Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2683: I want to make the black robe impossible to return

Tao Yuanming was a little surprised. He stood up, patted the dust on his body, and said, "But no matter if this battle is won or lost, the lord is a good will. Moreover, it is not only for you, Master, but more to deal with Liu Yu, regardless of Whether Liu Yu can win this battle, we must make sure that he can never return to the capital again!"

Hei Pao sneered: "I'm afraid, the person who asked you to come, more than Liu Yu, hopes that I will never return to Jiankang."

Tao Yuanming's expression changed, and he bowed his head and saluted immediately, not daring to face the black robe's gaze: "Master, please don't hesitate, the lord and Yuanming have no intention of this. Yuanming is just, just following orders."

Heipao said coldly: "Yuanming, you have never been a person who was ordered to do things, only ordered. That is Mingyue, not you. What we value you is this ability to be alone and make decisions on the fly. Among all the apostles, you are one of the best in this regard. Well, even if he really has such a mind, he won’t tell you. You don’t have to worry about anything."

Tao Yuanming heaved a sigh of relief, straightened up, and said: "The lord and Yuan have clearly discussed the follow-up changes. We all feel that Liu Yu is absolutely invincible with the master’s talents, so the lord’s arrangement is to allow Taking advantage of Liu Yu's failure, Liu Yi united with Xie Hun, Xi Sengshi and other disciples of the family, and then persuaded Sima Dewen to dismiss Liu Yu from all positions in the form of an imperial edict, and let him take Liu Laozhi's precedent and join the army in vain. You cannot return to Beijing if you stay in Jiangbei."

"And Liu Yu's soldiers will be homesick and homesick more eagerly than before when they are defeated. They will definitely not stay with Liu Yu for a long time in the north. This is equivalent to separating Liu Yu from his men in this way. Liu Yu, without the army, is a fish that can be slaughtered. When the time comes, as long as the master sends his master to the south to attack Jiangbei, and the lord cooperates in the DPRK to obstruct the reinforcements and rations, then Liu Yu will have three heads and six arms. There is no reason to survive. When Liu Yu dies, the Beifu army has no leader, He Wuji, Liu Yi, and even Liu Jingxuan will fight for power and profit, and even trigger a new round of civil war. At this time, let Lingnan’s heavenly masters take advantage of the void. , You can seize the world in one fell swoop!"

The black robe stared at Tao Yuanming, whose mouth was frothing and frowning. He waited until he finished speaking, with a smile still on his face, accompanied by Tao Yuanming's last powerful wave of his arm, as if it had been given to Liu Yu. With a fatal blow, he shook his head and said calmly, "Yuanming, your biggest problem is that you have more than strategy and not enough generals. The things on this battlefield are not much better than those of the children of the family. This analysis of yours just now seems reasonable, but in fact it is irrefutable. I can tell you now that these things will never happen!"

Tao Yuanming was stunned for a moment: "Why can't it happen?"

Heipao hooked his mouth: "Liu Yu was not Huanwen. He wanted to destroy my Nanyan in the Northern Expedition and regain the land lost by the Han people, instead of fighting a few victories to make political money for himself. So you see that he sent troops this time, that is non-stop. Even Shannanju County didn't have much consolidation, and the whole army directly forcibly crossed Daxian Mountain."

"After crossing the mountain, he did not camp, and did not rest. The 60,000 army just used the chariot as a cover to forcibly attack Linqu City. This is a desperate way of fighting against Liu Yu like this. In the first half of the step, Nan Yan is about to collapse. There is no choice but to fight here. You can see how tragic the battle is today. This battle is to determine the fate of the two countries. Just today, after today, Either a big victory or an extinction of the country, there is no third possibility!"

Tao Yuanming was astonished: "Does it really matter in one day? Or will it determine the fate of the two countries?"

Hei Pao nodded affirmatively: "Yes, that's it. Liu Yu and I have no way out. If he loses, the heavy infantry will not be able to escape the chase of the cavalry, and there is no camp to defend. It will only wipe out the entire army. And I have concentrated almost all of Nan Yan's elite here. Murong Chao is also a personal conquest. If he loses, Nan Yan will be destroyed. Even if he escapes to Guanggu, it is just a lingering life."

Having said this, Hei Pao paused: "Maybe, your lord’s arrangements are only effective in this case and can save me who was besieged in Guanggu. However, if Liu Yu really wins, Liu Yi He didn't dare to jump out and fight him, even when the outcome is unknown now, Liu Yi would never dare to make trouble in the rear."

Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth: "Then let Lu Xun and Xu Dao cover up their troops and attack the capital in advance, how about?"

Hei Pao shook his head: "It's not necessary for the time being. Not to mention that the two leaders of the Tianshidao are also ambitious and difficult to control. Even if they raise troops, they will be thousands of miles from Lingnan to Jiankang, Liu Yu. Arrangements and arrangements were made when leaving. Liu Yi’s Yuzhou, He Wuji’s Jiangzhou, and Liu Daogui’s Jingzhou each had tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. Only the tens of thousands of Tianshi Dao and barbarians in Guangzhou wanted to fight Jiankang. , Even with his secret assistance, it would be difficult to go to the blue sky. If I really lose in the battle, even if I can escape to Guanggu, UU reading www.uukanshu.com may not insist on raising troops and forcing Liu Yu to return to the rescue. It's time."

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Tao Yuanming glanced at the direction of the Jin army's rear position in the distance, and saw smoke rising into the sky, a large number of flags with flying bear patterns in the armour outfits were fluttering, and the sound of iron hoofs treading on the ground could be heard even more than ten miles away. It was clear that a hint of joy flashed across his face: "Is this the iron cavalry of the country of Yan? It is really amazing. Since Liu Yu's rear army has been opened, there is no reason to stop the cavalry. In this battle, I I don’t believe that Master will lose!"

The black robe hooked the corners of his mouth: "In any battle, before thinking about winning, thinking about defeat first, I have to make the most thorough consideration. These arrangements of the cloak have no effect on me on the battlefield, and its usefulness after the war. It’s not too big. He did it for himself. Regardless of the victory or defeat, he could take the opportunity to take power in Jiankang. Now Wang Shenai also followed Liu Yu out, Yuxi fell in the hands of Sima Dewen, and the cape should There are many ways to get the prince to give the order he wants to give. Yuanming, you are helping him do this, right."

Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth: "Master, you know the rules of the League of Gods. If it is the lord’s order, I cannot disclose it to anyone, including you. I can only say that now I need to give you the lord’s opinion. Tell me whether you agree or not, so I can go back to my life."

Heipao's eyes flashed coldly: "If it's just a messenger, I definitely won't need a talent like you, and if you want to realize his plan and manipulate Sima Devin, then the key person is Liu Tingyun, who can get in touch. Liu Tingyun’s is the only one for you. But you are here now, indicating that there are more important things for you to do here. Now, tell me what you want to do!"

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