Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2670: The black robe trainer is breathtaking

Jin Army Car Array, right wing.

Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, the black robe was riding on the red, sweaty BMW, carrying a mace, and rushing unhurriedly. A petite woman with a red scarf head followed him closely. By her side, only her hands did not carry any long weapons at all, only a long sword on her back, and a pair of clear water eyes staring at the direction of the right wing, where the killing sound shook the world, from time to time You can see bursts of arrow rain rising into the air, like black clouds, so that the sun through the smoke and dust is also dim.

Heipao said coldly: "Mingyue, how about it, have you seen a real war this time?"

For this masked woman, Liu's eyebrows were bent slightly, and it was Mingyue. She smiled slightly: "I have really seen it. It's really powerful. Compared with this, our usual assassinations and fighting are just child's play. It is indeed a decision. The decisive battle of the fate of the country can be experienced once, and it is really dead without regret."

The black robe nodded and looked to the left. The tens of thousands of horses are galloping like a wave, with tens of thousands of horses riding on it. Half of the horses have riders on their backs, while the other half is empty. Pretending, he was implementing the grand strategy circuitously in a horse-riding manner. He raised his head and glanced at the smoke and dust in the air, then sighed softly: "It is still negligent. It is impossible to hide Liu Yu from such a large-scale maneuver. Yes, I knew it, maybe it would be better for the horses to be wrapped in thick felt on the hoof."

Mingyue nodded: "This is the end of the matter, and it is useless to regret it. Master, lord and brother asked me to greet you, saying that they will carry out operations in Jin country according to your requirements. Please don't worry, even if Liu Yu Taking advantage of luck on the battlefield will surely resolve their operations in the rear."

Heipao said coldly: "Those are just second-hands. If I can't even defeat Liu Yu and the Beifu Army on the battlefield, what face do I have in charge of the alliance, and what face will I go hand-in-hand with the captain?! Mingyue, this In World War I, I need your help!"

Mingyue smiled slightly: "Doing my best for Master is Mingyue's purpose here. It's just that when you were in Linqu City just now, you would rather use Wushuang these Muronglan's dead men than let me wait for it. The subordinates don't understand this intention. Could it be that they can be stronger than me?"

Heipao sighed softly: "You and Yuanming are good apprentices I trained by myself, and I can't live without them. I use Wushuang them to let them die, but you, I can't bear it. "

Mingyue’s eyes gleamed: "Master, today you are a little different than usual, how do I feel, you seem to be a little..."

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Heipao's gaze returned to the usual coldness, staring at the bright moon, and scared her to lower her head quickly: "The next time I made a mistake, I also ask Master to punish it."

The black robe hooked the corner of his mouth: "You are very good, maybe only you can see the similarities and differences between me and usual. In this battle, I really felt the pressure I had never had before. I stood behind and looked at Liu Yu, and He was face to face as an opponent, it really felt different."

Having said this, Heipao suddenly laughed: "But that's okay. I haven't had the feeling of meeting Liangcai for many years. It's worth my return to the battlefield, commanding thousands of troops again, and fighting vigorously. Perhaps only Liu Yu and Liu Jinu were qualified for the battle of Qingshi's name. Mingyue, do you know why I don't want you to stay in Linqu City, but go out of the city with me?"

Mingyue frowned: "This is what the subordinates don't understand most. It turns out that you didn't secretly order me to monitor Gongsun's fifth floor, in case this kid ran away again, and did you harm you?"

Hei Pao smiled slightly: "It was yesterday. When you first came, Gongsun's fifth floor was always greedy for life and fear of death. When it was critical, I only wanted to escape. So yesterday I needed you to monitor him, but today, the situation has changed. With this dead ghost, now he is probably the only person in the entire army who dare not escape. Therefore, the task of monitoring him is no longer needed. Instead, it is Wushuang these orchid guards. Originally, I needed you to control and use it. Now, Just hand it to Gongsun on the fifth floor."

Mingyue let out a long sigh of relief: "So, you removed my surveillance of Gongsun's fifth floor, which also reassure him. However, is it a pity that you didn't bring He Lanmin around to use this battle?"

The black robe hooked the corner of his mouth: "I still can't worry about Murong Lan. Even if she is pregnant now, Wushuang's subordinates have been blown away, but the more so, the more I think she will do something. He Lanmin will give me something. Forcing the poison in the water, indirectly killing Meng Longfu, it is impossible for her to turn her head back, and it is impossible for her to do anything for Muronglan to talk to Liu Yu secretly. So, this time, I just Asking He Lanmin to get blood on her hands will make it impossible for her to seek refuge in Liu Yu and become an enemy of me."

Mingyue's expression changed: "Master, you actually treat He Lanmin too..."

Heipao's eyes flashed coldly: "This is the technique of manipulating people. He Lanmin's plan in the Northern Wei Dynasty failed, and his son died in an unfavorable manner. It is hard not to hate me. Now it is because I have to save my life and add nothing. Wherever I can go, I can only rely on me, so I have to find a way to make her have a new bond with me. Muronglan may provide her with a way to turn to rely on Liu Yu, but I have to take this The road was broken in advance. We all know how deeply Liu Yu feels for his brother. Let Liu Yu know that He Lanmin is the witch who practiced it. Will He Lanmin still have a way to survive?"

Mingyue nodded: "I understand what the master meant, so now you are completely at ease with He Lanmin, and you are not afraid that she will go secretly with Murong Lan and betray you."

Hei Pao sneered: "Unfortunately, Murong Lan, she is my best apprentice, but she is trapped by love. She would betray the gods and the great cause for the sake of a martial artist. If it weren't for thinking about dealing with Liu Yu's back hand, I would have it. Her life is gone, and it will definitely make her die extremely miserable. Only in this way can Liu Yu be stimulated and make him lose his mind. Mingyue, you are a wise man, you should know what I meant by saying this."

A trace of fear flashed in Mingyue's eyes, and she hurriedly clasped her fists and said: "Mingyue has always been loyal to her master, and dare not have the slightest dissatisfaction. With this feeling, heaven and human can..."

Hei Pao said coldly: "Well, don't tell me this, you know what I don't believe is these. Don't think that I don't know some tricks between you and Yuanming at all. You are you, he is him, Wan If the New Year’s Taiping Plan is a big success, the love of men and women in this mere district is nothing. Once the big cause is successful, you don’t have to worry about not having freedom under the control of me and the cloak. But if before this, there are any small calculations, think If you want to ruin us, don't blame me for turning my face and ruthlessly!"

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