Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2686: Where is the focus of the attack

Jin Jun, Central, Shuaitai.

Yu Yue stomped her feet bitterly, and said disdainfully: "These Yan army, knowing whether they live or die, want to attack the front of our army, huh, can't they see the thousands of corpses in front of the battle? Are they afraid?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Gong Yu, don't worry, these Yan army are not the second-rate units before. You can see their formation and offensive. They are all elites. Now Duan Hui should be in charge of these. The Yan army attacked. This person has always been known as the famous Nanyan general. The soldiers and horses of the tribe under his control are also known as the two powers in the north and south of the Yan Kingdom together with the Helan tribe. The armored outfits of the Murong clan are called Nanyan III. The main force. This time there are those wooden armored organs to help, but they won't be the infantry who had little combat effectiveness last time."

Yu Yue's face changed slightly: "What, could it be that these Nanyan infantrymen can pose a threat to the forward of our army?"

Hu Fan's brows were frowned: "These Yan troops are elite soldiers, well equipped, and high in fighting spirit. They won't be intimidated by previous defeats. Although our former army of the Northern Army is also one of the best in a hundred, imagine that we can easily defeat 30,000 like just now. Enemy infantry is not so easy. Moreover, those wooden armored organs can protect thousands of archers from shooting behind. Our army now withdraws the archers and reloads the infantry to squat with the enemy, which means a long period of time. Within time, we will fight under the enemy's arrow rain."

A hint of worry flashed across Wang Miaoyin's face: "Then, if this is the case, do we want to strengthen the forward force? Now I think the enemy is in a dense formation. If we can find a way to run the eight stones on the two wings. Send it up, it will cause a lot of casualties to the enemy."

As soon as Yu Yue heard the five words "Ba Shi Ben Niu Nu", there was another stomach cramp and retching several times. Fortunately, he had already vomited out all the breakfast, even the overnight meal last night. He opened his mouth, except for a while in the air, but he didn't spit out anything.

Wang Zhen smirked and waved his hand: "I said that Yu joined the army, is it the Queen's words, what irritated you? Ah, I remember, Ba Niu Nu, that is!"

As soon as Yu Yue heard this, there was another violent retching, and while vomiting, she waved her hands: "You, you guys, look at my jokes in this way, too, too, too interesting. I, I..."

Liu Yu smiled and stood up, stepping forward to help Yu Yue gently caress his back, handing him a handkerchief: "Well, Yu joined the army, no one is malicious, and no one wants to see the enemy. You joke."

Everyone burst into laughter. There was a dignified atmosphere just now, and it was immediately relieved. When Liu Yu sat back in his seat, Yu Yue had already wiped off the corners of his mouth, and said, "Although, even though that eight, that thing was playing too hard. Cruel, too bloody, but it’s really good. Me, I also agree with Her Royal Highness, the enemy troops on the left and right wings, it seems that there are not many, it is better, it is better to transfer these eight crossbows to the forward. Go, a volley and shoot these Yanjun who are not afraid of death."

Liu Muzhi smiled and nodded and said, "Gong Yu's idea is very good, and I also agree that the Ba Niu crossbow is not fixed and can be disassembled. Now the pressure on the two wings is not great, and it can indeed be considered for the front."

Liu Yu didn't respond immediately. He looked at Wang Zhenye and said calmly, "Zhenye, what do you think?"

Wang Zhenya calmly said: "At this time, the Ba Niu crossbows on the two wings cannot move. Although the enemy is afraid to move forward in large numbers, after all, they are mostly cavalry and they are highly mobile. The Ba Niu crossbow on the left wing has been exposed. They are all in the sight of the enemy, once they move, the enemy will see clearly."

"On the other hand, the forwards of our army have also been deployed. Now there are thousands of heavily armed infantry defending. They are in a dense formation. If you want to pass through them, transport the Eight Bulls to the front, then assemble and stand up, I am afraid it will be difficult. "

"The reason why we have a great advantage in this battle up to now is that every time the enemy is unexpected and the enemy takes the lead, the Ba Niu crossbow is also well hidden on the left wing. The best effect can be achieved if it is used suddenly. Now that they are forcibly carrying the Eight Bull Crossbow to the forward, they are afraid that every move will fall into the eyes of the enemy. They are cavalry, with strong mobility, and they can even withdraw the main force from the front, and the cavalry can turn to the flanks. At that time, the battle may be Has changed."

Liu Yu nodded: "What Wang Canjun said is very reasonable. The enemy's two-wing cavalry still has a large number. It is hard to say whether there is a main force such as armored cavalry in the smoke and dust. Our army has two wings at this time. The defense cannot be slack, let alone move a killer like the Ba Niu crossbow easily. Tan Shao has already gone to the rear army, and at this time, I can no longer deploy the two wings of soldiers and horses."

Having said this, he paused: "A Shou has experienced hundreds of battles, and Liu Fan, who is now at the top of the front, has been an elite for many years. I believe that even in the face of this level of attack, it will not be able to break through our army's defense line. .UU reading www.uukanshu.com Heipao should also know this, but he still does not hesitate to lose Duan Hui’s elite soldiers to attack the front of our army. I think the more this is, the more proof that this is not what he wants. The main attack."

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Hu Fan said sternly, "The commander said that, from the front, where the black robe is going to attack, it must be hidden, and it will pretend to attack in other directions, attracting our attention. Now his armor is already Rushing into the rear of our army, here is what he really wants to fight, and the front army is only used to attract our army's attention and create opportunities for the rear army to attack."

Yu Yue slapped his thigh: "Yeah, that's it. The rear army is obviously better to play. Then attacking the forward at this time is a feint. We must not fall into him. The commander, we should strengthen the rear army first. Get out of these armoured outfits."

Liu Yu looked in the direction of the rear army, and saw about five thousand flying bear masters with no armor on their horses. At this moment, under the leadership of Murong Guang, they lined up. Shen Yunzi and Shen Qingzhi rode forward to lead the way. Above, I saw the corpses of people and horses, and weapons and weapons scattered all over the place, but there was no movement of the Jin army or the horse killers. Murong Guang also slowed down as he walked. Obviously, he was already right here. The situation has caused doubts.

Liu Yu calmly said: "Finally, I cheated the Yanjun forward. I am interested to see what kind of ambush, Brother Shen, have arranged to deal with these Yanjun armors?!"

Before he finished his words, he only heard a tight sound of gongs and drums. From the direction of the rear army, there were wild roars all around, and he said in Wu's tone: "Quiet Hu, Quoting Hu, Quoting Hu!"

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