Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2700: Trip rope violently rises

With the roar of the Jin army's infantry, the Jin army's cavalry smashed out of the gallop and launched a counter-attack toward the steadily advancing armoured armor, but the full-sized cart opened his eyes, and he never expected that, Actually, the Jin army will directly abandon long-range weapons and launch a cavalry assault against its own army. It has always been the first time in his life that only armored cavalry rushed to kill the enemy. Too!

The cavalry on both sides of the avenue, which is more than two hundred paces wide, was formed by the heavy baggage on both sides and the camp. The cavalry on both sides quickly approached. , While aiming at the Jinjun cavalry on the opposite side, it was only in such a narrow, but the front of more than 300 meters wide, the impact of more than a thousand cavalry made the distance between cavalry and cavalry no more than five meters, almost closed eyes, all Able to shoot the opposite, at this distance, with the power of a fully armored rider, as long as the bow is opened, it will definitely be killed by an arrow, but there is a smirk at the corner of the chariot's mouth, and he can even foresee, a round of ride After the shot, these cavalrymen thirty paces away from the opposite side fell down with an arrow, and then collapsed into a single piece with the horse behind them.

Suddenly, a shrill scream sounded, accompanied by the roar of hundreds of voices: "Get up and trip him!"

From the camps on both sides, suddenly more than two hundred swordsmen in light armor rushed out, their backs were long swords or machetes, but their wrists were tightly twisted. The long ropes together appear as khaki. At first glance, it looks exactly the same as the color on the ground, which is difficult to distinguish.

But the smile on the cheek was still on his face, but there was a flash of lightning in his mind, and he almost instinctively roared: "No, there is a stumbling line!"

But his cry was too late. Just less than five paces before the horses of the two cavalry teams at the forefront, he immediately pulled up more than twenty long ropes, with a lateral distance of more than two hundred paces. The long cable bounced out, and the two ends of the cable were tightly tied to the wrists and waists of the light soldiers who suddenly rushed out. They added up to the thickness of the arms. At first glance, they were mixed with good sharkskin. It is made of cane, which is extremely tough, and the root barbs on the cable are shining with cold light, which is shocking!

More than a hundred riders ran into these leather slings almost instantly, and the huge momentum even caused the muscles and bones of the strong guys on both sides to be deformed immediately. More than a dozen strong guys even flew out of the sky. There are also a few strong men who wrapped a lasso around his waist. It is obvious that his waist was deformed, and he flew out screaming. After all, this kind of power is equivalent to hundreds of armored horses rushing on the body at the same time, although The resilience of the leather cord has relieved some strength, but it is still not what the human body can withstand. Almost every warrior who pulls the cord is under the impact, and the internal organs are like being hit by a sledgehammer, between the mouth and nose, There was also blood oozing out, and it was obvious that he had suffered internal injuries.

However, the more than a hundred light soldiers who stayed in place, did not fly out or fell, but gritted their teeth and stood firmly in place. More people ran out from both sides and quickly pulled up those fallen. The cable heads left behind by the companions who descended or smashed into the air were tightly wrapped around their hands and bodies, and more than twenty leather ropes, still like the Great Wall of Steel, were stubbornly blocked in front of the armor!

The Wu soldiers on the cable drove dozens of people into the air, and the stumbling armors were even more miserable. In the first round of the impact, hundreds of knights were thrown out of the horse to give birth to them. In the shape of a trapeze, he rushed out more than ten meters away and fell heavily to the ground. Even if he didn't directly fall to his death, he would still be staring at Venus. Thanks to this heavy armor, he could never get up or fight anymore.

Only this one met, Nanyan Jiaqi rushed to the front of the two hundred riders, almost all fell off the horse, a handful of more than 30 riders with superb riding skills, one after another, jumped into the sky at the extreme moment, jumping over the ground. About a meter or so, the iron hoof struck the cavalry who flew out in front of the horse. No matter how strong the protective gear, it could not withstand this armored ride with a horse and a horse that weighs more than a thousand pounds. After a few meters in the air Stomping heavily, as long as you step on the middle torso or the head of the head, the hoof will be killed, and it will be dead. The sound of screams and the sound of horses reverberates around, and more than ten rides are hard to jump over and stumble. Suo, the horse that fell to the ground also tripped the cavalry on the ground. Even the horses and men fell to the ground. In the space of about thirty steps, the horses and men fell to the ground, and the scene was chaotic!

The car that rushed to the front of the second line pulled up the horse's rein quickly, and came to a sudden stop. These armored knights are equipped with extraordinary riding skills, which can almost do whatever they want, the unity of men and horses, just now The armored horses who were still struggling with all their strength immediately stood up within five steps, but they gritted their teeth and looked at the rope-holding light soldiers on both sides, and shouted: "These are the ones who stumbled. The dog thieves killed our brothers, UU reading www.uukanshu.com killed them and shot them to death!"

The armored cavalry of the second team parked in the same place. They had already set their arrows and were about to shoot at the opposing Jinjun cavalry. However, with the arrogant roar, these cavalry turned their bows one after another. , Turned to point to the light-armed strongmen on both sides of the rope, a bowstring slammed, and the arrow was like a migratory locust, and it fiercely shot at the strongmen on the two wings.

"Puff" and "Crack", the long arrows enter the body, and the sound of piercing flesh is endless. At a distance of dozens of steps or even a hundred steps, these armored horses shoot almost unarmored sergeants with large bows and heavy arrows. The result is that they shoot people. It became an arrow target. Almost all of the thirty powerful men were shot through with an arrow from the front to the back. Except for seven or eight, they were lucky. They only shot through the shoulders or arms, and penetrated the front of the body. People with heads have no physiology anymore, but even if these brave warriors are killed by an arrow, they are still pulling these leather cords, pulling their bodies desperately, and kicking the ground with their feet to stretch these long cords straight.

Shen Tianzi's bear-like body dashed out from the tent on the left wing, waving a large shield as high as a person in his hand, more than three feet wide, almost like a pile of wooden walls, blocking it for more than ten. In front of the famous light soldier, in an instant, there were more than ten long arrows nailed to this shield. If it weren't for the thickness of the plate more than seven inches, I am afraid that Shen Tianzi held the hand in the inner shield. It will also be nailed.

As Shen Tianzi rushed out, more than two hundred Shen family soldiers also wielded wooden shields. They rushed to the side of these powerful men, waved their shields, and blocked them with locust-like arrows. , And those strong men are still desperately pulling the rope, shaking back and forth, and entangled, stumbled, and rolled down the remaining cavalry who had escaped from the front team and stopped in place!

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