Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2704: God arrows help the enemy

With the cheers of the archers, hundreds of bowstrings sounded, and the sound of long arrows breaking through the air almost sounded at the same time. Different from the sound of breaking through the air when the common long rod spiked arrow was fired, these giant arrows, which were nearly doubled in length, Its stern and weird howling sound is almost on the same level as that of the eight-stone crossbow. Hundreds of giant arrows are fired at the same time, and its momentum is like a huge wave, which makes the hearer feel heart-piercing and breathless. !

Many of the Yan army’s armored horses unconsciously covered their ears, and several horse captains in front shouted: "The enemy is attacking with arrows, hurry up and raise their shields for protection!"

Needless to remind the captains, the knights in the front row almost instinctively raised their shields and waved them above their heads. They, the battle-tested cavalry, believed that as long as they protected their heads, The vital parts of the chest will not be shot directly. After this wave of arrow rain attacks, you can enter the state of assaulting the enemy. At that time, the armored horses connected by the chain will crush the people in the camp. Every enemy!

"Boom" and "Boom", arrows hit the body, the sound of armor breaking into the muscles was endless, and the sound of bone fragmentation was heard from time to time. The Yanjun armors who were sitting on horses did not wait until they expected to hit the shield and For the armor’s enemy arrows, many people put down their shields in surprise and looked forward, only to see that a few to dozens of feather arrows were inserted on the horse’s head of their horse. It's like an arrow stick, it's like a short spear, broken!

These two-foot-long giant arrows pierced the visors of these war horses, and what's more, they penetrated directly through the eyes. Although the armored war horses are also armored, their protection and thickness are far from these. Compared with the armors worn by the knights, because they have just lassoed, they are still in a state of running horses. The huge war horses have become the best targets for the archers within 200 steps. Almost every group and every team of arrows The shooting of the hand turned the target horse's head into a hedgehog. These poor horses didn't even have time to sigh, so they were killed, their legs weakened, and they collapsed to the ground feebly, dying!

One horse fell, two horses fell, and then there was a whole row of more than fifty war horses, all of them pounced on the ground, some horses that were not shot dead, because the adjacent war horses fell and were They fell to the ground with the iron ropes, and most of the cavalry who were sitting on their horses were directly crushed by the horses that fell suddenly. They were completely immovable, just like they were indestructible. The rows of armored horses that moved the city wall almost turned into a man on their backs and fell to the ground under almost a round of arrow rain, and the scene became extremely chaotic.

Xu Chite laughed loudly, pointed to the scene ahead, and said loudly to the archers who were still shooting at the left and right: "Brothers, do you see it? As long as the thief shoots the horse first, then these armored riders will be nothing. No matter how strong the cavalry is, they can’t fight without their horses. Quickly, they can’t turn around at this moment and can’t rush in. They aimed at me and shot, and don’t let a horse go!"

On the other arrow tower, Mao Dezu’s bow and arrow turned to the other side. It was the cavalry of the two armies who were still fighting each other. His arrow slowly pointed towards the center of the battlefield, Tan Shao and Ke Zu Che. The fight has been from the front to the back, and they are still not giving way. The two sides are full of anger, and the tiger roars again and again, just to kill the opponent in the next attack!

But the chariot gritted his teeth and said: "Jin thief, your death date has come. When the cavalry of our army rushes over, discipline you all where you die without burial. Get rid of consciously, maybe you can keep your life down. Life!"

As he said, he didn't stop the big axe in his hand for the slightest moment. When he clicked to the left and right, the tiger was in the air, and he was inseparable from Tan Shao's vitals.

Tan Shao waved the halberd and resisted the quick axe attack, and smiled: "Suolu, you are afraid you can't see the situation clearly, where is your rear cavalry now?"

As he said, the halberd turned its stabbing into a horizontal attack, smashed and hit the big axe directly, and smashed the big axe to life, and even the horse and the man jumped out. After three steps, this barely stood still.

But the foot chariot instinctively wanted to scold the enemy in front of him, but he couldn’t help but looked back. It didn’t matter. When he saw the cavalry and war horses that fell all over, his mouth was open. It's so big, I can't believe my eyes.

But Zucheer murmured: "No, it's impossible, how could this be? An illusion, it must be an illusion!"

Suddenly, Zucheer only felt that his eyes were stunned, and an arrow came through the air, directly penetrating from the center of his eyebrows. At this moment, Zucheer could even see his brain. The shot burst out. Before he had time to think about it, he only felt that his eyes were black. Then, his body began to fall into the bottomless abyss.

Tan Shao watched the Kezuo cart a few steps away. He was killed by an arrow and turned over and fell off his horse. His brows frowned, and he turned to look at Liu Zhong in the back, and said loudly, "A Zhong, it's not an early follower. Did you say that you don’t want your arrows to help? Finally found someone who can fight, but you killed him with an arrow!"

Liu Zhong was brandishing his spear, and while he was pulling out the enemy’s weapons, he stabs or clicks from time to time to stab the front opponent off the horse. Any enemy rider who has fallen from the horse will often struggle to get up before it’s time to get up. The Wudi light soldiers, stab and hammer, killed their lives on the ground.

At this moment, Liu Zhong just stabbed an enemy off his horse. He wiped the sweat from his face and said solemnly to Tan Shao: "A Shao, I didn't shoot it. How can I shoot arrows with two hands now?"

Tan Shao understood it all at once, turned his head and looked at the arrow tower in the distance, and saw that feather arrows were constantly shooting down, facing the Yanjun armored horses in the battlefield, one by one, one by one, a distance of about a hundred paces. It’s much easier to hit the key points of the Yanjun cavalry who are almost stopped fighting in place than to shoot a red heart the size of a copper coin during training a hundred steps away. With the help of these archers, almost Within four to five minutes, more than two hundred Yanjun cavalrymen were shot to death under their horses. The Jinjun cavalrymen who lost their current opponents soon turned to besiege the nearest enemy cavalry, who were originally evenly matched. The battle situation, because of this series of accidents, has become one-sided.

Tan Shao laughed and said, "Ah Zhong, these Yan troops are no longer a problem, and the enemy's armored cavalry charges behind, and they will solve the problem for the big stone. Now, we continue to act according to the plan, go straight to the enemy's flag, and finish this. After the battle, go outside the battle to kill the enemy generals, and follow me!"

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