Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2692: Stand up to defend the country without fear of death

The Jin Army Central, above the handsome platform.

Yu Yue shook his head inconceivably and looked at the rear army. A batch of Yan army dismounted knights, dressed in heavy armor, armed with horses and sabers, launched a desperate assault in the direction of Zhu Lingshi's carriage. Like a locust, at these dozens of steps, even the double-layered iron armor cannot stop the shooting of these three consecutive crossbows with more than six stones. The knights often shoot to the ground within a few steps. , This is not a battle, this is a one-sided massacre, but even so, none of the Yan Army soldiers stopped, let alone begged for mercy and surrendered. Knowing that it was death, they were still charging forward.

Yu Yue murmured: "Why, why do you want to die like this? Isn't it good to be alive?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "These armored horses are Nan Yan's most loyal and brave slain. Back then, they would rather die than be sent to the Northern Wei Dynasty. Only then would you follow Murong De all the way to Nan Yan. They fought and killed Nan Yan for many years. There are countless enemies, and there are various privileges that are far superior to ordinary Chinese. Death in battle can also give family members compensation and honor, but if they surrender, the family will always ridicule people and lose their heads. This is for them. , Is something more unacceptable than death."

Wang Shenai's eyebrows frowned, and a hint of compassion flashed in his eyes: "Probably they thought that Nan Yan would win this battle and Murong Chao would treat their family members kindly. Unfortunately, they might not have thought about it at all. Once, we will not only destroy their army, but also destroy their country. The more we resist here to the end, the more sins our family will suffer in the future."

Liu Yu calmly said: "What the Queen said is very true, maybe I should think of a way to let the Yanjun generals understand this truth and know what will happen to the stubborn resistance."

Liu Muzhi twitched his mouth: "The black robe's methods are very powerful, and he knows the heart well. I must have done enough homework to brainwash the soldiers before. Nan Yan's historical expeditions will allow the armor to get the most. The advantage includes that only Xianbei soldiers are qualified to live in the city, and most Han people can only go to the countryside to farm. Although this will intensify the conflict between Han and Hu, it can greatly benefit the sergeants of their own tribe. This is why these people would rather die than surrender when Hou Yan died. This time, they will never have a chance to rebuild the country. If we kill all these tens of thousands Armored horse, then their family..."

Having said this, Liu Muzhi sighed softly and shook his head.

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "This is something that I have to consider in the future. Now I want to think about how to win this battle. In fact, even if these people disarm and surrender, it will be troublesome for us. How to detain them will be a problem."

Yu Yue widened her eyes and said thoughtfully: "Yes, how come I didn't expect this level, these two thousand people are still strong people, if you send someone to take care of it at this time, you will have to consume it. With little troops, in case of an emergency in a war, it would really be elbows and armpits. From this point of view, it is better to wipe them out, one hundred."

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, in the left-wing car formation just now, I can let the enemy troops go for their lives, because they don't pose a threat to us, and let them go. But these enemy troops who entered the formation are very difficult. Unless it is the end of the war and the overall situation is settled, otherwise..."

Having said that, he shook his head: "The art of war, take hurting the enemy first!"

Yu Yue gritted her teeth: "It seems that my heart is too soft, and I just need to be determined like you."

Liu Yuzheng said: "Everything is aimed at winning this battle. The moment soldiers set foot on the battlefield, they must be prepared to die. Otherwise, the fate of these people will be the end of you and me in the future. "

Wang Shen loves phoenix eyes, and suddenly pulled out a dagger from his sleeve. Liu Yu's face changed because he saw that the leather on the outside of the dagger was already worn out, and the hilt of the knife exposed outside was also tangled. With animal skins, isn't it the weapon that Wang Miaoyin and himself gave her to protect her body when they went to the north to join the Zhai tribe with them for the first time?

Wang Miaoyin glanced at Liu Yu lightly. At that moment, there was a trace of sadness in his eyes, which seemed to have returned to the time of making love with him, but the eyes flashed and disappeared, and Yu Yue knelt to the ground all of a sudden. Exclaimed: "His Royal Highness, this is okay, this is absolutely impossible. You are the body of ten thousand gold, but you must not..."

Wang Shenai waved her hand indifferently, stopping Yu Yue, and all other face changes, saluting to prevent those present who were preparing to persuade from speaking, she calmly said: "I am the mother of Dajin, the queen of the world. This time, it is to represent the emperor of the Great Jin to conquer and regain the land of the ancestors. We all know the dangers of this trip and the powerful enemies we face. At the moment I decided to go on the expedition, I was ready to die. In the past, the Queen of the Naxi Dynasty, the Yang family, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com fell into the hands of Hu Lu. In order to survive, she actually had children with Hu Lu. This is not a shame to her alone, it is all the big Jin children in the world. The humiliation of the people, I love God, I would rather die than be a sheep!"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "His Royal Highness, it doesn't have to be this way. Even if the war is unfavorable, I will never let you fall into a crisis. After fighting this life, I will definitely kill you and protect you. "

Wang Shen'ai shook his head: "It doesn't have to be this way, Liu Cheqi, today's battle is a decisive battle between the Great Jin and the Kingdom of Yan, which determines the national fortunes of the two countries. The elite soldiers of the Great Jin, the strong soldiers, are all here. If God really doesn’t bless me, and you die for your country, how can I abandon the monarchs and live alone? If you die in the battle, I will kill yourself, and I will not leave you alone, even under the nine springs, I am also willing to fight against Hu again with the princes!"

Wang Shenlove’s stunning face was extremely determined, and everyone could see her determination and will. Even Liu Muzhi had tears in her eyes. Yu Yue suddenly burst into laughter: "Your Royal Highness will not hesitate. Life, how can we men be greedy of life and fear of death? Don't worry, I have no abilities for Yu Yue. I still have the determination to sacrifice myself for a country here and die on the battlefield."

As he said, he picked up a bow and arrow from the edge of his seat, which looked more than three stones, gritted his teeth and pulled it hard, but it was actually able to bow like a full moon. Wang Shenai laughed: "I can't think of what Yu joined the army as Aristocratic children, celebrities in the world, can actually open strong bows and have archery skills."

Liu Muzhi laughed and said: "His Royal Highness didn't know anything about it. Back then, the Yu Gong had a grudge with Liu Yi and Liu Xile, it was precisely for archery. I have seen Gong Yu's arrow technique, and it is better than many old guards. As for the sergeant, at a critical time, he can really protect Her Royal Highness the Queen!"

Wang Shen'ai smiled slightly: "Then there will be a father-in-law."

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