Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2685: Re-stepping out of the top 2 clubs

Duan Hui's brows wrinkled slightly: "You won't have a problem with these wooden armoured men. A hundred steps away, if the bow is pulled a little loosely, then it will be shot on the head of our army."

A hint of dissatisfaction flashed across Zhang Gang's face: "What's the matter, General Duan, are you suspicious of my wooden armored organs? You haven't seen their performance, but there is nothing wrong with it. !"

As he said, the flag in his hand was waved down heavily, a mechanism rang, and the sound of gears rang. More than two hundred wooden armor mechanism personnel, all put away the door panel they held in their hands, and were filled with bows and arrows. Their big shields, their arms drooping, they picked up the big sword inserted on the ground with the outer arm of their right hand, and swiped at the shield. They only heard the sound of "cracking", those stuck on the shield. The arrow shaft was chopped off by the big blade, and the arrow shaft fell all over the ground with the tail of the arrow. Only the arrow, which was less than two inches, still on the shield surface, was still shaking slightly.

With the fall of the big shield, they had already reorganized their formation behind the wooden armored organs. The Yanjun archers who were ready to launch again raised their bows to the sky and shot them from a distance. This time, they Divided into more than three rows, firing in turns, I saw arrow rain bursts into the air, along with the bows and arrows issued by the shoulders of the wooden armored organs, wave after wave, almost always, and unexpectedly with the bow and arrow of the Jin army. The firing frequency is similar.

Duan Hui let out a long sigh of relief: "Your wooden armored mechanics are really like tacticians, but if this thing is so easy to use, can you directly use them to attack the enemy's formation?"

A smile appeared at the corner of Zhang Gang's mouth: "All this must be subject to the arrangements of the national teacher. Now, it is not the time! General Duan, don't hesitate, go!"

Duan Hui nodded, and turned to the messenger beside him and said solemnly: "The heavy infantry in the messenger stepped forward. The first three thousand people lined up to attack the enemy's formation."

The messenger's face changed slightly: "General, there is that terrible eight-bow crossbow in the enemy's formation, and step forward in a dense formation of infantry, if it is..."

Duan Hui waved his hand impatiently: "The national teacher said, the enemy's eight crossbows are only arranged on the two wings, and there are few frontal ones. Just send the order, and I will be responsible for the lives of my subordinates!"

The messenger hurriedly blew the horn and stood in front of the wooden armored man. In the hands of the more than 3,000 heavy armored longs who stood up and protected with their shields, there were corresponding bursts of rapid drum horns. The officers hoarse. The savage roar resounded across the sky, while the soldiers kept stepping on their boots, slamming their tails, catering to these orders, and making wild roars from time to time. Obviously, this was Make the final preparations before hand-to-hand combat.

Zhang Gang nodded with satisfaction: "The soldiers are very vigorous, and they have not been affected by the unsatisfactory situation of the previous battle. This is very good."

Duan Hui proudly said: "We Xianbei warriors are the bravest and best at fighting. No matter how strong the enemy is, we can fight to the end. These three thousand soldiers are the men who have followed me for many years, and they are all elites. They are saying, to show your Majesty and the Murong tribe, Nan Yan is not the only elite of them!"

Zhang Gang hooked up the corner of his mouth: "Then let us join hands and do the great things that will leave our name in history."

Duan Hui laughed and waved: "Heavy armor, attack!"

Jin Jun, forward, three hundred steps behind the battle.

Liu Jingxuan looked complacent, looking at the black and crushed infantry on the opposite side, stepping in a neat and uniform pace, like a pale forest, pressing toward him, with sharp cold light shining, and the soldiers' eyes were shining like a war wolf. , It was the light of a warrior eager to kill, accompanied by the piercing whistling sound of feathers and arrows, thrilling.

However, from his point of view, after the advance of the Jin army, no less than two thousand heavy armored hands have been quickly mounted. The lightly armored archers are under the cover of the shields above their heads and quickly go to the sides. Withdrawing, while the cat was on the waist, the heavy infantry with the long scorpion and the halberd was rushing in from the rear, quickly entering the front line position.

In the Yanjun’s seemingly incomprehensible formation, it was already a mobilization of the army at this moment, but the in and out of thousands of people were so light, heavy-armored infantry rushed in, and lightly armed infantry almost It was tiptoe to the ground, jumping away, in order not to make too many noises. Soon, after the first-line shield, it had changed from more than 2,000 archers to more than 2,000 armored hands, although the shield on the head The upper level is still ringing, and there is a new wave of arrows falling continuously, but it still can't prevent this change from being carried out quickly and efficiently. It only takes less than half a moment, and it is basically in order!

Pilu Daoxiu kept nodding her head: "Awesome, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is too powerful. This battle has given me an insight into what a real elite soldier is, and it is well-trained. Compared with your Beifu army. Get up, we militiamen who are on the ground are simply playing family and we can't talk about fighting."

Liu Jingxuan said calmly: "The current front-line army has been trained by General Liu Fan for many years, since the founding of the uprising, no, since entering the Beifu, he has followed his old men in the Southern and Northern Wars, and they are also the elites of General Liu Yi. This time I followed the army to the north. Although the number was only 5,000, he could be a 100,000 soldiers. The 30,000 Nanyan infantry in the front was just a small test. This time the enemy army is really elite, I believe, Fan Liu will definitely inspire more fighting spirit and show greater ability. Our Beifu army is stronger when it comes to being stronger, and I will be the number one in the world!"

Having said this, Liu Jingxuan smiled and turned his head to look at Pilu Daoxiu: "Besides, now you have joined the Beifu Army, don't talk about you anymore, you should say, we!"

Pilu Daoxiu repeatedly said: "Yes, yes, it was I who made a mistake for a while, and now it is us. However, in such a battle, our Pilu militia wants to help a little bit, even if it’s shooting a few arrows in the back. Great."

Liu Jingxuan smiled and waved his hand: "It is not yet time for you to play, Brother Daoxiu, your training and play style are different from those of the heavy equipment. If you mix together, you will only be at odds with each other, but..."

Speaking of this, Liu Jingxuan's mouth tickled: "Do you have a lasso? The ones that the Yanjun use to set cars, men, and shields?!"

A confused look flashed in Pi Lu Daoxiu's eyes, and she nodded, "Yes, what's the matter?"

Liu Jingxuan smiled slightly: "Go and gather all the sergeants who are good at lassoing, I promise, it will come in handy in a while!"

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