Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2698: Armored Cavalry 2 Division scrambles to be the first

Xu Chite sighed, shot an arrow, and then jumped out of the cart. The moment he fell, an arrow passed over his helmet. The strong wind cut several helmets and flew in the air. From a distance, it seemed that the plasma burst after the head shot through. Soon, in the armoured formation on the opposite side, there were bursts of cheers!

Zhu Lingshi looked at Xu Chite. The red helmet fluttering in the wind was as bright as a raging fire just now. There are almost no left at this moment, and the few strands are lying weakly on the top of his helmet. , But Xu Chite's mental state is very good, with a nonchalant expression on his face, and even waved his big bow: "I haven't shot enough yet, at least I can kill him dozens more."

Zhu Lingshi twitched the corner of his mouth: "The war is for victory, not for killing. The commander has new orders. Let's follow the plan."

Xu Chite wiped the sweat from his face, copied the big bow in his hand, and hurriedly retreated to the sides together with the other crossbowmen. Zhu Lingshi glanced at those outside the cart that were still shooting arrows. The shooting armored rider flashed a trace of killing intent in his eyes, and followed the other people back to the side. Soon, the avenue leading to the Chinese military commander station became quiet as usual.

There are still more than three hundred eagle archers who are riding in the armor, standing in the forefront, taking turns shooting at more than twenty shield vehicles on the opposite side and in the middle of the road. The shield plates are already filled with arrow shafts. It's like an archery target.

Halchi holding the copper hammer upside down, standing under a Pegasus flag under the environmental protection of more than a hundred guards, he looked forward coldly, and a lieutenant named Kezucheer said in a deep voice. "General Ha, these Jin troops have already escaped into the car formation and are afraid to fight back. I think they are waiting for backup. We just shoot but not attack. We are afraid that we will leave them some breathing time. It is better to send Dozens of brothers stepped forward with nooses and pulled these carts to see what else they could play!"

Halchi shook his head: "No, our army ambushes many times before. They are very cunning. Maybe they are trying to lure us to attack and set up an ambush. Just now, their counterattack was very powerful. An archer seemed to have killed us. Ten brothers."

But Zuchaer quickly said: "The Jin general has been killed by our army. Just now I personally directed more than a hundred eagle archers to attack him specifically. Everyone saw him spurting blood with an arrow, and then there was no promotion. The army is shooting at us."

Halchi raised his eyebrows: "Maybe this is their trick to lure the enemy. In this way, if the Jin army still does not resist, let the archers raise the arc and shoot the back ten. Within a step, even if they have any ambush, they can't stop our army's arrow rain. At the same time, as you said, let the lasso move forward, pull the cart, and see the situation behind before making a decision."

But Zuchaer said unwillingly: "But, this will give them a chance to escape."

Halchi waved his hand: "There is nothing terrible. Our goal is not the thousands of Jinjun archers, but Liu Yu's Chinese military commander at the back. General Xingzong said, as long as we fight steadily and step by step, it will be enough to fight. Under the handsome audience, catch Liu Yu alive!"

Having said this, he suddenly thought of something, and said in a deep voice: "The order, the former army knight untie the chain link. This is not a field battle, and there is no need for a series of shocks. Instead, it will cause inconvenience when passing carts and various obstacles. "

But Zuchaer smiled slightly, and a hint of excitement flashed across his face: "Is General Ha going to gallop here?"

Hal Chi nodded: "Yes, that Chi Lao Wen sent to the side road just now. If we let him get the first place, we would be in vain here. This road leads all the way to the enemy's commanding station. , As long as these **** carts are solved, it will be the result of raiding the enemy infantry. How can I give up such a good opportunity? Go and execute the order, but General, I need you to be the first to rush to Under the enemy's commander!"

But the car laughed: "I can't ask for it!"

Jin army rear army, above the fork in the road.

Chi Lao looked at the front warmly and coldly. More than 300 armoured riders dismounted, and were hurriedly blocking in front of them. The over 20 carts were moved away, and one of the guards muttered: " What kind of a ghost, it was clearly killed from this road just now, but the road was blocked by a car. Could it be that the Jin army’s counterattack cavalry were only those few hundred people?"

A burst of cheers came. As dozens of stones pressed on the car were removed, the two shields were taken apart, and the situation behind was unobstructed. The end of a simple passage seemed to be an unmanned camp. , Hundreds of large boxes were placed in the camp, accompanied by hundreds of tents that were apparently hurriedly erected. The gates of the camp were wide open, and no soldiers were defending.

The guard said excitedly: "General Chi, this seems to be a reserve camp for the enemy. The cavalry should be guarding the house here. UU reading www.uukanshu.com all rushed out to resist when the war was unfavorable. After the defeat of our army, the retreat channel was broken, and we could only escape to the outside."

The eyes of the other guard were shining: "There are a lot of big boxes there. It seems to be the Jin army's salary, luggage, and the looted treasures, General, now we have developed!"

Chi Lao Wen laughed and said, "Look at what you are like! This battle eliminates Liu Yu, but it is more important than any treasure. Once Liu Yu and this Jin army are destroyed, the Jin people still have the power to prevent us from grabbing their things. Listen, I’m afraid this is Liu Yu’s trick. He deliberately left these treasures to delay our attack. Send me the order. After pulling the cart, the cavalry continued to move forward, paying attention to the enemy’s ambush. Leave a distance of more than 20 steps between them, and don’t be crowded into a ball. Those who dare to privately plunder the treasure on the ground, cut it!"

Disappointment flashed across the faces of all the guards. Chi Lao Wen looked at them and said word by word: "Our goal is to get under Liu Yu's handsome platform and help him back. I used to directly take the central command of the Jin army, and now Harchi is ahead of us. If the action is slow, I am afraid that this merit will be robbed by the family. If this battle wins, if we are the first meritorious minister , The proceeds will be far more than the boxes in this broken camp!"

The soldiers around me who were a little disappointed were all refreshed and cheered. Chi Lao Wen licked his lips, his eyes flashed with the light of wild beasts: "Halchi is on the way, although he is away from the commander station. The distance is close in a straight line, but presumably the reinforcements of the Jin army will be concentrated there to resist desperately. Here, there will be no strong enemies along the way. Remember, the national division said that the first one to come to Shuaitai was the head of the battle. Honourable ministers, it’s no problem to be appointed to worship generals! Brothers, rush!"

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