Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2688: Inadequate forward foot combat

The Jin Army, the Chinese Army Commander Taiwan.

Liu Yu looked around as usual, looking around from time to time, but his gaze was focused on the wooden armored men in the front army, watching these killing machines move forward, while thousands of heavily armed infantry followed. , He nodded softly: "It's really a good cooperation."

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Using these sturdy and hard to destroy wooden armored robots as a long-range launch tool is a new idea. I think if all of their three hundred wooden armored robots are pressed, it is almost equivalent to five. If archers of more than 1,000 can shoot freely without a counterattack, they can even suppress the forward archers of our army. The weakest infantry of the Yan army may become the advantage instead."

Liu Yu calmly said: "A Shou, the old wolf, and the fox are all veterans who have experienced many battles. I don't know how many they have fought. They have been besieged by the enemy several times, dozens of times. Time is not without, this challenge is nothing to them. And..."

Having said that, he looked at Wang Zhenye, who stood silently on the side: "Suppress the evil, what do you think?"

Wang Zhenyi nodded his head: "The commander’s attention is probably no longer the striker. Although the wooden armored organs are wonderful, they may not constitute the ultimate move of this battle."

Yu Yue frowned: "Why doesn't it constitute a killer move? Just now Liu Changshi also said that these hundreds of wood monsters are equivalent to five thousand archers, plus there are tens of thousands on the front of the enemy. As for the infantry, not only these three thousand, but also tens of thousands of them, if they all bet on to attack in turn, can Liu Guanjun and the others really be able to stop it?"

Having said that, he swallowed his saliva, started waving his hands, and gestured: "Furthermore, we were able to defeat more than 30,000 enemy infantry with more than 10,000 forwards before, not just relying on bows and arrows, right? There is a huge advantage in shooting. Now if the other way round, we are suppressing the enemy, then they rush up and stab them with a spear. We are not going to fight back like just now. The advantages and disadvantages are reversed. Is it really not a killer move?"

Wang Shenai's expression was serious, and his lips were lightly opened: "I also think that Yu's participation in the army makes sense. These wooden monsters are just like the powerful King Kong controlled by Xi Chao on the stage of the stage fighting. I have seen its strength, Liu Chaqi, with your martial arts, it was so hard to fight this thing back then, I still rely on tricks to hit the black demon water inside the strong King Kong, and then ignite it with a fire attack. Wu, today these wooden armored organs are not so powerful, but there are hundreds of them. If they really rush to attack, with the height and strength of these monsters, the heavy infantry of our forward will be difficult to resist."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "His Royal Highness, please don't worry. The Vigorous King Kong is made of pure steel and is invulnerable to swords and guns, so it is difficult to deal with. But it is also because of this that the thing is too heavy to be controlled by ordinary mechanical skills. It’s not the levers and shafts in these wooden armors that support the movement of that thing, but the black demon water."

Wang Shen'ai nodded thoughtfully: "I overlooked this point. In that case, these wooden armoured men don't have the power of that strong King Kong? Even if they fight in close quarters, how can they be restrained?"

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, it's actually a large war machine. The main function is long-range. If it is close combat, I believe A Shou and the others can deal with it. And this thing is made of wood after all. It is not made of pure stainless steel, and it cannot stop our army’s Bailiansu iron sword, King Kong Dulongqi. If you really dare to go forward and fight, discipline him. If I use it, it will stop here. Ten steps away, it provides long-range support, suppresses our archers, and protects their infantry attacking, but this is the most stalemate and can’t break my forward formation. Therefore, the killer move of the anti-evil theory is not here. The judgment is still very good. precise."

Yu Yue's eyes widened: "Then, what is the purpose of the enemy's use of this thing in the front? Their ultimate move, is it the commander just said that they will separate their spirits and go around to attack after our army's formation?"

Wang Zhen said in a deep voice: "The general has been watching the enemy's movements on the two wings just now, not the front line of the car, but the air a few miles away from the car. If your subordinates expected it to be good, you are in the air. Look, are there signs of a large number of enemy riders maneuvering, right?"

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "In this battle, I would have guessed that the enemy might use mechanism skills. Now the appearance of these wooden armor mechanism people makes me relieved, and this thing will play tricks again. We also have ways to restrain. What really makes me vigilant is the armor-clad outfit. This is Nan Yan’s real killer, and it is also their greatest advantage to us. The movement of the armor is what I am most concerned about now."

Speaking of this, he showed a smile on his face and looked at Hu Fan: "Beard, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, you have been studying cavalry tactics for many years, knowing the situation of the cavalry when the brigade is maneuvering, in your opinion, the enemy Is there a cavalry movement in the army now, and in which direction is it going?"

Hu Fan said sternly: "In fact, the commander has already noticed that although the car formation on the left wing is fierce, but the smoke is not high, you can see that it looks like the infantry when it impacts, and the right wing is about ten miles away from the car formation. But there is a hidden black gas emerging in the air. Although it deliberately slowed down, it seems to be the smoke and dust created by Hu Qi in front of the dust, but in my experience, it is not the more than 20,000 light that attacked the right wing in the first place. The cavalry is a large-scale group with at least forty thousand horses. The smoke and dust are gathered together, not scattered and messy, it must be the fine cavalry of the brigade!"

Yu Yue jumped up suddenly: "What? Forty thousand? Where does Nanyan have so many armoured outfits, isn't it only 30,000?"

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Hu Fan shook his head: "Maybe Yu Changshi didn’t know much about armor clubs. The iron cavalry of these men’s vests had a huge impact, but because the armor was too heavy and fatigued easily, so only before charging. Only then can the horses wear heavy armor, and even connect the armors in a row to increase the power of the impact, so that the impacted enemy has nowhere to escape. These all take time, and the horsepower is limited after all. Let them In this way, running for a dozen miles in full armor, without having to fight, I will be exhausted first."

Yu Yue suddenly realized: "So, these armored armors will only change their outfits when they reach the attacking position, and they will attack? Then can we watch them when they are new, take the initiative to attack them, and beat them by surprise, instead of Let them change their equipment to hit us?"

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