Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2703: The archer shoots the horse first

In the Jin Army, handsome Taiwan.

All the people looked dignified, looking at the rear army, seven or eight hundred steps away from here, the cavalry on both sides staggered back and forth, repeatedly charging and killing, the ground was full of corpses, and the living soldiers were more than a few arrows. The cavalry on the horse is heavily armored, and some of them can still fight with a lot of arrows, but the Wudi light soldiers who lack protective gear are more tragic. More than two thousand swordsmen who have gone into the battle have fallen six. Seven hundred people mingled with the corpses of the Yan Army's former armored cavalry who fell to the ground in almost the same number, and the scene was extremely tragic.

Yu Yue watched the battle with Tan Shao in a ball, the two horses staggered, and the halberd and the big axe were fought against each other like a revolving lantern, and sighed: "These all-armored knights are indeed the best soldiers in a thousand, whether they are Generals are still soldiers, and they can fight against our elite. If it weren't for the previous use of so many tricks, it would be really hard to deal with."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, these armored riders are the super elite of the Murong clan for nearly a hundred years. If you want to be selected, you have to be selected among the warriors of various units and strictly assessed before you are eligible to join the army. According to the Hu people’s rules, the prisoners of war slaves belong to the soldiers who captured them, but if they make great contributions on the battlefield or join the armored cavalry, then they can be exempted from the status of slaves, so everyone is enthusiastic. This is also the invincibility of Yan Guo’s iron cavalry. The root cause."

Wang Miaoyin's eyebrows frowned: "It's just that our army's rapid assault has not broken the enemy's two thousand horses in the front line. Now we have also damaged more than one thousand soldiers. The cavalry's assault spirit has dissipated. Is it temporary? Would you like to collect it?"

Liu Yu calmly said: "At this time, you must not retreat. It is the force of this gritted teeth. If you get out of breath, then everything will be over. At this time, you can only enter, not retreat. The Yan army on the opposite side, too I know this very well."

Speaking of this, he nodded to Wang Zhen on one side: "According to the order, the Chinese army sent Liu Jianzhi and his son to lead three thousand reserve infantry, equipped with heavy armor and large shields, and quickly stepped out to cover the divergence in the temporary camp."

Wang Zhenya smiled slightly: "The armored horses of the first division of the Yan army detoured from there. Marshal, is this to block their impact line?"

Liu Yuzheng said: "The power of the cavalry lies in its mobility. In addition to being able to attack from the front, it can also go around and attack on both sides. Now the enemy armour has entered the battlefield. One division is attacking from the front, and the other is rounding the sides. A division is preparing for it outside the battlefield. It probably has to wait for their two divisions to attack before and after they envelop our army before they join in and directly assault our army’s handsome platform. Instead of waiting for them to come, we should first attack. Go out, the two wings and the forward will not move, only the three thousand reserve infantry of the Chinese army can be transferred."

Hu Fan hooked the corner of his mouth: "Marshal, or I will help, there are now five hundred archers here in the Shenjian Camp. They are loyal and reliable. If you shoot from a high point, even if it’s a armored rider, It can also cause a lot of damage!"

Liu Yu said calmly: "No, it's still useful for me to keep you here, besides..."

He pointed to the more than forty temporary arrow towers in the rear army, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Mao Dezu and Xu Chite, they should have entered their positions by now."

Everyone looked around, and saw thousands of archers carrying quiveres and holding large bows. They were riding the human ladder and sending their companions to the turrets, which had just been built halfway, and had not had time to set up the ladder. Xu Chite and Mao Dezu, as well as Zhu Lingshi personally took the lead on the tower, and entered several arrow towers closest to the battlefield in front of them. They were condescending, and the situation in front was unobstructed.

Yu Yue suddenly realized: "Oh, what did I say, where did Zhu Lingshi's troops go after they withdrew? It turned out that they were under these arrow towers."

Liu Yu nodded with satisfaction: "This is a tactic that has been laid out a long time ago. If you attack from the arrow towers from the beginning, the enemy will be vigilant and will even attack these arrow towers first. But now the two armies are fighting in a melee, and the war is anxious. At this time, the target of their attack is completely directed at the soldiers in front of us. As long as they block the division that is driving around in the temporary camp behind, our archers will give the enemy a huge impact. Kills."

Yu Yue shook his head in disbelief: "Impossible, the enemy troops are all heavy armor, and it is difficult to get in with swords and arrows. I just shot a lot of arrows and didn't kill many enemy troops. I rely on these hundreds of archers. Could it be able to paralyze their offense? Ah, no, the armor of the enemy's rear team has been tied together with chains and arranged in a horizontal line to charge!"

A cold light flashed in Liu Yu's eyes: "All I want is their continuous shock!"

Above the arrow tower, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Xu Chite untied the big bow in his hand. The two guards behind him took a quiver and drew a two-foot-long arrow from it. The arrow is a four-sided spike without barbs. The sharpness is abnormal, and the length of the arrow is three inches, which is much higher than the ordinary long rod spike arrow. A guard named Xu Linzi on the left sticks out his tongue: "This arrow has not been used by the general before. Is it specifically designed to break the enemy's heavy armor?"

Xu Chite smiled and drew a long arrow from the quiver, hit the bow, and slowly drew the bowstring. The arrow pointed to two hundred steps away. The chain of iron cables was advancing like a wall. A group of Yanjun armored horses, seeing that the battle formation is less than thirty steps away from the front, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Xu Er, all brothers, Chuan Ling, shoot into the eyes of the horse!"

On the other arrow tower, Mao Dezu, like Xu Chite, drew a strong bow and hit a heavy arrow. The five magical archers behind him with the same bow and arrow also wound the arrows like him, Mao Dezu muttered. Muttered: "I don't believe it, you can also be a horse with double armor!"

On the arrow upstairs to the back, Zhu Lingshi looked calm, looking at the armor on the opposite side, approaching the battle formation step by step, within a distance of less than three hundred steps, he could even see the blood-red tongue of the opposite knight clearly. With the fierce light in his eyes, he slowly raised his hand, and said solemnly: "Everyone listens to the order, a group of five people aim at a horse and shoot at the same time. If any group of attacking horses can’t fall, the team’s five-man military technique Engage, now, shoot!"

Following Zhu Lingshi's order, his hand fell fiercely, like a knife, to slash the enemy's neck, suddenly, thousands of long arrows, whizzing out, carrying a huge hole. Zhili rushed to one hundred and seventy steps away, the chain armor that had begun to accelerate the impact, and a huge roar from the crowd: "Wind!"

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