Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2682: Xun Yuanming in front of the black robe formation

Tao Yuanming nodded thoughtfully: "It's true, Master is worthy of being a master of art of war. No one can compare with you in grasping these."

Heipao sighed: "It wasn't for Liu Yu, this kid. I didn't think I was invincible in my life. I thought I could cultivate into a god, and then ignore the common affairs of the world, but I met such a powerful opponent." Speaking of this, He suddenly laughed, "But it’s okay. Before becoming an immortal, if you can defeat the strongest king on earth, you don’t have to regret it. In the final analysis, Liu Yu has been tempered for me all the way, and he is half mine. An apprentice can be regarded as half of your classmate, Yuanming."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "It's a pity that he doesn't know the current affairs, and he doesn't know the destiny. If he followed Muronglan to submit to Master and Lord, and join the League of Gods, this would not be the case."

Heipao sighed: "The only thing I miscalculated is that Murong Lan could not be afraid of my restraint, and finally betrayed me because of Liu Yu. Yuanming, will you follow in her footsteps?"

Tao Yuanming's face changed, and he knelt down quickly, and said in a deep voice, "Tui'er was so broken and smashed by Master's grace that he didn't want to repay him. How dare you..."

Heipao said coldly: "Well, it's useless to come with me. It's not the first time I told you. Now you are willing to obey and use it for me. It's nothing more than the thing in my mind, Murong Lan. I was trained as a dead man since I was a child, so I didn’t fear life and death, and finally dared to betray me. And you, no one in this world wants to live more than you. Therefore, I have to remind you that you are a wise man, how to choose, yourself Figure it out."

Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth and still knelt on the ground: "Master has said so clearly, and Yuanming has nothing to say. I can only use actions to prove my loyalty. This time I will come to watch the battle with you on the order of the lord. Contact, even the junior and sister did not meet each other, isn’t it just that loyalty to you outweighs my personal affair."

Heipao smiled slightly: "Yuanming, you have to understand the rules of the alliance. Don't talk about feelings here, only about strength. Without that ability, you are not worthy to be ranked in the immortal class in the future and enjoy longevity forever. Loyalty is the first thing. Let’s not mention it for the time being. For example, Murong Lan, you know how strong you are, but if you are not loyal, it will only be overwhelming."

When he said this, he paused, and said meaningfully: "Just like you and your younger sister, although you have a good relationship, why did your lord send the two of you to find me separately? I think you should understand What does it mean in the middle."

Tao Yuanming's face changed, and he hurriedly said, "Master, the younger sister has always been loyal to you these years, she has always been loyal to you, she is a killer, she can only perform tasks, and has never had any ideas of her own, please... ..."

Heipao said coldly: "Murong Lan is also a killer, what's the result?"

Tao Yuanming shook his head: "It's different, it's different, Murong Lan, she, she has been bewitched by Liu Yu, and she has real love, and this will be..."

Heipao smiled slightly: "Ah, it's love. I almost forgot that there is still this thing in this world. So I have to thank Murong Lan for letting her know about such great and noble human emotions again. No? However, you and your junior sister were trained and grown up by me since childhood, childhood sweethearts, watching your Tao Gong’s strategizing and playing around the world, the concentration that is still not shocked in the face of thousands of sins, unexpectedly will show me for the bright moon Kneeling and pleading, it seems that this true love has once again made the old lady feel."

Tao Yuanming bit her lip tightly: "Master, Mingyue is absolutely loyal to you. Just like you let him take his subordinates to try out. Knowing that it is dangerous, she also went without hesitation. It is enough to prove her loyalty."

Heipao said coldly: "But, you seem to be more worried about life and death this time than she is. Now you can't wait for me to send troops to help you rescue Mingyue, right?"

Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth: "Yuanming just feels that Mingyue is useful to the master and lord after all. She is a top killer. After Muronglan is unwilling to use it for you, she is the most suitable candidate for action. Now you have tried out the reality of the enemy formation. Sacrificing her for nothing, there is no need for this."

Heipao sneered and said: "Let her go to the battlefield to be a risk. For all those who take risks like this, I must be mentally prepared to be dead. It is even more impossible to give up my plan to save these people. This is not aimed at Mingyue. One, but the way of using soldiers. Otherwise, what is called a merciful general? Yuanming, when you drive your men, you will save someone out of feelings, rather than risk the failure of your plan?"

The muscles on Tao Yuanming's face were beating, his eyes gleamed, but his hand gradually became a fist.

Heipao looked at Tao Yuanming's appearance, and smiled slightly: "Muronglan's matter has made me understand a truth. No matter how good a subordinate is, once emotional, he will also give birth to a strange heart. UU reading www.ukanshu.com, you see, I Before what happened to Mingyue, you started to have opinions on me. If Mingyue really died in the formation this time, you..."

Tao Yuanming suddenly stood up from the ground and grinned: "If Junior Sister really lost her life this time, it would have been a catastrophe for her and missed the chance to cultivate immortality. Yuanming has nothing to regret."

Heipao was a little surprised, looking at Tao Yuanming, his eyes gleaming: "Can you really think like this?"

Tao Yuanming nodded: "Of course Yuanming thinks so. I live not for her, but for myself. You are right. If she can't escape, it means she doesn't have that life. Go to Yongxiang. Xianfu. Although I regret it, it is not a pity. Let alone blame Master."

Heipao laughed: "Yuanming is indeed a smart person. If you can think of it, I am relieved. However, you should also know that if you sent 20,000 armors and horsemen to the battle for your teacher, it was enough to save her. It’s up to her whether she can save herself or not."

Tao Yuanming said solemnly: "Follow Master's teachings."

The black robe brushed the dust on his body and said: "Well, before I decide to order the next step, you can talk about it first, this time the cloak will send you here, what do you want to say and do?"

Tao Yuanming said: "The lord entrusted me to ask you that he has arranged for Lu Xun to start an uprising in Lingnan. Liu Yi also has the opportunity to take advantage of this strategy. Would you like to do it now?"

Heipao's brows frowned and said, "Isn't it the original point that if I succeed here, don't you want him to do anything? Why do you want to move these two chess pieces?"

Tao Yuanming twitched the corner of his mouth: "Probably because he is afraid that the situation here is unfavorable, he won't have time to make a move."

Heipao said coldly: "The battle is not over yet, wait until I'm really unfavorable. Moreover, he is doing these things now, and it won't help me in this battle."

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