Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2688: Anti-impact across the super blood pit

But the panic in Murongguang’s heart instantly turned into extreme anger. Of the more than 400 people, most of them were his subordinates, brothers, and even two distant nephews, who were still with him half an hour ago. He talked and laughed, but now it became a **** dead body strung on the stake, and huge anger surged into his heart, causing him to roar and resound all around: "Don’t avenge this revenge, I Murong Guang vowed not to be a man!"

As he said, he waved the sledgehammer in his hand and yelled at the horrified soldiers around him: "Brothers, warriors, the Jin people are cunning. They dare not fight us upright. They will only use this shameful trick. Engaging in sneak attacks, they want to force us to retreat, thinking that we will lose courage like cowards, turn and run away, right behind us, there must be an ambush that they have set a long time ago, such traps, there will certainly be such traps, if everyone just wants To escape, not only will we not be able to save our lives, but we will die. Now we have only one way, and that is not to turn our heads and look back, but to move forward, using the weapons in our hands and the horses under our hips to block what stands in front of us. Enemies are knocked down, trampled to death, torn to pieces, using their blood to pay homage to our fellow robes! Our ancestors are watching us in the sky, and they will surely bless every brave warrior!"

All the armored knights were full of enthusiasm. At this moment, the glory of the soldiers returned to them. Everyone waved the weapons and shields in their hands, and shouted: "Armored armors, horses stepped on the Central Plains, and they were extremely powerful ,Invincible!"

With these roars, the cavalry of the Yan army quickly reorganized. A team of armored horses bypassed these **** traps and rushed forward. Even dozens of them escaped in the pit. , The armored horse who did not directly stab the sharp stakes to death, but also struggled, pulled out the blood pit with the help of their companions. Without a word, they went straight to find someone else’s second horse to ride on, **** all over their bodies. Pull, like a ghost who just crawled out of hell, launched an impact on the Jin army who had just killed them.

Shen Yunzi nodded lightly and said to Tan Shao beside him: "Brother Ah Shao, this armored outfit is indeed the elite of the Yan army. When encountering such a trap, not only is it not afraid, but it can be countered. Chong, fighting against such an opponent is the greatest glory of being a fighter."

Tan Shao smiled slightly: "Yunzi, did you hear what they shouted just now? The ancestors looked at them in the sky, so why don't we send them to see the ancestors?!"

Shen Yunzi smiled slightly: "I think so too!"

A killing intent flashed in Tan Shao's eyes. In front of him, more than two thousand heavy armored infantry with long scorpions and large shields had already lined up. More than a dozen traps that were about a hundred steps in front of them perfectly blocked them. The cavalry wanted to line up a strong charging route. Hundreds of armored cavalry, although passing through and bypassing the gaps in these traps, there is no longer the possibility of accelerating the charge, and even when passing through the pit, in order to avoid falling Inside the trap, they became new human skewers. They even disrupted their previous formation. More than 300 riders finally got around the trap, only to find that they had already lined up within a hundred steps in front of them. A steel-like city wall was formed, thousands of heavy-handed arms, the tops fell, and they took strong steps to advance towards them.

Tan Shao said solemnly: "The warrior listened to the order. The enemy troops are heavily armored and difficult to enter with bows and arrows, but their horses are not armored. When assassinating, stab the horse first. Don't rush to stab people. As long as the horse is dismissed, it will be difficult to even stand up, so naturally I will kill.

Tan Hezhi quickly conveyed Tan Shao’s orders to the team members of each team, and soon, these team members who were advancing while giving orders, let every sergeant understand the battle. Tactics, their eyes flashed with killing intent, and the long hairs in their hands were raised to shoulder level, standing on the shoulders of their front companions or the big shields of the first row of fighters, pushing the enemy forward!

More than a hundred armored riders rushed forward, and they realized that this place with their backs to the blood pit was too narrow and the army could not be deployed at all. There was no time to regroup anymore, so the twos and threes were forced to move forward. Less than fifty steps of the Northern Army launched an impact. Some knights sprinted while grabbing the large bow on their back, drew the heavy arrow from the quiver, set the arrow up, and faced the infantry phalanx on the opposite side. Bow and arrow.

More than ten long rod spike arrows burst out of the air. The arrows fired by these superhuman knights are faintly sounded by wind and thunder, and they are sinking vigorously. At a distance of more than 30 steps, even the Northern Army with a large shield. It's hard to resist with the hand, five or six large shields were directly torn apart, and the long arrows were still not exhausted, and the sergeant behind the shield fell to the ground with one arrow. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com a few Beifu sergeants Just like this, an arrow in the face or chest, penetrated through the bones, and even had no time to hum, just breathless.

However, the companions beside and behind quickly filled these gaps. The soldiers who fell by the arrow, no matter whether they were dead or alive, were quickly dragged away by the sergeants behind so as not to affect the advancement of the army in front, regardless of face. Facing the oncoming heavy arrow, the armored rider that weighs a thousand pounds and stabs forward can't let these fighters move forward, even half a step slow.

Dozens of armored riders rushed to the front of the heavy armoured riders. The knights on the horse wielded their weapons vigorously, but whether it was a big iron rod or a mace, compared to a nearly two-foot-long footstep, they were all The length is not as long. Dozens of such ultra-long stances, stab the face, stab the horse’s neck, and sweep the horse’s legs down, are all places that heavy armor cannot protect. Some knights with excellent riding skills and high martial arts are tight. Reined in the horse, let the horse jump and retreat, but there are more than twenty riders that are not so lucky. It is often a few strokes down. People can still use their weapons to block the long strokes that stabbed themselves, but the horses are not so lucky. It was pierced in the neck, or swept across the horse, breaking the leg of the horse, and overturning the knight on the horse to the ground, like a tortoise wrapped in an iron shell, just lying on the ground. Immobile.

With the fall of these knights, the shields suddenly dispersed in the infantry phalanx that continued to advance, and more than a hundred men in light armor and strong outfits, but Wu soldiers armed with big hammers, rushed out. It is the Shen family brothers who have painstakingly studied cavalry tactics for many years, and they came up with the killer unit. The hammer weighing tens of kilograms is useless on the battlefield. When encountering swords, guns, swords and halberds, they have almost no power to fight back. But in the face of heavy armor, these armored knights, which are difficult to penetrate with swords, have become the deadliest tools of killing!

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