce combat. The big knives and spears they hold in their hands are by no means a display. !"

While talking, the wooden armored organist had already advanced beyond the forward of the Jin Army, less than two hundred paces away. A cold light flashed in Zhang Gang's eyes, and he shook a yellow flag in his right hand, and carried a thirty-step cart. Suddenly stopped in place, motionless.

The front of the Jin army is still a shield with thousands of faces and a person standing high, blocking the inside tightly, and all the internal conditions can't be seen clearly.

Zhang Gang sneered: "It's such a bluff again, trying to lure me to attack, but this time you made a wrong calculation. There will be a variety of magic weapons in my wooden armor that you can't even imagine. It."

As he said, the red flag in his left hand was raised high, rotated two times in the air, and then suddenly fell down. This command, at the same time, shouted out from his mouth: "Wooden armor team, big Crossbow shooting!"

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