Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2677: Open the door to the people

Everyone looked at Liu Yu's fingers, and saw a group of cavalry, emerging from the smoke and dust, bypassing the car formation on the right wing, and turning in the direction of the rear army. ahref="http://"target="_"/a

Yu Yue widened her eyes and pointed at these cavalry soldiers, her voice trembling: "Come, here, they, they are here, sure enough, as the commander, the enemy cavalry, that is, they are coming to attack us, we The rear army!"

Wang Shenai's eyebrows frowned slightly: "But these cavalrymen do not seem to have heavy armor, nor do they have one person, two horses, or even three horses like Liu Cheqisuo. They use a pair of horses to carry heavy armor, even other regular ones. There is no banner for the cavalry unit. I see that the knights on these horses are not like cavalry, but like guards. They don't even wear leather armor. Are they just scouts?"

The fat on Liu Muzhi’s face jumped: "His Royal Highness is doing well. Not only is there no armor, but their weapons are mostly swords, not even bows and arrows. Even if they are scouts, they should have some bows and arrows to defend themselves. In my opinion, these are not regular sergeants at all, but rather intelligence killers."

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, they are just lightly armed killer guards."

Wang Zhen said in a deep voice: "Marshal, I think something is wrong. If it's just for reconnaissance, you can send out a few scouts, or even dozens of cavalry. There is no need to dispatch thousands of men and horses. What is the black robe? What's up?"

Hu Fan raised his brows slightly, touched his beard, and said thoughtfully, "Could it be that I want to rely on these assassins to get into our rear army, and then pretend to be our army, taking advantage of the chaos. Come in for assassination, or create chaos?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "It's unlikely. They don't know the situation of our army's rear army. Now our army's rear army is defended by elite Wudi light soldiers, not ordinary heavy soldiers, civilians, this time our army. If you don’t set up a big camp, Heipao knows it, I think, he let these people come, I am afraid it is a temptation. See 1 woolen thread 3 Chinese website"

Yu Yue was surprised: "Tentative? Rely on these killers to attack our army's rear army?"

Liu Yuzheng said: "Yes, compared with the regular army, killers have one advantage in that they are not afraid of death, and they act lightly. If our army's rear army also deploys the car formation, then these people may take the opportunity to sneak in, or set fire, or It is the destruction of the car formation. These people are good at it. The average killer will be trained to understand Chinese and can change his appearance. If you temporarily change into our army's armor, you can sneak in while our army is not prepared. It is not that you have not succeeded in sneak attacks. It's possible that if our army's rear is really slack in defense, then the armor and cavalry outfits that follow will come in."

Yu Yue's expression changed: "What, there are armor and riding outfits behind?"

Liu Yu calmly said: "Even these killers and light soldiers have come around, not to mention the armoured cavalry of the brigade. We knew just now that at least 40,000 horses bypassed the right flank and went straight to the rear. There were only about a thousand people. Assassins, there will be no such aura. Behind them, there must be more than 20,000 armored riders. It is very possible that the armored riders at this time have already changed in the smoke and dust, and they are starting to attack."

Wang Zhen said in a deep voice, "Then how should we deal with it now? Do you want to give Shen Yunzi of the rear army an order to let him..."

Liu Yu waved his hand: "No, Yunzi has experienced many battles. I think he will already understand what happened to the enemy. This is a rare opportunity for Wudi light soldiers to perform. In this battle, I will not give orders, but let them completely. Play."

Wang Zhen's brow furrowed: "But Wu Bing has always been light-hearted and lacks discipline. It is easy to lose control and restraint when fighting. I used to cooperate with Shen Tianzi before. In the battle of Jiang Cheng, he just went too far. , Almost messed up the formation, even if the commander does not want to order directly, it is best to make corresponding arrangements later, so as not to..."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "You don't need to hire people, you don't need to use suspects, you see, Yunzi has now dispersed the front of the opponent, opened the formation, hides his own strength, and is ready to lure the enemy into the battle. I think, this Fight, Wu Bing will definitely prove his strength!"

The rear army of the Jin army, outside the battlefield.

Mingyue’s beautiful eyebrows frowned, looking at two hundred steps away, the door was wide open, the formation of the Jin army was scattered, the ground was in a mess, and there were some horses, wooden bars, and more than a dozen carts, all lying on the ground. On the ground, it seems that this is a camp that is preparing to be built, but is temporarily scattered. Because of the appearance of the enemy army, these civilians who built the camp are scattered and fleeing, and the voice of "The Yan Army is here, run for your life" sounded. Thoroughly everywhere.

Next to Mingyue, a black-clothed assassin with double knives on his back, named Gray Wolf, smiled and said: "Big sister, it seems that the national teacher is too cautious. Liu Yu hasn't told him that he is so godly. He still thinks. Set up camp here."

Another short assassin named Iron Monkey, holding a short gun, sneered and said: "The appearance of a decisive victory is just for the soldiers fighting ahead, UU reading www.uukanshu.com In order to inspire their fighting spirit, so that they can advance or retreat, but the rear army still has to camp. After all, Dayan has hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, even hundreds of thousands of pigs, and it is impossible to kill them all. If we can't finish the fight, we will naturally have to set up camp and fight again in the future. However, Liu Yu's abacus was broken for us, and the rear camp was only half built, so we ran into it."

Mingyue still hesitated: "It's just that, is this Liu Yu's trick to lure the enemy? He is very cunning. Even today, our army has suffered a few big losses."

The gray wolf licked his lips: "This is the rear army, eldest sister, Liu Yu wants to lure the enemy, and he will only lure the enemy from the front and the two wings, in the rear. Sister, you can't afford to lose your chance. This time, it’s a good opportunity for us to make great contributions. Among Liu Yu’s tens of thousands of troops, there will always be thousands of civilian men who can’t fight, and there will always be people who can do some chores. Now these people are scared to us. Fleeing, as long as we follow in and yell at them, Yan Jun is here, run away! It will definitely shake the entire enemy army, or even collapse it."

Mingyue gritted his teeth: "But we are killers after all. It's okay to engage in hand-to-hand combat. This kind of cavalry assault is not my commander. Even if these people escape, Liu Yu will definitely send reserve troops to plug this gap. People, when the time comes, they will be trapped inside, I'm afraid they will be wiped out!

The iron monkey blinked: "Isn’t it the armored knights of the brigade, eldest sister, as long as we issue an order to summon the armored knights to come to help, follow us in the battle, then it will be over, eldest sister, don’t hesitate Right, brothers are willing to join you in making contributions!"

Mingyue gritted her teeth and waved her hand: "Let's let go of the smoke and rush with me! All cheer up, Yan Jun is here, run for your life!"

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