Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2693: 0 Battle Iron Knight Killing Array

There was a burst of hearty laughter from everyone, and the regrets and regrets brought about by shooting the two thousand Yanjun armored horses who did not want to surrender just now were wiped out. However, Liu Yu's face was sinking, staring at the direction of the rear army, and he didn't even look at the forwards who had already started squatting and stabbing each other. All his attention was only in the direction of the rear army.

Wang Zhenye was the first to discover Liu Yu's movements, put a smile away, and said, "Do you think there is any crisis in the rear army?"

Liu Yu nodded: "Hei Pao will never expect to have an ambush in the formation. He will let the five thousand armored riders enter the formation like this, and will not suffer such a loss. I expect that he will definitely have a late move."

Hu Fan shook his head: "That's a five-thousand-armored outfit, handsome, not Gongsungui's five-thousand tusk, this is a Nanyan elite who can be worth a hundred, even if Murongchao trusts him again. , I won’t let the black robe toss like this. At this time, the black robe thinks about how to plead guilty and save his life, not what he wants to do anymore."

Liu Yu sighed softly: "The black robe used those striker's horse-riding killers, coupled with these five thousand armor-riding outfits, and tried out all the ambushes and arrangements of our army's rear army. Now in order to eliminate these five thousand armors. The riding outfits, all the ambush arrangements of the Shen family, and the two supporting armies that I sent to the rear have all been exposed, and all the arrangements are for the siege in the formation, and there is nothing that can be used for assaults outside the formation. Defensively, if at this time the enemy forces then forcefully rush into the formation with a group of armored cavalry..."

Before he finished his words, Yu Yue's screams rang: "Come on, they, they are really here!"

Everyone followed Yu Yue’s trembling fingers, and saw that outside the rear army, the dust gradually dispersed. The countless armour outfits lined up in a dense formation. Fifty horses formed a line, ten Ride in a row, arranged in five rows, the distance between the team and the team is about ten steps, between the horse and the horse, there is a chain of iron ropes, the front is more than five miles wide, and outside the five open gates, The distance of a hundred steps is already covered by this tide of armor. Their eyes are full of fire-like anger and killing intent. Although there is no sound, even if they are about ten miles away, the handsome in the center of the Jin army On the stage, you can still feel the trigger, just like the soaring warfare and murderous intent before the eruption of a volcano. As long as an order is given, this killing intent will be completely ignited, and it will become an unstoppable cavalry frenzy, drowning the rear army camp and even the entire Jin Kingdom army.

Everyone was discolored for it, even Liu Muzhi's face was shaking slightly, and his voice was a little trembling: "This, how is this possible, how come these tens of thousands of cavalry appear behind us like this, Not aware of it at all?"

Liu Yu said solemnly: "It is the death battle of the five thousand Yan army armored horses in this formation, which attracted all the attention of everyone in the formation, while ignoring the formation of the Yan army outside the formation. I thought that this was the result of fighting in the formation, and forgot that there were enemy troops moving and deploying outside the formation. But I really want to pay tribute to this armored suit, and see my companions being slaughtered and ambushed. , I can even stand still, and I can actually complete the change, armor, and array here! Yan's armor and cavalry outfit can be vertical and horizontal for a hundred years, and it is invincible. Seeing this time, I really believe it!"

Wang Zhen gritted his teeth: "Marshal, it's meaningless to praise the enemy now. Our army doesn't have any defensive formation that can withstand the armor. All the ambushes in the formation are also used. At this time, the Yan army's armor attacks, Just like attacking our army without car formation on the ground, even the heavy Beifu infantry is difficult to resist. Please also ask the general to quickly order the soldiers in front to evacuate, and use Tan Shao's heavy equipment to fight for cover. The main force of the country will come to support!"

Liu Yu shook his head: "Suppression of evil, no matter when, composure is the first thing. You must guess what the enemy coach thinks and what you want us to do. The arrangement you just made is exactly what he wants us to do! "

Wang Zhenye's face changed slightly, he closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Hu Fan gritted his teeth: "Marshal, you mean, in other directions, black robe has killer moves?"

Liu Yu said solemnly: "The appearance of more than 10,000 armor and riding outfits, but I am sure that the ultimate move of the black robe is not in the rear army, but elsewhere.

Hu Fan's eyes widened: "There are more than 10,000 armoured outfits and the whole army has lined up, so what else can't be the ultimate move?"

Liu Yu said calmly: "The Yanjun armored and cavalry suits, but there are 30,000 riders. Only this 10,000 riders, plus the previous 5,000, is less than 20,000 riders. Where is the remaining 10,000?"

Wang Zhenyi nodded thoughtfully: "The commander asked very well. I think that these 10,000 armored horses should be protecting Murong Chao. It is impossible for Murong Chao to be protected by troops. UU Reading www.uukanshu .Com But these 10,000 armored riders should not be able to mobilize the black robe."

Liu Yu shook his head: "Since it is a decisive battle, there will not be any back-ups. The 10,000 armored horses who have not been dispatched. I heard that Murong De has trained for many years. From the trilogy personal guards under the generals, he picked the most Elite, the most powerful fighters, everyone has to fight with more than a hundred prisoners of war slaves, and survive to the end of victory before they can be selected into this armor. This unit has a frightening name. It's called the Hundred Wars Iron Cavalry!"

Liu Muzhi murmured: "Could it be that the legendary iron cavalry of a hundred battles is the real ultimate move of the black robe?"

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "This is Nan Yan's true last elite. It has been by Murong Chao's side and never used it. I think that the black robe is for Murong Chao to feel that the time is right to put all these hundred warriors on the battlefield. , For the final victory!"

Wang Shenai let out a long sigh of relief: "Then the more than 10,000 armored horses of this rear army..."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "It is to completely break through the rear of our army, and then force our army to invest all the final reserve forces. In this way, the striker, the left and right wings will have flaws, and that is the black robe concentrated on the iron knight of a hundred battles in one fell swoop. When the formation is broken! Therefore, now we must not consider using soldiers and horses from other places, but we must not retreat in one step, and wear them with more than 10,000 armors and horses!"

Wang Zhen gritted his teeth: "But the current strength of the rear army is unable to confront them head-on, especially the Shen family soldiers. Although they are very conducive to close combat, they can't resist the assault of the enemy cavalry with their equipment. Ah, it's not good, the enemy's cavalry array is starting to move!"

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly, and he said in a deep voice: "Leading Liu Zhong, now with Tan Shao, lead his cavalry to launch a counterattack against the enemy's cavalry, and act according to the tips!"

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