Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2678: The cavalry rushes to break the formation

The Jin Army's rear front, southwest, five miles away.

An eight-foot man, his whole body was tightly wrapped in two layers of pig iron armor, and a large ice wolf's skin was covered on the outside. In the wide open wolf mouth, there was a big fight-like face with twists on it. With four or five inch-long scars, it looked like he looked fierce. There was a fierce light in his eyes, and he shouted sharply at the five thousand knights behind him who were armoring their horses and armored. Point, hurry up, the impact is missed for a while, and you know what the consequences are!"

This person is Murong Guang, the deputy commander of the armor and is also a veteran who has been following Murong De for many years. He has experienced many battles and made great achievements. If not, he would not be a general in this armor. , Even his Murong surname was given after meritorious deeds, and his original humble surname of the Xiongnu servant tribe who broke Liuhan was no longer mentioned.

The strong wind blew, Murong Guang's ears moved, and he muttered, "What are these Chinese words, hello, Duan Buluo, do you understand Chinese, do you hear them clearly?"

Duan Buluo is Murong Guang's guardian. He is clever and fluent in many languages. Naturally, including this Chinese language, he usually acts as Murong Guang when he comes out to raid Han villages and threatens Han people to pay for food and money. The interpreter when he was handing a woman, at this moment, he pricked his ears and heard a few words from the wind, his face was beaming, and he smiled: "Guangshuai, great joy, they are shouting, Yan Jun is here , Run for your life! And it's not just one person shouting, there are thousands of people shouting!"

Murong Guang widened his eyes, "Is he really calling for his life?"

Duan Buluo nodded affirmatively and said: "Yes, it is true. Listening to the accent, it seems like the Wu people from the south of the Yangtze River are shouting. The soft accent is not the same as the voice of the Jiangbei people."

Murong Guang nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that Miss Mingyue has succeeded. Grandma's, a woman rushes faster than us, rush forward! But why is there no signal?"

Before he finished his words, Duan Buluo's excited and excited voice rang: "Guangshuai, the wolf smoke, the wolf smoke is rising, three strands, black, all black!"

Murong Guang put up the awning, and looked around, he saw three completely black wolf smoke rising into the sky from a direction five miles away, and with the rising of these three wolf smoke, it seemed that the "yan army came from the wind". Now, run away!" The voice was a lot louder, and more people were yelling at this.

Murong Guang laughed loudly: "Good job, have you all heard it? So many people are yelling, besides those Jin people who fled, Mingyue and the others must have already entered the enemy line and started to shout, now I lit up the smoke, just to take the opportunity to follow up, and broke the Jin army in one fell swoop. Grandma’s, Liu Yu, Liu Yu, you can guard the front, guard the two wings, but I did not expect that our Dayan’s iron cavalry can go around. Take your life behind you! Listen, everyone, don't put on your vests, just get me on horses!"

Duan Buluo's eyes widened: "Guangshuai, don't worry about this time, at most a quarter of an hour, this vest can be put on, otherwise the horse will not be protected, we..."

Murong Guang glared at Duan Buluo viciously, so scared that he closed his mouth quickly, only to hear Murong Guang's voice echoing in his ears: "You kid knows a fart! Put on your waistcoat in a quarter of an hour, and then After a quarter of an hour, even if Liu Yu was a pig, he had already transferred his troops. You wouldn’t think that just relying on Mingyue’s light assassin would really be able to break this Jin army formation. They are now Fortunately, there are no soldiers in the opposite rear. Only some civilian auxiliary soldiers can succeed. If they wear armor and go there, I am afraid that it will be too late to collect their bodies. It just happens that the horse can run faster without armor and give it to the rear. The national division of China gave the signal and said that our army would respond first, and asked him to come to help as soon as possible."

As he said, he waved the golden hammer in his hand and shouted at the sergeants who were mounted in succession behind him: "Each team listens to the order, and the whole army rushes into the enemy's formation. The last sergeant was not allowed to distribute any spoils after the war and was confiscated as slaves!"

Hearing these words, countless iron knights immediately fluttered with four hooves, a piece of blue armor frenzy, like the ocean, rushing to the direction of the rear army of the Jin army five miles away!

Jin army, rear army.

Mingyue rode on a horse, clashing everywhere. By her side, there were more than a hundred guards following her. The gray wolf and the iron monkey followed closely behind her, galloping on horseback, and shouting loudly: "The army of Yan is here. , Run for your life!"

Mingyue suddenly raised his hand and stopped the horse. This made the hundreds of riders behind him unable to control their speed. Almost several riders collided. These killers, who were not good at riding skills, took a long time to rein and whip before giving up their seats. The riders stabilized, and the scene was a little messy.

The gray wolf wondered: "Sister, why did you stop suddenly?"

Mingyue frowned and pointed to the surrounding area: "We have been hundreds of steps into the battle. Have you ever seen a Jin army or a civilian husband killed?"

The Iron Monkey raised his short spear and pointed a hundred steps ahead. There were dozens of people dressed in common clothes and turbans running wild, saying, "Aren't there these people in front? We are chasing these people into the battle." what."

Mingyue shook his head: "We chased them when we first entered the battle. How come we have not caught up with them? These people run so fast. Do you think they will be people's husbands?"

The gray wolf hooked the corner of his mouth: "I heard about the training of the Northern Army. It takes UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com to run hundreds of miles a day. When Huan Wen was defeated and fled back then, he could also escape 800 miles in four or five days. Jin people, you can’t fight wars. It’s not surprising that you should be quicker when you run for your life. Besides, wood, carts and other things are scattered everywhere in this ghost place, which affects our riding speed. Otherwise, I’m afraid we would have caught up long ago. !"

A trace of vigilance flashed across Mingyue’s face: “What do you know? If we can’t even catch up with these folks on horseback, then 80% will have a problem. Can you survive those people?"

The iron monkey widened his eyes: "Oh, it's really like what the elder sister said. I just chased and didn't pay attention. Looking at the two legs of these people, the speed at which they gallop is not weaker than ours. Could it be that we... ………"

Before he finished his words, he only heard a strange laugh from the ground on the right: "I just reacted now, it's too late! Today is your burial place!"

While talking, I saw a huge man who was as strong as a bear, leaping up from the dust, and following him at the same time, there were hundreds of swordsmen with strong skills, holding short soldiers, and a bunch of flying swords and halberds. As they leaped up, they rushed towards their faces, accompanied by his roar: "When I saw the Yan Wang, I said, the one who killed you, the third son of the Shen family, so is Shen Tianzi!"

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