Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2702: Arrow rain ruthless strong man sad

But the cart gritted his teeth and yelled: "Change weapons and use secondary weapons to fight the enemy melee!" He also saw that the front cavalry with long weapons just now was good for charging and encroaching, but in this way, with the enemy In the close combat of light soldiers, there is a risk of one inch short. The Jin army’s two rounds of assaults are almost perfect. First, the cavalry attacked and disrupted the opponent’s formation, and then the light soldiers followed closely and could directly fight the opponent’s formation. Armored horses fight melee.

As the armored riders and horses are heavily armored, the swords of these Wudi swordsmen directly greet the horse's legs and belly that cannot be protected by the armor. The long weapons in the hands of the knights on horses can hardly stab these capable swordsmen. , Once the horse fell, that armor became a restraint that prevented them from moving, and they could only be slaughtered by their opponents.

But the order was just given, and I only felt that the sunlight above his head suddenly dimmed, and a strong wind blew from behind him. His face changed slightly. When he looked up, he saw a cloud of arrows rain. Flew over his head, crossed a large arc, and flew to the front cavalry who were fighting with the enemy's infantry, sixty steps away.

But Zucheer suddenly realized it and shouted: "Stop, don't shoot, we will shoot our own brother!"

About fifty steps behind him, Hal's face sank like water, looking at him at a distance of about thirty steps in front of him, the all-equipped knights who had been lined up in a riding and shooting formation, were bending their bows and shooting arrows, more than a hundred steps toward him. In the outer combat area, rounds of lob shots were implemented. In order to shoot faster and farther, many knights even took the initiative to remove the armor on the right arm. Otherwise, the strength and angle Two points short, maybe the arrow rain will fall on the head of the car.

By the side of Harchi, a messenger looked at the semaphore ahead and sighed: "General Ha, the general Kezuo in front is saying that this will kill his own soldiers. He has ordered the former military to use secondary weapons to dismount and fight. , Request our army to stop shooting!"

Halchi said coldly: "Of course I know that I will shoot to our army, but I will also shoot to the enemy. Look at the light swordsmen of the Jin army. Most of them don’t even have armor on them. The warrior is double-layered armor at any rate. These arrow rains can't cause much damage. At least, it will do much less damage than the enemy."

Having said this, he paused, watching the Jin Army Tuqi who was still rushing right and left in the front army array, and was about to attack the handsome flag near the handsome, he said in a deep voice: " What's more, it was these Jin cavalrymen who were really strong in the first assault. Unexpectedly, their attacks had such a speed and momentum. They were much stronger than the previous Jin cavalrymen. It seems that these must be the reserve cavalrymen of Liu Yu's Middle Army. It was used in the decisive victory. Seeing that our army was about to break the formation, it was also used to counter the impact. As long as they defeated this round of assault, it would be worthwhile even if the front army was killed. , Arrow rain covered!"

The expression on the messenger soldier's face changed: "Well, that's going to be shot at a sufficient general, this..."

Halchi gritted his teeth: "But it's my brother-in-law, the man of my most beloved little sister. For so many years, every time I set out on an expedition, my little sister has to ask me to take his man back. If he really does Dayan died, my little sister will be heartbroken, but this is what each of us Xianbei men must do when they step on the battlefield. If he is replaced in my position, I will be in the front now, and he will also Will give the same order without hesitation, I will not blame him, and he will definitely understand me!"

Having said this, he closed his eyes, some tears flashed in the corners of his eyes, and murmured: "God Tianma, please bless my brother-in-law, I can survive this time!"

After he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly opened. At this time, his eyes were full of murderous intent. Every piece of flesh on his face trembled with the roar of gritted teeth: "The entire army is attacked by twenty rounds of arrows, the target is ahead. Fifty to seventy steps. After shooting, abandon the bow and strike against the enemy!"

The Yanjun Armored Cavalry Front Team, but by the side of the car, more than a dozen guards have put up their big shields and stood in the air. The sound of long arrows falling on the riding shields is like stir-fried beans. Kla, it's endless. From time to time, there are arrows crossing the gap of the shield and hitting the people in the shield. All the armors are elite soldiers who are one in a thousand. They are more powerful than others. At a distance of fifty steps, even if it is The double-layered heavy armor can't completely prevent the heavy arrows falling in the air, just like the three feathered arrows stuck in the shoulders and legs of a car. Where the arrow hits, there is faint blood seeping out, which shows that the arrow has already Break the armor into the body.

A small school yelled: "General enough, I am afraid that General Hart wants us to die with the enemy. Not only did the UU reading www.uukanshu.com not stop their arrows, they also entered a state of rapid attack. Let's protect you and retreat first. , It's too dangerous here!"

But the chariot gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "My dear brother-in-law, I really want to win by all means. However, if he doesn't have money, we can't retreat. Just like General Murong Guang, we must die in battle. In the position of, brothers, this battle is not the death of the Jin army or the life of us. Give me a charge!"

With a wave of his weapon, the more than ten guards around him all threw away their shields, picked up the main battle weapons such as long lances and lances, and faced them twenty steps away, and had already attacked the ones before the last armored cavalry. The cavalry of the Jin army launched an impact, but Zu Chi'er turned to the last messenger beside him and nodded: "Send me a message to Harchi, saying that he will take care of his sister and my two. son!"

The messenger cried out: "General, I can just use the semaphore, I want to tell you..."

But the chariot drew a whip under the leg of the messenger: "Idiot, this is an order, don't you want to die?"

The messenger wiped his tears and saluted Kezu Che'er: "The general, take care, must survive!"

Then, he turned around and ran towards the riding formation behind him. There, the archers in the first three rows had shot all the arrows. At this moment, he began to put on his armguards again, lift the long hair, and even set up the chain ring. Obviously, a full impact will be launched soon.

But a smile flashed across Zuche's face, and as another arrow hit his right back, his brows wrinkled slightly, and his smile disappeared. He raised the big axe and looked at him for more than 30 years. Away, the charge is forward, his body is like a hedgehog, and the halberd in his hand has been stained red with blood. His eyes are wide, his legs and a horse belly are clamped, the horse flashes out like electricity, and he takes Tanshao straight away. : "Jin thief, take your life!"

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