Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2689: A handsome man with great power and responsibility

Liu Muzhi laughed: "It seems that Gong Yu hasn't read the art of war less. You can think of this trick, admire and admire it!"

Yu Yue's white powdered face blushed slightly, and rolled his eyes: "Mu Zhi, you don't have to mock me like this. Although our children don't read the art of war very much, they still understand some basic principles. Let's talk about this. In order to go out with the commander in order to be able to play my own role, I also read a lot of ancient military books such as Sun Tzu, Wu Tzu, and Sima. I also asked my guards in detail. There are a lot of military formations. This time we are going to serve the country upright, so we can't hold back."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Since he joined the army this time, he has made a lot of contributions, especially the Gongwentang newspaper in the army. Most of it came from the hand of Yu Gong. It has already amazed me very much. If the children of the family can be like Yu This is how the public worked tirelessly and served in the army to serve the country. The high-ranking family and the low-level gentry, including the people from the cold background, are sincerely united and dedicated to the country, so why worry about the great cause of the Northern Expedition? The suggestion you just made is very good. The head coach of the whole army, without any joke, will formally consider it."

A hint of excitement flashed across Yu Yue's face, and he smiled: "After all, his subordinates have never experienced a battlefield, but based on some of the art of war books, they felt that they were not able to stand firmly or attack them. Uh, this, the handsome man has experienced a lot of battles and is far better than me in this respect. My suggestion is to treat it as a fool, and occasionally have it."

Liu Yu nodded and looked at Wang Zhenye: "Suppress the evil, if you were an enemy general, how would you deal with Yu Junjun's style of play?"

Wang Zhenya calmly said: "Generally, the iron cavalry is mobile. Although most soldiers and horses are equipped with one man and two horses, the heavy armor is carried by the auxiliary horse, and even the knight rides on the auxiliary horse to save the physical strength of the main horse. It will not be completely unguarded. When the armored cavalry is deployed, there will often be light armor equipped with leather armor and mail armor. The medium cavalry will accompany each other as a guard. Even if the enemy is attacking at this time, they will often not get caught. In addition, when the army moves, the sentry will go first, and the outfitting of the armored cavalry will be carried out in a few miles apart from the sentry, and then line up, slowly walking to the attacking position, the Murong family has swept the world for nearly a hundred years, except It was because Murong Lin’s rear army voluntarily withdrew and attacked without defense. No one can be caught off guard."

Yu Yue heard the sweat on his forehead: "It's really good that Xiao Wang joined the army, so it seems that I am a classmate who is using an axe again, and my mouth is in chaos."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "All we need is for everyone to express their own ideas. As Yu Canjun said, sometimes we people are used to those routines and routines, so sometimes we will instead. Ignore this surprise. Your suggestion is very good. Maybe the enemy army is in pursuit of speed, or if our guards don’t seem to be reloaded, they will attack easily. If the enemy is not armed, then we It is possible to use other methods to lure the enemy into taking the initiative to attack. When they attack, they will use a surprise attack to counterattack, which can achieve the effect of attacking its inadequacy and its insecure foothold as you just mentioned."

Yu Yue turned to smile and said: "The commander said so well. I have seen this battle. All sorts of showing weakness, luring the enemy, ambushing, this military war, really is the most dangerous and brain-consuming action, I I used to think that only brute force can be used to fight a battle. Only after watching this battle for a few hours, I discovered that even the various hand talks and chess skills that we usually find laborious, witty and brain-consuming, are compared with this military battle formation. It's also superficial."

Liu Muzhi laughed and said: "Those war moves were originally modified based on the battle formation. How can there be such rigorous military affairs. Yu Gong, if there is a chance in the future, you should follow it out to fight more. I believe that with the wisdom of the public As long as you are willing to put down your figure and learn more in the war, you will definitely become a famous minister like Xie Xianggong in the future, and you will live forever."

Yu Yue laughed: "You fat man, you know that you mock me like this, but I just like to listen. Okay, let's ask the commander for advice. Is the whereabouts of the enemy armor now the direction you really care about? "

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, that's it. Just now Hu Canjun said that there are thirty or forty thousand horses, gathered in a group, and maneuvering from the right wing toward our back. Although they deliberately concealed it, the tens of thousands of cavalry moved. At the time, the long black dust dragon that lifted up ten feet into the sky cannot be covered. What I can be sure of is that their cavalry of about 40,000 cavalry is still wandering around on the right flank, and they have not said that they must go to our army. Later, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com did not rule out that it would be divided into a part of the troops. And the 40,000 cavalry, whether it is armored cavalry, or ordinary light cavalry, medium cavalry, is not easy to judge. If it is armored cavalry It’s not easy to judge whether it’s 20,000 cavalry or 40,000 cavalry with or without an auxiliary horse. They are so dusty to prevent our army from reconnaissance."

Wang Miaoyin let out a long sigh of relief: "It turns out that this is war. It changes in an instant, and it can change every moment. I have truly seen it. Although I have experienced wars before, I have never seen the overall situation like today. I haven't heard the commander analyze and judge the situation like this."

Liu Yu sighed, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes. He looked at the Meng Long Fu on one side and said quietly: "When I first entered the Beifu, like the Raptors, I only need to take the lead and lead the brothers to destroy. Just be sharp and break through the enemy line. Later, my position gradually increased. The brothers of the year were old, dead, and able to survive. Most of them were like me, ranking commanders and standing. In this kind of commanding place."

"Every decision we make now may cause thousands of people to die, or tens of thousands of people to live. If one does not pay attention, the whole army may be wiped out, and even the country will perish. Now I must calm down and exercise restraint. "

Speaking of this, he glanced at the opposite city head, and at a distance of more than ten miles, he could only see the yellow umbrella cover of the emperor from a distance. Even the people were just a few small points, it was impossible to see it. Maeng, he murmured: "For Murongchao and Heipao who are opposite, how can it not be the same? You gamble on the battle of national fortune, you die and die, today's day will determine millions of people in the two countries. The fate of many years this year. Black Robe, all this is because of you as a conspirator! This time I will not destroy you, I will not be a man!"

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