Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2701: Cavalry burst into light

But Zucheer's eyes were wide open, his face was murderous, and he shouted hoarsely: "Come on, kill these shield players, don't keep any of them, keep your bows and arrows down, keep suppressing!"

Following his order, the front teams, all equipped with armor, have given up their entanglement with the long cables on the ground, and even no longer care about the companions who stumbled on the ground. They hung up the big bows in their hands. Instead, he picked up Ma Jian, mace and other melee weapons, and rushed towards the shield hand and long cable man on both sides of the road.

In the smoke and dust ahead, there was a roar: "Xianbei dog thief, take your life!"

But the cheek's face changed, his eyes shifted from the shield players on the side of the road to the front of his side, and the dozens of stalking horses almost all fell down and fell to the ground at the same time as the roar sounded. At the moment of landing, you can see that hundreds of cavalry have rushed across the front line of the side.

The sound of iron hoofs, trampled on the bodies of those who are still struggling to get up, and there was a burst of bones and bones. Even if the knights were covered in heavy armor, it was difficult to enter with swords and arrows. Unable to withstand the pedaling force of this heavy-duty iron horse with a horse and a horse, it often only had time to make a muffled or two, and then it was trampled with internal injuries, blood spurted, and then, one, another. Only horseshoes stepped on continuously, and soon, there was a few traces of blood in the rising smoke.

Tan Shao took the lead and rushed to the forefront. In front of his horse, a swallow-armed knight in the form of a captain finally struggled to get up from the ground, holding a mace in his hand, fiercely. He waved the head of the Tanshao mount, and faced the hundreds of cavalry who swarmed in, he also knew that he would never escape this time, just like the roar in his mouth: "Let's die together! "

Tan Shao raised his brows and said sharply: "I can't help myself!" His spear flattened, his elbow swung back, and he was about to make a stab. Suddenly, he heard only a sound of "Woo" and an arrow fell from him. Flying by his side, from his perspective, you can even see that when the arrow flies out, the tail wing is violently swinging slightly to control the balance of the arrow body, and the arrow is impartial, just from that Yanjun The little school shot in the mouth. His body weighing two to three hundred kilograms with armour feet was actually able to fly three steps away with the power of this arrow. The moment his body fell, Tan Shao This halberd also arrived as expected and hit his face severely. Suddenly, this head was like a broken watermelon, bursting in the sky, blood and brain, splashing Tan Shao all over, for him It was a bloodbath-like armor, and there was a fresh glow of red.

Tan Shao turned his head and saw that Liu Zhongzheng was holding a big bow with the bowstring swaying slightly. Tan Shao shook his head dissatisfiedly and said, "You kid grabbed my head!"

Liu Zhong laughed and threw the big bow in his hand casually. He picked up the long spear hung on the saddle and made an assault: "This dog's head has been blown up for you a long time ago. What is there to grab, Ah Shao? , Beware of the rush!"

Tan Shao sneered: "Follow me, don't lose it!" Before his words fell, Euphorbia slammed again, and at the same time lowered his head, a heavy iron bone rose from his head. Sweeping the ground, the strong vigor even made his helmet full of tassels flutter along with it, and the moment the iron bone flew past his helmet, the halberd in his hand also struck out like lightning. , Unbiased, just pierced the enemy's waist.

With a "puff", the huge speed bonus when the two horses intersect, along with Tan Shao's life-threatening halberd, even this fully-dressed knight in double heavy armor cannot be blocked by his armor, and his waist suddenly He cut a hole that was more than a foot long, the **** large intestine, and the spleen that was cut into two by this halberd, and it rushed out from this hole, and he had beaten the iron fiercely. Gu Duo's right arm suddenly lost its strength. This Iron Gu Duo shot out, flew forward, and came straight to Liu Zhong's door.

As soon as Liu Zhong leaned over, the iron bone fell on the ground less than a foot on the edge of his right cheek, and at about five steps ahead of him, the armored rider with his right waist opened his mouth. It slipped weakly from the horse, and the intestines that had flowed out before had been dragged to the ground, making people nauseous.

Liu Zhong let out a sharp scream, and the spear stabs quickly, just about three steps to the left. One of them is drawing a bow and arrow, and wants to shoot his armored horse. This person is pierced in the throat. A blood flower suddenly appeared, and when Liu Zhong's spear was retracted like a lightning, the two riders staggered, and the man's throat suddenly appeared like a wine barrel with the stopper unplugged, and blood arrows gushed out.

With Liu Zhong and Tan Shao two fierce generals taking the lead, more than 300 cavalrymen of the Jin army, who were riding the first wave of impact, slammed into the forward team of armored cavalry, because these armored horses were blocked by the tripping horses, UU Reading the book www.uukanshu.com turned the target of the attack to the shield and long ropers on both sides, almost stopped in place, and was hit face to face by the Jin army cavalry charging at full speed. There were only six of them. Seventy rides and falls, these knights of the Jin army stab the enemy's face, throat, waist, and lower side of the enemy's armor to protect the vitals, the deadly, and the great power of the horse when it hits. , A blow down, almost all killed.

On the other hand, the knights of the Yan Army, in a hurry, managed to re-point the tip or the bow and arrow more than ten steps away. The Jin Army cavalry who smashed out of the smoke and dust, in a panic, even the knights in full-armed outfits. , It is inevitable that he lost his head, even stabs and shoots, but knocked down more than a dozen cavalry on the opposite side, and couldn’t even slow down the opponent’s impact by half a minute. Between the lightning and flint, the cavalry of the Jin army was like a howling wind Skimmed into the Yanjun armored cavalry queue, wherever it passed, the Yanjun armored horses on horseback fell to the ground like chaotic leaves, splashing blood, and immediately filled the air with a strong breath of death. .

But the scooter’s eyes were completely red, and in the smoke and dust, there were still Jin army cavalry rushing out, not knowing the number, and the shield players and long rope players lurking on both sides, now also Standing tall, copying the short soldiers, they rushed towards the cavalry in the melee. Because the armor of the Yan army is almost always in place, there is no speed, and these Wudi holding sharp swords or big axes. The light soldiers hardly attacked the knight who was sitting immediately, but the sword and epee were aimed at the horse's legs and the horse's belly. In the blink of an eye, only the sound of the horses in front of him was hissing and hissing. Falling down one by one, and the armored warriors who were sitting right away were desperately waving the weapons in their hands to resist, but once they fell, they would never see even those waving spears again.

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