Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2689: Chemical Weapon Sunder

With a "flat" sound, a heavy hammer hit the head of an armored rider severely. Suddenly, the head changed its shape severely. The helmet on the left was severely sunk along with the skull. Going in, blood and brain squirt frantically from the two eyeholes and mouths in front of you, and you can even see bone scum pouring out. If Yu Yue sees this scene within ten steps, he will definitely connect immediately. I have to vomit my bile.

However, the soldiers of the Northern Army made a burst of cheers. More than 30 sledgehammers did the same thing, and the more than 20 knights who fell to the ground were beaten to the head, even more brutal. After the target was killed violently, he raised the sledgehammer again and smashed it down, smashing the fallen enemy’s corpse into the ground with his entire head, forming a small pit, which was broken. Like a watermelon, the iron helmet is torn apart, the iron fragments pierced into the rotten pile, the shapeless head remains, the iron fragments are pierced, and even the eyeballs are accompanied by a pile of bones and brains. It flows out and sticks to the hammer, it seems that it can directly scare the faint-hearted on the spot.

Seeing the tragic death of these more than twenty horses, the other armored horses who were still impacting were also terrified. The infantry phalanx of the Jin army was still marching forward, hammering dead sledgehammers with armored horses, and a group of two , Dragging the corpse backwards, to clear the obstacles on the way forward, blood and brains flowed all over the ground, the impact of a very visual effect, which made the armored horses who murdered like hemp, unavoidable. The momentum of rushing to gritted his teeth was greatly reduced, and he stayed in place like this.

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Suddenly, in the formation of the Jin army, more than two hundred Wudi swordsmen, wearing light armor and holding sharp blades, stepped on the shoulders of the hands in front, and rose into the air, like hundreds of divine soldiers descending from the sky, suddenly appeared. In front of the armored riders who had been stunned by more than a hundred riders, the moment they landed, their hands threw things straight to the front door of these armored riders.

The armored knights are all warriors out of a hundred. After a hundred battles, they responded quickly, almost instinctively, even though they encountered surprise attacks. They waved their weapons one after another, and moved quickly and simply picked up and hung them on the left. The shield on the horse's side waved for a while to protect his face.

"Boom" and "Boom", the sound of these things hitting the shield, one after another, bursts of white smoke rising, and suddenly accompanied by screams and violent coughing, Xianbei yelled: "Stone, lime , Jin thief, Jin thief actually used it, use lime!"

These words are still declining. I saw the Wu Di Swordsman rushing to the front, but Shen Tianzi in leather armor and wielding a sledgehammer, he grinned and said, "Not only there is good lime, but there is also good wine for you to drink. All armored rides!"

He grabbed the large water sac hanging on his left waist with one hand, and slammed it to the opposite side. These water sacs had long been cut open and hit the opponent's body stained with lime. At the same time, they cracked quickly. When the quicklime met, there was a chemical reaction, and it burned violently. The armor and the exposed skin of these Xianbei armors quickly corroded, and even the faces quickly fell to the ground and exposed. Inside, the flesh and blood had been corroded, and the yellow fat and white bones were all exposed in a terrible appearance.

Shen Tianzi stood on the spot, watching the tragic appearance in silence with more than two hundred companions beside him. More than one hundred of the armored and invincible armor outfits just now were under the attack of this lime water. Turned into rotten flesh and blood, Shen Tianzi's eyes flashed with tears, and he gritted his teeth: "Brothers, remember how this water came from! It's Brother Raptor, and General Meng took it for us with his life. Today, We use this water, in conjunction with the lime of our great Jin, to kill these Xianbei dog thieves to avenge the Raptors, rush!"

With this roar of his, the swordsmen and the swordsmen behind him roared in unison, dressed in a group of Yanjun armored horses 30 steps away, launched a decisive charge, the swordsmen of Wudi With his legs spinning like flying, he quickly jumped over the horse and fell to the ground, struggling in the cavalry room amidst lime and blood. Several knights who wanted to struggle to get up, just got up and gave a sharp blade. Scratching directly across his neck, without a trace of muddy water, caused blood to flow from the wound on his neck, and fell back to the ground again, completely dead.

Duan Buluo also rushed to the front at this moment, organizing the attack hoarsely. He opened his eyes wide and shouted: "Quickly, rush to me, you can't stay here, there is a trap behind, let me squeeze it down. , Rush, rush!"

Before he finished his words, he saw that Shen Tianzi and others had already crossed more than twenty steps. Those first shocks, UU Reading www. The corpse of the armored cavalry killed by the lime water on uukānshu.com rushed straight in front of him. Duan Buluo didn’t care about commanding his men any more. Shen Tianzi in front, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Go to hell!"

This stab is a stab skill that Duan Buluo has practiced countless times a day as an armored rider. Every Yan Guo armored rider is required to stab accurately at a full sprint distance of 20 steps. The small hole in the center of a copper coin, such accuracy, is a necessary skill for a qualified armored rider. Duan Buluo can mix with the guard of a general, but it is not only by bragging and clapping horses, but there is still enough under his hand. What a real effort!

And this stab, the goal is the tall and strong, like Xiong Feng, such a big goal, no matter from which angle, it is impossible to miss, Duan Buluo saw it with his own eyes that this Jin will take the lead, with lime water After destroying the second batch of attacking knights, only by beheading this person with his own hands can he restore his morale and avenge the soldiers who died in front of him!

With a sledgehammer in his right hand, Shen Tianzi's feet turned like a hot wheel, and on the way he dashed, he stepped on patches of smoke and dust. His body was already covered with the blood and blood of the armored horses killed by the lime water. The rotten flesh and blood can smell the rotten stench even twenty steps away, while his left hand touched the lower back, as if looking for something.

Duan Buluo's heart was beating "bang" and "bang". It was the first time he saw an enemy facing his own impact. Not only did he not hide, he even dared to charge at full speed against him, and his attention, Also concentrated on Shen Tianzi's left hand touching the back waist, and his heart suddenly became clear: No, this kid still has a hidden weapon!

And at the moment he was thinking, Shen Tianzi's roar came with the wind: "Swallow thief, eat me!"

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