Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2679: Wu Bing fights the killer group

Following Shen Tianzi's roar, a pile of hidden weapons such as throwing knives, halberds, and hatchets broke through the air, and the gray wolf yelled, "Beware!" A side roll slid off the horse and fell to the ground. , After all, he is a top killer who has experienced many battles and killed countless people. This time his reaction speed is far better than that of ordinary people. But the moment he landed, the horse he was riding just sighed and fell down. On the other side of the horse body, three throwing knives were hit. The knives had no handles. The blood flowed across the hilt. The four hoofs struggled twice, pulling the knife more and more, and the intestines flowed out. , And soon died like this.

The gray wolf rolled over and rolled six or seven steps away from the ground, avoiding being pressed by his mount. At the moment he bounced, Shen Tianzi waved a giant axe in his hand, and followed with it. After the dead horse, he laughed and said, "Good skill, it seems that he is also a master."

The gray wolf gritted his teeth. He looked around and saw that there were already more than 20 of his own subordinates who had fallen off the knife. After all, not everyone has the skill of several of their bosses. He pulled out the long sword in his hand, turned his head and screamed at Mingyue behind him: "Sister, flash, I'm dragging them here!"

The iron monkey leaped off the horse, holding the short spear tightly in both hands, and let out a long roar: "Are you from Wu Xing Shen's family?"

Shen Tianzi smiled proudly: "Yes, I am the third son of the Shen family, Shen Tianzi, look at your costumes, and not those Nanyan Xianbei people. Since I am a Han, why do I help the foreign race do evil?!"

Mingyue gritted her teeth, waved her long sword, and a flying knife stuck to the body of the sword shook to the ground. From this, it can be seen that her kung fu is obviously above the two hands, at least sitting upright. These hidden weapon raids could also be shot down immediately, her eyes were shining, and she looked directly at Shen Tianzi: "Wu Xing and Shen Clan had also joined the Heavenly Master Dao, but the five tigers of the Shen family killed a lot of the Jin army, why do you turn it around for Liu? Yu effect?!"

Shen Tianzi's tiger glared and sneered: "Unexpectedly, it was a woman who would lead these killers. Our Wu Xing and Shen family has always been loyal to serve the country. It used to be because my father was blinded by an adulterer and thought it was for the country to eliminate **** and stray into it. If the thief’s den, if it weren’t for the marshal’s protection of our brothers, he gave us a clear path of meritorious redemption, I’m afraid we would have been hanging the gates. In order to repay the marshal’s grace, our brothers and each family Qu, you are all willing to serve the commander. It depends on your skill, which is also the skill of our Wudi. If you are willing to reform, it will not be too late!"

Mingyue laughed: "Shen Tianzi, don't think that you can win by setting up an ambush here. Dayan's iron cavalry has already been killed. How can it be possible to stop the armor and cavalry with you, Wudi swordsmen? You must lose this battle!"

Shen Tianzi smiled and waved a big axe: "Then we will solve you first, and then we will meet those legendary armor-riding clubs. In the past, the handsome and fat Changshi kept saying that we have a ghost in Dajin. These shameful deeds, today, you finally showed up. Since you are unwilling to submit, let's take it!"

As he said, he rushed forward, and the gray wolf and the iron monkey came out together with their swords and spears. They fought with Shen Tianzi, and the killers who were still alive also jumped off their horses and greeted in all directions. The Jin army rushing over, suddenly, the swords and swords were shadowed, killing them all around into a ball.

Mingyue instinctively waved his sword and wanted to go up, to hear the gray wolf's roar: "Big sister, flash, tell the army behind what happened here!"

The long sword that Mingyue stretched out suddenly stopped in the air, and Shen Tianzi's thunderous roar echoed in her ears: "Don't run, some species will come down and fight me!" But as he roared, the giant axe in his hand carried the wind and thunder. The sound, rolled up the dust on the ground, it was the gray wolf and the iron monkey two first-class killers that were two to one, and they couldn't get close to him, and they were forced to retreat again and again.

Mingyue's heart was awe-inspiring, and she secretly thought that she was in an ambush. I was afraid that assassins from other directions would be lured and ambush just like her. And this Shen Tianzi's natural supernatural power, extremely high martial arts, and wearing heavy armor, using his own long sword to fight with him head-on here, I am afraid it can't be taken advantage of.

She looked around in a blink of an eye, and in just a short while, more than a dozen killers around her fell. The Wu Di family soldiers of the other side were obviously also martial arts and swordsmen, although most of them were just wearing leather armor and soft armor. , But the sword is released quickly, and two or three swords are combined to strike in an orderly manner. The killer of this side often has to face the attack of five or six people at the same time. These skills are also affected by this narrow battlefield environment. Obviously, if you continue to fight, it won't take a long time for the remaining hundreds of assassins to be completely lost here.

Mingyue gritted her teeth, flicked the horse's head, and pierced the horse's **** with a long sword. The horse hissed in pain, flew with all four hoofs, and ran toward the outside of the battlefield. Several Jin army swordsmen saw her about to run. , Rushed to the horse to stop, UU reading www.uukanshu. com saw Mingyue wave his hand repeatedly, and several dark lights flashed away. The two swordsmen who rushed in the front threw away the weapons in their hands and covered their throats. There were two blood holes in the throat. Fresh blood and broken throat bones poured out from these two blood holes. Seeing this, the sergeants in the back couldn't help but halt. In this moment of effort, the bright moon galloped past, from about two feet wide. Going out of the mouth.

Shen Tianzi flew an axe, sever the short spear that the iron monkey had set up, and slammed the axe blade into his chest. The iron monkey spurted blood and fell on his back, while the gray wolf on the other side He had already kicked him to the ground just now. After Shen Tianzi put the two down, he took a glance and just saw Mingyue burst out. He was so angry that he picked up a set of bows and arrows on the ground, and set the arrows on the string. He was about to shoot at Mingyue's back, which was more than sixty steps away.

A strong wind hit behind him, and Shen Tianzi's expression changed. He threw the bow and arrow in his hand, and turned aside, but saw that the gray wolf was covered in blood, waving the long sword in his hand, and said sharply: " The third son of the Shen family, we haven't finished the fight yet, we will never die!"

Shen Tianzi gritted his teeth, took the giant axe that was thrown on the ground just now, and strode forward: "If you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

After the Jin army, a hundred steps outside the battlefield.

There were bursts of hugar noises, and the five thousand Yanjun armoured horses had formed a formation here, forming a wedge-shaped formation with the ordinary cavalry, which was different from fifty horses or one hundred horses. These armoured outfits are three hundred horses in a row, and they are lined up about two miles wide. They are all in double armor, but the horses are bare and without inch armor. At first glance, people will think it’s weird. of. While Murong Guang was holding a sledgehammer upside down, before the horse-riding army, listening to the sound of fighting and screaming from the formation, his brows gradually frowned.

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