Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2675: Feed the enemy's mind

This time even Liu Muzhi asked: "What's the matter?"

Wang Zhen evil smiled slightly: "The commander wants to understand, I am afraid that the black robe is still moving. Only where he is, the main force and ultimate move of the enemy's real attack are there."

Liu Yu nodded with satisfaction: "Suppression of evil is very good. The position of the black robe is what I am most concerned about in this battle. At this time, although he dispatched the wooden armored organs to attack the forward of our army, he himself absolutely It won't be there. Armored uniforms are the real ultimate move of the Nanyan Army. Where they are, the black robe will be there."

Wang Miaoyin's eyebrows are still frowning slightly: "Then have you found where the black robe is now?"

Liu Yu pondered for a moment and shook his head: "It's hard to say, although there should be a brigade of enemy riders who went to the rear army, but it is not the black robe leading the team, it is hard to say that as the coach, he should be in control of the overall situation. The rear army, it means that the forward and the two wings are fighting, and it is impossible to see clearly. If it is me, it may not be the choice."

Hu Fan widened his eyes: "After changing to another general, can he rest assured? This is the armored uniform, Nan Yan's most elite main force."

Liu Yu nodded: "So, I need to judge where the black robes are based on the specific performance of the enemy. Now it doesn’t necessarily mean that the cavalry of the enemy brigade has arrived in the rear. Even if these are armored cavalry, the black robes must be. Will be there. There are many variables in this battle, including those wooden armored personnel of the forward. I don’t think it will be just these two things. Judging from the use of black robe soldiers, it will never allow us to easily determine the direction of the main attack. It is a full-scale feint, at the cost of the soldier's life, but also to make us misjudge and ignore his most deadly blow!"

Wang Zhenya suddenly said, "Will the black robe do the opposite, the commander? Just a sudden attack, spotted the weakness of our army, one blow was fatal, and it was in battle with you many times before. Be the first to rush into the battle, and don’t ask for a full-scale attack. Black Robe is also a master of the art of war. He knows the impermanence of soldiers. Maybe, he will use our prejudice about his use of war to surprise me!

Liu Yu's expression was solemn, and he said with a serious face: "There is indeed such a possibility. Hei Pao has never appeared on the battlefield before, and he does not know his military skills. All he knows about him is nothing but what he did in this battle. For performance, maybe all his actions are to confuse us, so I will pay attention to the rear army. Once the real brigade strikes, I will make corresponding arrangements."

Hu Fan frowned: "Marshal, do you mean the soldiers and horses brought out by Tie Niu? Is it just to deal with this trick?"

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "It is not time to say this, but we do need to prepare early. The left-wing Tanshao is passed on, and the command will be temporarily transferred to the Sun, and the Sun will command the left and Tanshao will be assigned. To the left-wing Shenjian assault camp, two thousand men and horses, all of them went to the rear army to stand by. Under the control of Shen Yunzi."

Wang Zhen's evil expression changed: "Well, how can this be done? General Tan is the left-wing leader. Let him leave his position at this time, but the army is restrained, I am afraid that he will be dissatisfied."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "Everyone must be determined to die in this war. What can't be seen by the officials and subordinates in this district? If they lose, everyone will die and fight for this. What's the use of high and low? Tell Tan Shao that there is a very important task that he cannot perform, and the assault battalion of God Arrow left by the bottle cannot be completed!"

Hu Fan nodded: "I believe that General Tan will accept this arrangement. However, if you want to defend the rear army, you must use heavy infantry and bring a car array. This will prevent the enemy's cavalry from charging and let General Tan. Bring the archer over, I'm afraid it won't make any difference."

Liu Yu said calmly: "I have my own arrangements for this. On the left wing, the enemy can't attack by fire. They have suffered a big loss. They no longer have the strength to attack. No matter if the black robe uses soldiers again, we will not break through in this direction. You don’t need to concentrate too many soldiers and horses here. You can also slowly move to another direction behind you. Let Tan Shao go to the army to stand by. In addition, let the right-wing Zhu Lingshi, Xu Chite, Also bring the other half of the God Arrow assault battalion assigned to the right wing, come to the Chinese army to assemble, and wait for my order."

Yu Yue widened his eyes: "Marshal, is this really okay? The archers on the two wings are completely withdrawn like this. What if the enemy forces attack the two wings?"

Liu Yu calmly said: "Before sending the Shenjian assault battalion to the two wings to assist, it is not that they are really expected to take on all the tasks of long-range attacks, but to prevent the enemy from suddenly investing a large amount of troops, especially armored equipment to attack the car array. , We need to have a rapid and powerful arrow rain suppression to buy time for the realignment of the formation. But now it seems that the two wings cannot be the target of the enemy’s attack, and the black robe just came up with a fire attack method, since it has failed , Will not be used again, because today there will be no more strong wind direction to help him attack. Although the armor is strong, it is impossible to easily break through the two wings of the car array. He can use the direction of the armor attack, or It’s either the forward or the rear! This is where I dared to withdraw from the two wings!"

The fat on Liu Muzhi's face jumped: "If it is the enemy's armor and cavalry, UU看书www.uukanshu.com will forcibly attack our forwards. Our forwards do not have a large array of vehicles and can only rely on heavy infantry. Hard top, will there be flaws?"

Liu Yu smiled and waved his hand: "Hei Robo tried to attack our forward before. Although Gongsun Gui violated the order to attack, Hei Pao never forced him to withdraw from Mingjin. This shows that he actually hoped that Gongsun Gui would do the same. The latter result was the best for him. He did not personally order Gongsun Gui and Five Thousand Tuqi to die, and he was able to slay his prestige. If it were not for this trick, I think the Yan army would attack the car formation behind. He will be so determined and brave. This person has a deep heart and an insight into human nature. Even in such a battle, he dares to use his subordinates to realize his own goals. He is really a strong enemy."

Wang Zhen said with a stern face: "The black robe tried to show that our army forwards have ambushes and kill formations. They are all elite veterans of the North. Covering tens of thousands of heavy-armed infantry attacks, this way, although it cannot make a breakthrough in one fell swoop, the victory lies in a steady and steady attack, and will not be in an ambush. However, in this way, it also loses the explosive force and suddenness required to break the enemy in one fell swoop. , There is no room for attack, and it breaks my striker in one fell swoop."

Liu Muzhi's brows still frowned: "The armored kits are not good at speed. If they are hiding in a heavy armored infantry queue and approaching quietly, suddenly impacting when they are about a hundred steps away from our army, how can this method of tactics be? block?!"

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