Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2691: Would rather die than be true warrior

Ten thousand grassy horses flashed in Murong Guang’s heart, and he secretly said: Grandma’s, I can’t think of Murong Guang’s life, killing countless enemies, unexpectedly, I would lose in this place and die in the hands of a rotten-eared thief. I am not reconciled. I'm not reconciled!

But his mind was turning, but his body was falling. The arrow not only shot through his throat, but also gave him the last thrust at the side of the pit, together with the guard who was stuck in his right hand, together with others. The horses all fell into the trap. At the moment when the sharp stake pierced his body, Murong Guang seemed to hear countless people yelling: "Guangshuai fell into the pit and died, run away!"

These voices echoed in his ears, Murong Guang wanted to struggle to get up, but only saw a **** pointed wooden stake piercing his chest. He didn't even feel the pain anymore, and his soul began to slowly The ground came out, and his eyes gradually darkened. The moment he closed his eyes, the last sentence that flashed in his mind was: Master, take revenge for me!

As Murong Guang fell into the pit, lost the coach’s armor, and was even more chaotic. For the hundreds of riders in front of the trap, some people wanted to launch a final counterattack against the approaching Jin army. In this moment of effort, the heavy-handed hands of the Jin army have also been pressed up. Shen Tianzi and other Wudi light soldiers retreated into the formation, and began to chat and laugh with Shen Qingzhi, who was standing on a large cart, while Tan Shao commanded With two thousand heavy armored hands, lined up, hundreds of stainless steel steps with a length of more than five meters stretched straight forward, pushing the more than one hundred riders who wanted to fight forward and retreating again. More than twenty riders stabbed the horse's body and legs, and directly threw the horse-rider to the ground.

This time there is no longer a sledgehammer warrior rushing out to make up the knife. Five or six steps, like a poisonous dragon, stab the knights on the ground, but instead of directly piercing their armor, they pierced them. Under the legs, under the armpits, and then used force together, he lifted the guy with a total of more than two hundred kilograms of armor, and flew out more than ten steps directly, and fell into the blood pit traps. in.

The horrible screams and the sound of wooden stakes penetrating the human body made these armored riders no longer have any hope. They took the road and fled, even ignoring the surrounding companions. There are four or five pits in the passage between the pits. , Became a place where these knights competed and killed each other, everyone was struggling to brandish the weapons in their hands, pushing down the people around them, squeezing into the surrounding pits, just to escape. God, soon, there are more than a dozen blood pits on this ground, and those spikes are invisible. More than a thousand corpses that fell into it filled the bottom of the pit, and the people who fell into it could save a life. Up.

Tan Shao waved his hand to stop the reloaded hands about 20 steps before the pit. The front row of hands broke with breath, the big shield fell, and three or more long rods fell from the shield. The two sides stretched out, there were as many as a thousand roots, like a dense hedgehog formation, enough to break all the cavalry trying to break through from the front, and Tan Shao shouted in Xianbei language: "Sergeant Nanyan, listen. You have been surrounded and there is no way to retreat. Take off your armor, throw away your weapons, dismount your horse and surrender, and you can avoid death. If you are still obsessed and try to fight against the Dajin Royal Master, then the corpses in these pits will be your fate!"

Many of the Xianbei armored riders who had retreated to the battlefield wanted to escape, but found that they were walking around behind them. I don’t know when, dozens of large cars connected end to end have been blocked. With a large shield, a strong crossbow is mounted on the shield, and hundreds of long crossbows stick out from the shield. A fully armed, heroic young general, silver armor and white silk, stands on the car, holding a large crossbow. , Pointed directly at the remaining less than two thousand horses, and sternly said: "I am Dajin General Zhu Lingshi. You have already been surrounded, and I have no evidence of advances and retreats. I want to fight. However, you should all know. This is a dead end. Putting down your weapons, dismounting and surrendering is your only choice to survive!"

Tan Shao hooked the corner of his mouth and waved his hand. More than 400 crossbowmen also straightened up from behind the shield formation and stood on the shoulders of their companions. This made their entire bodies stick out of the shield. Many large crossbows pointed at these Yan army. This distance is considered to be a good one. The two armies are separated by about three hundred steps, and the two thousand armours are surrounded by them. As long as you press the trigger, it will be a massacre. , And this distance, just not to accidentally hurt his own people.

The battlefield fell into a dead silence, but the voice of abandoning soldiers and disarming did not sound. A lieutenant of armored cavalry suddenly waved the big bow in his hand and said loudly: "Warriors with armored cavalry, we are all The descendants of the Murong clan, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, we are different from others. Dayan is the big yan of the Murong clan. We, as the most elite fighter of Dayan, Jiu Mu Guoen, have successively waived our duties and served us. The best equipment is for us to fight for our country."

"Now, we have been caught by the tricks of the Jin people. Guangshuai died in the battle, but we have not lost this battle. Your Majesty and the national division have sent troops to follow up. We will definitely defeat the Jin army. If we die in battle, we His family, our children and grandchildren will receive honor and compassion, but if we surrender and become traitors, then our family will never lift our heads forever and be spurned forever. The Murong clan is the proud son of heaven. There are only warriors with decapitated heads. Coward who surrenders! Don't surrender!"

Two thousand voices were shouting in unison: "No drop, no drop, no drop!"

The lieutenant drew the epee from his waist, jumped off his horse, and shouted: "This is a dead place, and it is not good for the cavalry to attack. Today is when we die bravely, our descendants, our people, will be passed on forever The legend of our heroic death today, our ancestors will welcome our return in the world, rush!"

He said, swinging this heavy sword, the first one to charge towards Zhu Lingshi's car formation opposite, a trace of respect flashed in Zhu Lingshi's eyes, he shook his head, and buckled the trigger in his hand." "Woo", a crossbow was shot out, and the crossbow arrow relentlessly penetrated the lieutenant's throat. A blood arrow spouted from his neck, pouring out from behind the hole of blood, but the body still rushed forward. It was ten paces away before he fell to the ground, and the epee in his hand was still pointing to the opposite line of defense.

Following the impact of this lieutenant, the remaining Yan Army knights all dismounted and rushed towards the chariot. Tan Shao sighed, and his raised hands fell heavily: "Send a crossbow, send them to see their ancestors!"

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