Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2699: Cavalry hedge against the brave

"Woo", "Woo", the sound of breaking through the air is endless, and then there is the sound of feather arrows passing through the sky, over the shield of the car, and falling behind the cart. Hal cocked his ears and listened carefully. The arrow hit the human body, and the sound of penetrating the flesh sounded. His face gradually showed a smile. He looked around, pointed at the front with a copper hammer, and said: "Have you heard that there is an ambush behind this car? Go ahead, I'm afraid I'll be in an ambush already by now."

Several guards bowed their heads in shame: "I waited impatiently, and almost missed the event of General Ha. Please convict the army."

Halchi waved his hand triumphantly: "Finally, you are still too young and inexperienced after all. The general is brave but brave, and lacks strategy. If he rushes hard according to his words, I'm afraid that Murong Guang in front What we have is our end. Okay, now we have almost killed the troops behind the enemy's shield. Send the order, lasso, and pull down the shield for me!"

A few guards hurried away on horseback. Soon, more than a hundred cavalry rushed forward. They had a shield in one hand, a lasso in the other, and a ring on their head, while more than two hundred horsemen were holding a long scorpion. The main station weapons such as mace and mace were guarding in the back. Above the head, bursts of arrow rain skyrocketed and landed about ten paces behind the car. It was considered to provide them with long-distance protection. Whoever wants to cross at this time A big shield raid is not an easy task. This is also the safe tactics adopted by these battle-tested Yanjun armored knights after witnessing countless various ambushes by the Jin army after today's battle.

Following the command of the captain, more than a hundred lassos were thrown out in the rough roar, and they were put on the shields of these carts without any partiality. They tightly closed the circle and tied the knot. She usually shepherds sheep and horses all day long. For the Xianbei people who use these horses and sheep as their basic life activities, it is a commonplace meal. Even on a fierce horse running at full speed, they can accurately set a wooden pole, not to mention it is so generous. The shield is gone.

Hundreds of lassos were wrapped around these 20 shields, and the horse riders skillfully turned the horse body and wrapped the lasso around the wrist, or the fixed horse hook on the saddle, and then or It’s either kicking the horse's belly with the spurs on the boots, or slamming the horse's buttocks with the whip, causing the horse to hiss in pain, and at the same time, it rushes back with all its strength, three or four horses pulling a shield. More than a thousand catties, most of the shields were simply pulled away. There were even a few shields that were firmly nailed to the car body. Even the shield and the car were all pulled down. Just now it looked like an indestructible line of defense for the car. , At this moment, almost everything is overwhelmed, and the situation behind the car array is unobstructed.

Halchi saw it really, and saw a road leading directly to the handsome platform five hundred steps away, and under the handsome platform in the distance, the banners went back and forth, and the man called Masi seemed to be coming back to the soldiers, and on this road, Looking around, it’s almost a Pingchuan River. More than a dozen apparently newly dug pits lie in the middle of the road, covered with a layer of soil, but from under this thin soil, you can vaguely see the **** broken-foot remnants, scattered on the ground. After all the armor and fragments of weapons on the ground, it was obvious that it was the armor that was stripped from the war dead and dropped to the spot when it was hurriedly carried.

As for those big carts, hundreds of Yanjun corpses who had been stripped of their armor were placed everywhere. Their identities can be judged from the braids on their heads and the sheepskin underwear on their bodies. Everyone has their bodies inserted. There were more than ten arrows. Obviously, before the evacuation of the Jin Army's archers, they had not forgotten to peel off the armor of those Yan Army armored corpses and threw them behind the car for suspicious soldiers. The sound of those feather arrows entering the body just now was made after they were shot on these unlucky ghosts.

The soldiers of the Yan army saw their eyes completely red, because they had just witnessed the tragic scene of the fighting here. Those who died in this pit were all their colleagues, even some of their relatives and friends. Many people started Calling the names of these people, I even couldn't help but sing the song of Agan.

A cold light flashed in Halchi's eyes, and he sternly said: "Generals, brothers, the resistance of the Jin army, the counterattack of the Jin army, have been crushed by us. Now, these cowards have fled towards their army. Liu Yu is right in front of our eyes, rushing to me, running over, smashing all the resistance on the road, letting the iron hooves of our armor ride, smash the remains of these Jin dogs, and avenge our dead brothers!"

As soon as his voice fell, there was a roar from the front: "Warriors Pegasus, charge me!"

The lassomen just now, seeing the situation behind the cars, quickly jumped out of their horses, pulled away the big cars in the middle of the road, and pushed them to the side of the road, while the bodies scattered behind the cars, They were also taken away quickly, so as not to affect the speed of the cavalry when they charge~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When these carts and corpses were just moved to both sides of the road, the carts had already taken the lead. The center was swiftly passing by, behind him, more than a thousand horses followed closely, man and horse armor, running and shaking the mountain, even after a hundred steps away, you can still feel the heavy weight that makes people unable to breathe. pressure.

A blast of drums suddenly sounded from the side of the front. From the sides of the front camp, thousands of cavalry were shot out. The knights on horses were heavily armored, and the horses were also covered in leather or chain mail, under two banners. , With the words "Tan" and "Liu" written separately, it was the more than a thousand cavalrymen led by Tan Shao and Liu Zhong, who broke out from the two wings at this time and stood in front of the Yanjun Armored Cavalry.

But the chariot laughed and waved the big axe in his hand: "It’s good to come. I didn’t expect that the Jin army would have reinforcements so soon, but it is your blessing to die in front of the invincible armored cavalry in the world. , Brothers, kill me!"

He was howling on his mouth, and the movements under him were not half slow. The armour of the brigade continued to charge forward in a tight formation. The riders on the horse also took up long scorpions, broadswords, maces and other melee combat. Weapon, with terrifying howls of war in his mouth, move forward at full speed!

A cold light flashed in Liu Zhong's eyes: "All the army listened to the order, don't entangle these thieves meaninglessly, kill me, take the enemy commander in the rear, and cut down the enemy's Pegasus flag. Reward!"

As he said, he rode out, and charged side by side with Tan Shao, who was holding the halberd. More than two thousand Jinjun cavalry rushed forward like this. From the side road they turned out, a large number of densely packed heavy equipment The hands also followed behind the horse and charged forward. Tan Hezhi held the banner high, rushing and shouting: "Kill the thief, kill the Hu, kill the Hu!"

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