Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2680: Deceive the enemy into battle

Duan Buluo was excited, holding a big iron rod in his hand, pointing to the building materials and wood scattered on the opposite side, and said: "Guangshuai, the Jin army is really unprepared here. The Mingyue girl and the others have already rushed in. Now, listening to the calls in that formation, we should be chasing and killing the maimed enemy, at least three hundred steps into the formation, and we won't attack again, I'm afraid we will all win the credit."

Murong Guang's brows frowned: "You kid, you know that you are impatient. Why can't you hear the sound of those shouting in Chinese just now? Mingyue and the others have all gone in, and there is no one left outside. Don't you think it is strange? ?"

Duan Buluo's face changed, and he murmured, "Yes, there are murderous sounds inside, but there are no such screams when the Han people fled for their lives. Could it be that there are any variables in it?"

While they were talking, the two horses rushed out of the formation, and the two knights on the horse, dressed in black clothes, had long swords in their hands, all stained with blood. Even in the sword slot, drops of blood were still flowing, and one after another fell to the ground, and the small cracks on the sword body proved how many enemy soldiers the two had killed just now!

Duan Buluo said solemnly: "Stop, who is the one coming?"

The one on the left, wearing a pair of pale earmuffs, showed a lean expression in his expression, and said, "I am waiting for Sister Mingyue. I am here to welcome the army on the order of Sister Mingyue! I don't know which one is coming. General chief?"

Murong Guang's mouth hooked, and he secretly said, these people called Mingyue's name in one mouth, and the costumes were the same as those of Mingyue's subordinates. There should be nothing wrong with it. However, didn't the national teacher explain our identity to Mingyue, why? These two people don't even know if I am the leader?

Thinking of this, Murong Guang said solemnly: "Since it is Mingyue's subordinate, how come you don't even know who will answer it?"

The one on the right, with white face and slight beard, calm temperament, smiled slightly, and said: "General, I'm just a small soldier who is ordered to act. Sister Mingyue asked us to come here to meet the army, saying that the national division has already made arrangements. I will only wait. We just need to welcome the iron cavalry into the battle. As for which general led the army, she did not explain us."

Murong Guang's brows stretched, and he nodded in satisfaction: "Then why don't you leave the responders outside the battlefield, and all of them are in the battlefield?"

The rider on the right was dressed by Shen Yunzi. He commanded Shen Tianzi to ambush Mingyue just now. He also happened to learn the name of the opponent's leader and knew that it was a woman. So he took the plan and came out with Shen Qingzhi to lure the enemy into the battle. , Mingyue stayed outside the rear army to release the wolf smoke, and took over the more than ten assassins of the Yan army’s cavalry, and she had already led Shen Linzi to solve it. Hearing Murongguang’s question, he calmly said: "General, The eldest sister has not many brothers, and there are less than a thousand horses. When we first arrived, there were only one or two thousand people who were fleeing enemy soldiers and civilians, and there were one to two thousand auxiliary soldiers. When we saw us, we left all these preparations. The camping materials are running around. Because we are short of manpower, the eldest sister ordered that a few brothers be left to let go of the wolf smoke, and all the others are in the battle.

As he said, he pointed to a small mound more than two hundred steps away, where there were still a few wisps of black smoke rising from the three piles of firewood that had become ashes, and smiled slightly: "It's the smaller pile of firewood. After ordering, the eldest sister sent a signal inside, asking us to go in and help, so we all went in."

Murong Guang no longer had any doubts, and smiled and nodded: "Boy, you are very clever. Seeing you look like this, it should be the right and left hand by Mingyue."

Shen Yunzi pressed his hands on his chest and gave a military salute in accordance with the Xianbei Army system: "Little Yunzi is the captain of the first squadron next to Sister Mingyue. He has seen the general. I don't know how the general is called?!"

Duan Buluo proudly pointed to Murong Guang: "This is our general Yan Guo, the deputy commander of the armored cavalry. This is also the Nanban colonel General Murong Guang, you have to remember this name!"

Shen Yunzi hurriedly said: "It turns out to be General Murong in armor and cavalry. I have no eyes but please forgive me!"

Murong Guang waved his hand: "Finally, depending on your riding skills, it's not bad. Among the Han people, it is very rare. If you perform well in this battle and make a contribution, this commander can recommend you to join the armor. "

Shen Yunzi’s heart is clear. In Nanyan, every sergeant takes the honor of joining the armor. After all, it is the best unit. Whether it is equipment, military pay, or even the share of post-war looting, it is higher than the average unit. Many, among the Hu people who dominate with strength, only the best fighters can enter such troops.

Just now, while talking to Murong Guang, he also observed these armored outfits, which also proved his guess that almost every knight on a horse is better than the one he has seen before. The Xianbei cavalry had to go for a lap, and even the horses were extremely sturdy, tall and strong. The weapons in the hands of these soldiers are mostly heavy blunt tools such as heavy hammers and rods, weighing dozens of kilograms, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com can be held in one hand, and everyone has a large bow of at least three stones hanging on the saddle frame, and the arrows are all heavy arrows that grow half as long as ordinary arrows. A talented soldier visible to the naked eye, in Shen Yunzi's heart. With emotion.

However, Shen Yunzi still said solemnly: "Thank you for the great general's kindness, but I'm just a killer spy with some swordsmanship, not an armored warrior who specializes in riding and shooting. And we have followed the older sister for many years and received a lot of favor and care from her. Even if the general can think of us, he still needs the consent of the elder sister. Yunzi dare not be expert."

Murong Guang nodded: "It's kind of loyal, Captain Yunzi, this commander likes you more and more. By the way, how is the situation inside now?"

Shen Yunzi hurriedly said: "We followed the eldest sister all the way in. The Jin army and civilian husbands of this army were scattered and fleeing. We were also chasing and killing them all the way. We went straight to the enemy's army, so we divided some brothers to set fire and cause chaos, but most of the brothers followed all the way to kill them, and they were already less than a thousand steps away from Liu Yu's handsome platform."

Duan Buluo laughed and said, "Captain Yunzi, you are really capable. The forward and the two wings of the army have died and tens of thousands of people will not be able to enter the battle. If you have less than a thousand people here, you can actually kill Liu Yushuaitai in less than a thousand steps. Locally, if this battle really breaks the Jin army, you have done a great job."

Shen Qingzhi touched his ear protectors and said, "But the eldest sister was in the enemy's army, and encountered a large number of Jin army infantry from the Chinese army. They were all heavily armored and long-stretched, but the formation of the enemy should be temporarily transferred. I blocked the army. So the eldest sister asked us to move the rescuers quickly. If it's late..."

Murong Guang directly pointed at the opposite camp with a sledgehammer, and said in a deep voice: "The whole army listens to the order, follow me into the battle!"

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