Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2687: Ambush launches armour to fall

Murong Guang’s expression changed, but he saw a white light flashing in front of him. He quickly waved the sledgehammer in his hand, and heard a "ding" sound. A flying knife hit the hammer body, bursting out a little spark, and fell to the ground. , And Duan Buluo on one side quickly exclaimed: "Protect Guangshuai!"

More than 20 Chinese military guards suddenly stood in front of Murong Guang. When he put down the sledgehammer in his hand, he discovered that the two who led the way had rushed more than 20 steps away, turned their heads, and turned their heads. Looking at himself with a smile, Shen Yunzi nodded lightly: "You deserve to be the general of the flying bear master in armor, Murong Guang, your martial arts are really good."

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Murong Guang's eyes opened wide, "Who are you guys anyway?!"

Shen Yunzi put aside his smile, and sneered: "I am under the command of General Dajin Chaqi, and Shen Yunzi, the leader of the rear army, is also my clan brother Shen Qingzhi, nicknamed Duke Xanthera, you have to remember clearly. , Lest I see King Yama and fail to report the name of the person who killed you!"

Murong Guang yelled and cursed: "You are actually the Jin army? Where is the bright moon?!"

Shen Qingzhi shook his head: "We will send you to see Mingyue now! Kill Hu!"

With Shen Qingzhi’s shout, countless feather arrows were shot from all directions, and more than a dozen huge shields filled with blades were also pulled up from the ground and smashed directly at the armored riders sitting on horsebacks. All outfits.

The armored knights sitting on horsebacks all wielded their weapons and picked up the shields on the saddles. Many flying knives, short axes, and long arrows came from all directions, but these armored knights In the rush to fight, he just used a shield and weapons to protect the front door, as well as the vital points of the heart, but it was almost unstoppable for other places.

But after these flying knives and hand axes hit the armors of the knights, they couldn’t kill the lightly armed black-clothed assassins just now, causing casualties in one blow, and even directly off the enemy. The double-armored, fully-armored riders , Like iron cans, indestructible, even a knife and axe thrown at a distance of dozens of steps can not directly penetrate their heavy armor, at most it only breaks the armor blades on the outer armor to more than ten pieces. , Revealing the whole piece of steel guard plate set off inside, but unable to go one step further.

At this time, even Shen Yunzi's expression changed slightly, and he was surprised: "How can this protective power be unable to penetrate even with swords, axes, bows and arrows?"

Shen Qingzhi's brows furrowed: "It has long been heard that the Xianbei Murong clan is known for its sharp armor and well-equipped armor. The armor and cavalry are the elite of their elite. Everyone has double armor and horses are also armored. Although the speed is reduced, as long as Linked together, it is like a moving city, indestructible. Our throwing knives and hand axes are good for short-range combat in close combat. Our opponents are mostly infantrymen who pursue agility without heavy armor. Like the black-clothed killers just now, we It’s easy to fight, but we’re afraid it’s hard to penetrate the armor of these armored riders."

A cold light flashed in Shen Yunzi's eyes: "Huh, then use the second plan, light soldiers out of the battle, and the sledgehammer!"

Under the cover of a group of guards, Murong Guang retreated into the Chinese army. In front of him, a line of defense surrounded by iron cavalry was erected, and the guards around him kept blocking the sharp swords. Secret Arrow, just the retreat. The guards around him, including Duan Buluo, have three or five feather arrows stuck in their bodies. The leaves that were destroyed by the flying knives and hand axes are also one piece in the east and a pile of pieces in the west. ,Everywhere. But with excellent protection, almost no one was seriously injured, and even none of the second armor was broken.

Murong Guang’s eyes were full of anger, and he said bitterly: “It’s really a shame that I didn’t see through these spies! I must personally grab that Shen Yunzi, dig out his heart, and tear his slick tongue! "

Duan Buluo quickly said: "Guangshuai, don't be impulsive. Now we are in ambush and beaten everywhere. Although there are no major casualties in the heavy armor, it is better to withdraw early, otherwise we will fight again. Go on, don’t know what killer moves the enemy will have?"

While talking, a five-foot-square blade suddenly stood up about ten feet away from Murong Guang's side. Three or four guards were caught off guard, hitting the blade, and the horse without a vest immediately gave these sharp blades. Entering the body, with a sigh of sorrow and a sudden force, the knight on the horse was slammed down and fell to the ground. These heavy-armored cavalry were not afraid of arrows and knives, but they were extremely inflexible and fell from their horses. After that, he could barely get up and move on the ground, and could only watch his mount, and the blade fell all the time, and pressed onto his body. The armor, the war horse, and the weight of the blade weighed more than that. Qianjin, Rao is a strong and robust armored rider, and he was so heavy that he vomited blood on the spot and died. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

Duan Buluo hurriedly directed the other knights around to fill the gap on the right, and said to Murong Guangda: "Guangshuai, there are ambushes everywhere. We can only be beaten passively. It is too bad, so we should withdraw first, and then look for it. Have a chance to fight back against the enemy."

Murong Guang gritted his teeth: "No, our army finally broke into the formation. At this time, there will be no retreat! Besides, the enemy will probably retreat even if we are in the middle of the battle, I am afraid that there will be more powerful killing formations behind. Now our heavy armor can defend their bows and arrows, and the goal remains the same. It is still Liu Yu of the Chinese military commander. Only a few hundred steps away from him, a charge can be achieved. The order is passed, and the whole army opens a square formation. Squad as a unit, form a hard battle!"

Duan Buluo's face changed, and he was about to speak, only to hear a dull sound, from the ground, smoke and dust, the sound of war drums suddenly resounded all around, more than ten big pits suddenly appeared from the ground, more than 400 people returned. The armored riders who wielded their shields and blocked arrows, even men and horses, were stuck in these holes.

I only heard the screams, but Murong Guang saw it clearly. There were sharp wooden stakes inserted in the pits, horses as thick as human arms and without armor. As soon as they fell in, they opened their stomachs. , Even the knight with the horse, and the horse struggling with pain, are thrown everywhere. Their armor can guard against swords and arrows, but they are also helpless against such thick and sharp wooden thorns. Soon, these big pits Among them, it became the Asura Hell, and the horses and men were inserted on these pickets, and their stomachs bleed, and the blood soon poured these pits into pools of blood!

Murong Guang widened his eyes. He never dreamed that the invincible armor and knight outfit he had been leading for many years would have been reimbursed for more than 400 riders at this moment, if it hadn't been for the guards just now. After retreating for about a hundred steps, I am afraid that he is the one who is now trapped in the pit and turned into human skewers.

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