Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2674: Suspected for no reason

Jin Jun, handsome Taiwan.

Liu Yu calmly watched the striker’s battle. The Yanjun’s wooden armor had already invested in the sixth squad. There were more than 180 wooden armors. There was one after more than ten steps. It was in the top fifty of the Jin army’s battle. Step left and right, lined up, the bows and arrows above the shoulders are constantly firing, making a huge arc, like bursts of black clouds, flying across the sky, across the shield array, and finally sprinkled behind the shield, from them From the perspective of Liu Yu, I can’t see how many casualties have been caused to the Jin army behind the shield. I only know that the opposite side is quiet as usual without any counterattack. It seems that it has been completely suppressed, but from Liu Yu’s place, looking from the direction of Shuaitai, Shield The next sergeant, who was already less than five hundred, dug a hole quickly and got in at this meeting, while the shieldman put a large shield on the heads of these sergeants, and half buried themselves in groups of two. , Even if the arrows rained down from him, it would be hard to hurt the sergeants in these shelters and shields.

At the back of the wooden armored organs, the Yan army is in line. The three thousand soldiers who were guarding the back have increased to tens of thousands, and they have begun to put the long and heavy armored infantry in front and the archers in the back. As long as another quarter of an hour or so, they should go into battle. Unlike the 30,000 leather armor or light helmet infantry that Gongsun's fifth floor commanded to attack before, the infantry who went into battle this time were all full-body armor. The elite soldiers armed to the teeth, the weapons they use are also round swords, long swords, large shields and sharp axes. At first glance, they are elite heavy infantry. It seems that they are ready to break through from the front.

Yu Yue hadn’t spoken nervously for a long time, and finally swallowed her saliva, took out the water sac beside her and poured water into her mouth, gritted her teeth and said, “That’s it, just passively beaten like this? If it’s an enemy infantry. Come up, what can I do, is it possible to hide in a pit and wait for people to kill?"

Liu Muzhi said calmly: "Gong Yu, what are you anxious about? Previously, Liu Guanjun won two consecutive battles at the forward, especially in the first battle, when he wiped out five thousand assault cavalry. The enemy was afraid of ambush again, so he didn't dare to attack with all his strength. , Now the heavy armored infantry lineup is obviously just coming up to test. If they really attack the front line, our army will naturally have a way to resist. Those wooden armored personnel are just shooting arrows, and they won’t be able to break my big lineup. , Don’t worry."

Yu Yue turned his head and glanced at the two wings of the car formation, her brows were still tightly locked: "The two wings are also besieging round by round. Although our car formation is indestructible, it is not a problem to be passively beaten like this. It's all in the smoke and dust, and I don’t know how many rushed up. Our more than 30,000 elite soldiers are dragged on the two wings like this. It's a pity. It's better to draw some elite soldiers and put them in the front army, and then take the initiative to attack and break the enemy in one fell swoop. The formation also destroyed those wooden armored organs. This should be our Beifu army's style of play."

Wang Shenai smiled slightly: "Yu joins the army, please stay calm, I think Liu Cheqi should have broken the enemy long ago. The enemy's current attack, except for a bit of pressure on the front, is just a bluff, Liu Che The place where you are really worried about riding, I am afraid it is still in the rear."

The corner of Liu Yu's mouth twitched: "His Royal Highness sees that the enemy's cavalry unit should have turned to the rear army, but Liu Zhong sent a message just now. I am afraid that there are less than Qianqi who came to the rear army. They should be here to test. Yes, the response of the Shen brothers and Wu Bing will be the key now."

When Yu Yue heard this, her eyes widened: "The commander hasn't personally ordered the order, no, hasn't he personally led the troops to reinforce the rear army? The soldiers of the Shen family brothers, but the old thieves before the Tianshidao, the critical moment I don't know if I can rely on it."

Liu Yu frowned. He said to Yu Yue in a harsh tone for the first time today: "Yu joins the army, please be careful. The Shen brothers used to be confused and threatened the thief, but then they repented and repented. All these years have been loyal and reliable. When the righteous teachers established their righteousness, they also made great contributions. They have already washed away the shame and sins of the past. On the battlefield, they are all brothers who share life and death. Please don't just doubt their loyalty. ."

Yu Yue gritted his teeth: "But after all, they have betrayed Dajin and killed a lot of officers and soldiers. When our army was strong, it was temporarily attached. If the battle situation is unfavorable or dangerous, it is hard to say. Originally, the commander asked Liu Zhong. Leading the cavalry to the rear army is also to monitor them, but now..."

Liu Yu said coldly: "Yu joins the army, if you really want to struggle with the past, it seems that you and I have also betrayed Dajin. You have been a thief. You said that the Shen family brothers have been thief, then you and I are not. I was once a courtier of Huan Xuan and slumped into the pseudo-Chu? Is it because I can't believe it, and you can't be trusted?"

Yu Yue's face suddenly turned pale, three points whiter than the powder he had just wiped on his face. He said incoherently: "I, I didn't mean that, I meant to say..."

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Liu Yu sighed: "Well, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Yu joined the army, Yu Gong, I understand what you mean, but on the battlefield, soldiers are all brothers and sisters. If you don't trust them, don't take them out. I will take them. I believe that every soldier who has passed Daxian Mountain is a hero loyal to Dajin, not a traitor. This kind of unfounded suspicion, it is better not to say, so as not to affect the morale of the army. I sent Liu Zhong to the rear army, It is to follow Shen Yunzi's orders and to reinforce to resist the enemy cavalry. It is not what you think of surveillance. If you fight together, if you have doubts in your heart, you will become a more terrifying enemy than the enemy. Understand?"

Yu Yue gritted his teeth, stood up, and touched his waist deeply: "The humble post makes a mistake, please forgive me, the commander."

Wang Shenai sighed softly: "Although the general said before that we should work together and make suggestions, there are some things that should be paid attention to. The former army’s Liu Guanjun has also fallen to Nanyan. If you don’t believe this, That suspicion doesn’t need to be fought in this battle. Yu Yu, although I am a son and daughter of a family, in the Great Jin Dynasty, most of the king’s masters were from poor families. At this time, that kind of lofty arrogance should be put away.”

Yu Yue’s body was in cold sweat, and the clothes on his back had been visibly wet. He kept saying: "His Royal Highness said that I was abrupt. It was me who was abrupt. I would like to receive military law."

Wang Shen's beautiful eyes flowed, and his lips were lightly opened: "Well, Liu Cheqi and Yu joined the army are also very loyal, and seeing the war anxiously, this is a bit agitated, and I can't say anything. Please forgive him this time."

Liu Yu calmly said: "It's okay, I know he did it out of good intentions. However, with the rear army, the current strength and layout can deal with thousands of light knights. If you encounter a large number of armored knights, I am afraid it will still be a little bit. It’s hard work, but I set it up like this, because I have to figure out one thing."

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