Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2686: Self-propelled mech against close shots

Following Zhang Gang’s order, these wooden armored organs about forty steps between the neighbors raised the second arm on the right. This wooden arm was about five feet long and half a foot thick. , With a six-stone crossbow, on the crossbow arm, there is a short crossbow about three feet long. The difference is that this crossbow is not a three-sided sharp spike, but a The barb-shaped thing resembling an iron anchor, the pointed tail, there are two reverse claw hooks extending backward, which makes people feel chill when looking at it.

The thirty-step crossbow was lifted and pointed at the big shields lined up by the opponent. A sneer was formed at the corner of Zhang Gang's mouth. The red flag was raised again, and then fell fiercely: "Shoot!"

The infantry behind the wooden armor mechanism shouted in unison: "Shoot, shoot, shoot!"

The sound of the almost uniform firing of the crossbow machine sounded at the same time. Thirty short barbs with barbed hooks swiftly drilled towards these shields on the opposite side. Everyone saw it clearly. The tails of these short beams were actually Dragging a long rope, and the car carried by the wooden armored organist actually lay a large bundle of long ropes, just behind the big crossbow, and hit it hard with the short strokes. Those shields and these long cables also took more than two hundred steps in the air. On this battlefield, dozens of long cables suddenly appeared, hanging in the air, just like the cables of the suspension bridge between the valleys.

And there were thirty Jin army big shields, all of them were hit hard, the pointed head plunged into the shield face, and the barb was firmly opened, hooking the drawing on the shield. The head elephants of those ferocious ghosts, along with the roar of the soldiers of the Yan army, had been waiting in the back of the car long ago. The sergeants who were pulling the ropes, a group of ten, pulled these ropes vigorously like a tug-of-war. Come, and with their movements, those big shields that were originally stable were pulled into the air, shaking and hitting left and right, and brought down several nearby shields. The shield formation that was still waiting for a while, In almost an instant, more than twenty gaps of one or two meters wide were punched, and the situation after the gap was also unobstructed.

After seeing the shield of the Jin army, there were densely packed archers standing, everyone drawing bows and arrows, crouching on the ground. Obviously, they wanted to use the shield's protection to hide themselves. Once the enemy came close, they would get up. Hanging from the sky, throwing thousands of bows and arrows, in the form of a rain of arrows that obscures the sky, splashes among the enemy troops who have invaded the shield formation.

It just opened more than 20 gaps in this way. These Jinjun archers were obviously a little surprised. Many people stood up unconsciously and looked at the situation on the opposite side. Obviously, they were lurking like this just now, and they didn’t know it was outside. Under what circumstances, seeing these unprecedented wooden armor mechanism people, many people showed a look of surprise, even stood up unconsciously, opened their eyes wide, and wanted to see the situation on the other side clearly.

The officers of the Jin Army made waves of yelling, causing these sergeants to squat down again, back down, and then waved, dozens of shields with big shields rushed forward, picked up the big shields, and blocked them. In the space that was broken, a shield wall was erected again. Except for the dozens of shields scattered in front of the battlefield, which were pulled down and broken, nothing seemed to have happened.

Zhang Gang smiled and said, "How about it, General Duan, in my first round of attack, I have discovered the reality of the enemy's formation. Compared with the death of thousands of sergeants, this transaction is much more cost-effective than the national division just now. Right."

Duan Hui smiled and said: "I can't think of the first attack of the big crossbow, it turned out to be pulling the shield, but I am also wondering why the Jin army keeps so many archers behind the shield, do they think they can rely on the bow and arrow? Have you restrained these wooden armoured men?"

Zhang Gang said coldly: "The range of bows and arrows is only seventy to one hundred steps. Maybe they thought that our wooden armor mechanism would take the initiative to fight. It's ridiculous! I have such a sophisticated machine. Exhausted bows, crossbows and arrows can be suppressed beyond their range. Why should they actively attack their shield formations?"

Duan Hui nodded: "Zhang Shangshu is very right. We have soldiers and horses here, but the enemy is cunning, and they will lay various traps. If we can't break the enemy's formation, look at the situation in their formation. If you rush it rashly, you may be caught in the enemy's trap like the previous attacks, and you will lose the lives of your soldiers in vain."

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Zhang Gang smiled slightly, picked up the red flag in his left hand, waved it twice, and said in a deep voice: "The second team of the wooden armor organ, go forward, meet the first team, a hundred steps away from the enemy, shoot the crossbow!"

Following Zhang Gang’s order, another thirty-step wooden armor mechanism was pushed forward. The thirty wooden armors of the first team, at this moment, slowly stepped down from the wooden cart chassis, like a The giant stepped forward.

Duan Hui couldn't close his mouth when he saw it: "Well, what's going on? How can these wooden armored robots walk on their own without pushing them?"

Zhang Gang smiled and said: "If you can only use a cart to push, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is not called a wooden armor machine, I might as well just get a few hundred big carts and put various ballistas on them. The wooden armor mechanism must be able to walk on its own."

Duan Hui's expression slowed down a bit, still full of surprise: "But, if you go to the front like this, will you not be afraid that the bottom plate will be unstable and you will fall down easily?"

Zhang Gang smiled and pointed to the footsteps of the wooden armored organist in front of him, and said, "Look at it, General Duan!"

I saw that the first group of 30-step wooden armor mechanismmen had reached the position about a hundred steps before the shield formation of the Jin Army. All the wooden armors raised their right legs high, and their use was much larger than when they were walking. Duo Jin stepped on the ground fiercely, Duan Hui saw it really, and at the moment the wooden leg was raised high, three sharp thorns were clearly stretched out on the soles of the feet, and they pierced hard. ground.

Duan Hui suddenly realized: "It turns out that this is the case. Using the steel spurs on the soles of the feet to plunge into the ground, and then stretch out the barbs to grab the ground, it is similar to the situation when a large car is parked with a wooden anchor. In this way, the wooden armor mechanism People can stay in place, it's hard to move."

Zhang Gang nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, just as you said, stay in place, no difference, wooden armor organs, first team, second team, open the crossbow and shoot through the enemy's shield!"

All the wooden armoured men raised their left and right inner arms, two large crossbows, and pointed directly to the front. On the seven-wheeled crossbow arms, crossbow bolts more than a foot long were installed, these six stones. Zhang Gang’s eyes flashed with excitement: "Northern Army, let me see how you can stop me." Crossbow Storm!"

Following his words, the yellow flag in his right hand fell fiercely, along with those sixty mechas with both arms held high, the switch of the six-stone crossbow.

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