Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2697: Return to the dead for the brave

And there were more than a hundred Jin Army bowmen who fell behind, turned around, and more than ten steps in front of them, their companions were rushing back to behind the dozen or so large vehicles equipped with shields, but the vehicles The passage between the car and the car was narrow, and it was difficult for thousands of people to pass through all at once. These archers who could not quickly withdraw into the car formation simply turned around, took the crossbow in their hands, and faced a hundred steps away. The Yanjun armored cavalry that was rushing straight towards him, shot straight past.

The bow and crossbow are coming and going quickly in the air, but it is obvious that the Yan army has an absolute advantage in terms of speed and strength. The first more than ten riders were shot in the chest by the Jin army's crossbow. The deadly place is turning over and falling, or simply leaning back and lying on the horse, but the chain-linked war horse continues to charge forward, and the knights who are still alive are arrows like shooting stars, non-stop, yes. On the opposite side, the Jinjun archers without any cover fired their arrows again and again. After two or three rounds of arrow rain, more than half of the hundreds of crossbowmen who covered the shooting fell more than half, and the remaining fifty people were Without looking back, he continued to stay in place, while dodge the bow and arrow flying from the opposite side, while hitting the arrow at the fastest speed, and hitting the opposite side.

After Zhu Lingshi jumped on the shield of a big car, while holding a crossbow to shoot outside, he shouted: "Brothers, withdraw quickly, come back quickly."

A leading brigade commander outside the formation said in a deep voice: "General, after I voluntarily stayed, I will never lose the reputation of the Beifu Army. Please bring the brothers into the car formation and fight the thieves bravely. I have no regrets... ………"

Before he finished his words, he only heard a "Woo", a long spiked arrow, impartial, just penetrated through his open mouth, took his whole body up, and flew out backwards. A few steps, the arrow shaft came out of his head, just nailing his head to the shield plate under Zhu Lingshi's body, and the shield was swayed.

An armored horse with the captain's appearance on the opposite side proudly raised the big bow in his hand and laughed wildly: "Have you seen Jin Gou? This is the archer's arrow..."

Before his words fell, he saw something as fast as lightning under the dazzling sunlight, oncoming, his smile was still frozen on his face, his mouth was still too late to close, a long arrow, almost in the same way Flew into his mouth, this time, he directly nailed his still spinning tongue, pierced his head, shattered his skull, and this arrow with a strong rotation was piercing the brain through the helmet. In an instant, with the force of rotation, he smashed his head like a watermelon. The blood mixed with his brain sprayed out, splashing the faces of the two knights next to him, and the one who was arrogant just now. The Eagle Shooter became a headless corpse, still sitting on a horse, not moving at all.

Above the Jin Army car formation, Xu Chite had already removed his arm armor, and bare his entire muscular, violent right arm. In his hand, he had a six-stone long bow with six bowstrings still swaying slightly. There was a smirk at the corner of his mouth: "The Eagle Shooter, is your head still there?!"

This time it was the turn of the Jin army to thunder and cheers. The tragedy of the brigade commander who died just now was wiped out. The sergeants outside the line stood up straight and did not dodge, so they held their crossbows and fired hostilely. And the 30-odd crossbowmen in the car all fired at the enemy one after another. For a time, the armoured outfits in the front row were shot down or killed on the horse. Even the horses that charged in the front were also shot. Many horses were shot through the head with an arrow, and the entire row of horses was rushed to the ground. Four or five rows of serial horses fell down. The enemy army that had just hit the enemy with full force just now also blocked the momentum. The knights behind We began to slow down the speed of the impact, reorganized the team, and after a hundred steps, began to suppress with bows and arrows.

More than 30 bowmen and crossbowmen who were still alive dragged the bodies of their companions and the wounded soldiers to withdraw. Everyone’s eyes flashed with tears, because Zhu Lingshi personally jumped out under the cover of several shield players. Outside of the shield formation, first draw the arrow of the dead brigade commander’s body, and then hug it back to the shield. Behind the shield are more than a thousand bows and crossbowmen who survived the disaster. If it weren’t for the brigade commander and his hundred. The heroic actions of Yu Ming's subordinates, I am afraid that many people will catch up with the enemy and die under the bow and arrow or spear. It can be said that the sacrifices of more than 70 people have saved at least 500 people's lives. Let all the sergeants present, with tears in their eyes, press their hands on their chests, and pay tribute to these colleagues with the highest military salute.

A sound of horseshoes sounded from behind, Zhu Lingshi looked back, but was surprised to find that at the moment when he rushed out of the battlefield, the situation in the rear had undergone earth-shaking changes, and there were almost no corpses on the ground. , The horses scattered everywhere are also taken away, UU reading www. uukanshu.com even the blood pit traps were covered with sand, covered with wooden planks, almost filled up, more than a hundred steps away, thousands of cavalry had formed an impact formation, and behind them, there were dense The long-handed, light-armed swordsmen of Wudi, mixed with horses like dragons, people like tigers, and spears like forests, are obviously ready to fight the Yanjun armour frontal battle at the front of this hundred steps wide!

Liu Zhong went straight to the horse with a horizontal sword, and stood in front of the battle with Tan Shao, who was riding a steed and carrying a halberd. They solemnly saluted Zhu Lingshi and all the crossbowmen, and they saluted with them. Thousands of steps for the entire rear army formation.

Zhu Lingshi and his subordinates also looked solemn, and returned with a military courtesy. He saw the semaphores of the messengers behind Tan Shao, and the next tactics and plans were done in just a few short strokes. Looking at it, Zhu Lingshi suddenly realized, and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, quickly disperse to both sides, evacuate as planned, and let the road open."

His order was quickly passed on to more than a dozen team members, and a large number of crossbowmen immediately scattered into the camps on both sides of the car formation. They disappeared. Only Xu Chite was still standing alone. On the car, arrows were fired outwards one after another, and every time the bowstring vibrated, there would always be a scream or snoring on the opposite side. Correspondingly, more and more arrow sticks flew towards him, sticking to his scalp for a foot, and five inches of arrow sticks "swish" and "swish" across, but he didn't care, and it was still like this. Standing there, shooting an enemy with one arrow and one arrow. Whenever an enemy is killed, he unconsciously sticks out his tongue and licks his lips, then quickly jumps out of the car, and then jumps left or right. Get in a nearby car and continue shooting from another location.

Zhu Lingshi shook his head: "Chite, don't fall in love with the war, the commander has orders, we must withdraw first, and we will fight later!"

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