Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2687: Stand still as stable as a mountain

Following Zhang Gang’s order, the sixty wooden armoured men began a salvo. The six-stone crossbows on each of the left and right inner arms were fired. The screaming sound hit the shield wall about a hundred steps ahead. The sound of "bang" and "click" is endless. Almost every time it hits the shield surface, it will knock down this heavy wooden shield, and even some of the surprisingly short strokes can directly penetrate the entire wooden shield and hit it. Broken, split into four or five pieces, scattered on the ground.

It’s just that this time the Jin army behind the shield was also prepared. As soon as the wooden shield was knocked down, a shield soldier rushed forward and erected a new wooden shield. Even some sergeants simply took that kind of human arms. The big wooden row formed by tying the thick wooden poles together fills in the shield formations that have been knocked down. At the moment when these big shields are knocked down, you can clearly see that the archers behind the shields are still Squatting on the ground as just now, motionless, that calmness and tenacity makes people believe that even if they hit them directly, they will still stay where they are.

The wooden armoured person a hundred paces away, every time the crossbow arm is turned, the next crossbow arm will be turned to the launching position, and the string will be re-arranged. Due to the powerful force of the six-stone infantry crossbow, the crossbow string is twisted It is more troublesome to open than a normal crossbow, and the wooden arms of the wooden armour are not really handy. Therefore, the firing interval is a bit longer. Almost every minute, the next arrow can be fired. This gives the Jin army sufficient It’s time to change the shield, prepare, and even some wooden shields that were knocked down, with Feiyan inserted on the shield surface, just like this, it was re-established, it looks like it’s flying in waves, with great momentum, but after four or five rounds of fighting like this , The shield formation on the opposite side is still standing upright and motionless.

Zhang Gang’s face was sinking like water. He did not expect that the wooden armoured man who imagined that he could easily destroy the enemy’s line of defense would not be able to break through the shield so easily. Holding the hands of the two flags, he had already held tightly. He became a fist, and his eyes were shining brightly, and he was plunged into thinking.

Duan Hui sighed: "These Jin troops are really well-trained, and they are not afraid of death. It seems that they can only shoot at a hundred paces and cannot cause great damage to the enemy. Zhang Shangshu, you and your wooden armor The agency guys have done a good job, let me come now and move my troops up to attack!"

Zhang Gang gritted his teeth: "General Duan, don't underestimate my wooden armor organs. Now it's just a sledgehammer test. I haven't used the real killer move yet."

Duan Hui uttered a soft "Oh": "This wooden armoured man is actually a long-range machine, made into a human form. Is there anything else?"

Zhang Gang said in a deep voice: "It is indeed a long-range man who is an organist, but long-range shooting is more than a crossbow attack, General Duan, let's see how powerful this organist like me is!"

As he said, he raised the yellow flag of his right hand high again, twirled fast and slowed on his head, turned three circles, and when he turned to the third circle, he suddenly put it down and shouted: "Go in the first fifty steps, The rain of arrows covers the back of the enemy's shield!"

At the same time, he also raised the red flag in his left hand, waved it three times, and then fell. The messenger behind him immediately raised his flag and ordered: "The third and fourth wooden armour team, come forward!"

The forward of the Jin Army, 300 steps behind the battle, Liu Jingxuan riding a tall horse, coldly watching the wooden armoured men a hundred steps ahead of the battle, stopped the crossbow strike, and started to move forward again, and behind them more than 200 steps In the distance, the sixty wooden armoured personnel, being pushed by the trolley, also moved forward. Behind their shield, people came and went, and the shield-bearers moved forward one after another, but the bows and arrows that were originally squatting there The hands were bent over and retreated one after another. There was already a turbulent crowd in the formation, and all of this could not be seen outside the formation.

Yang Muzhi also rode his war horse, standing beside Liu Jingxuan, and let out a long sigh of relief: "Champion, now these enemy organs have moved forward again. I think they are going to start shooting bows and arrows within a few dozen steps of our army. There are sergeants behind our shield, should we take the initiative to destroy these institutions?"

Liu Jingxuan shook his head: "It's not the time yet. The enemy is still in the probing stage. Besides, there are thousands of step armors behind these agents, and they also have long swords in their hands. They are not so easy to capture. After the shield formation, the archers withdrew, leaving only 10% scattered behind the shields, and the shields protected them in front of them. They cannot fight back unless I order them!"

Liu Fan opened his eyes wide, and thrust the knife in his hand heavily into the ground: "You only get beaten and don't fight back? A Shou, when did you become like this? This is not the character of our northern man."

Liu Jingxuan said in a deep voice: "Do you know these wooden armor organs well? Apart from remote shooting, what do you think these things have?"

Liu Fan kept silent, and Liu Cui on one side said thoughtfully: "I think, in addition to long-range shots, these organs also have long swords in their hands. They don't seem to suffer in close combat. However, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, I don’t believe that in this agency, the use of knives will be better than those of us."

Liu Jingxuan smiled slightly: "That's it. In fact, these agencies look scary, but now most of them can only be used as a fixed long-range shooting tool. The big deal is that we think it is the enemy's thousands of archers coming to shoot our army. It’s just a test shot by the enemy, as long as you stay calm and keep the array still, the enemy will not be able to play any tricks!"

Yang Muzhi's brows are still frowning: "But if the enemy forces use these wooden armored organs as a cover and send them to rush into battle, what should we do?"

Liu Jingxuan waved his sledgehammer confidently and pointed to the front of the opponent: "Look, everyone, these wooden armors of the enemy have already come up more than 100. From the beginning of more than 40 steps, they have become more than 10 steps. The gap blocked the route of the large-scale impact, plus the three thousand heavy infantry in the rear array, there is no room for cavalry impact. If only the bows and arrows cover these thousands of infantry forward, hey, I think you should know how made."

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Liu Fan nodded: "Understood, A Shou, I was anxious just now, I will go to the front to make arrangements."

Liu Jingxuan nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, old wolf, according to what we have been training, as for these organs..." He said that, hooking his mouth, "I will also observe their ability. Once all the ultimate moves for these things are used, it's time to crack them."

Having said that, he turned his head and glanced at Liu Yu, who was sitting high on the handsome platform, five hundred steps away. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Thinking that back then, I had personally seen how Ji Nu and Murong Lan joined forces. Kill that Xi Chao's King Kong."

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