Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2709: Soma Gu Ruotang

Jin Army, Chinese Army, Shuaitai.

Yu Yue bit the nail of his right hand tightly, his body was trembling slightly, and he muttered: "Broken, broken, how can this be good?!"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "Gong Yu, don't worry, it's just that the Yanjun armor is in the battle. This is expected, and it is not bad. Besides, we have our own way to deal with it!"

Yu Yue shook his head, pointed to the front, and said in a deep voice: "Those arrow towers have been demolished by the Yan army and burned almost. Our army's rear cavalry failed to make a sudden attack. After rushing out of the battle, there was no return. On the contrary, it was the brigade. The Yanjun cavalry began to enter the battle, I'm afraid that General Tan and General Liu are more ill-fortuned. Marshal, we really shouldn't send the cavalry out like this!

Liu Yu calmly said: "I believe that my cavalry will not be wiped out by the Yan army in this way, and they will be used at a critical time. Yu joins the army, don’t worry, the situation on the battlefield changes, the strength changes, It’s not necessarily what you see."

Having said that, Liu Yu turned his head and looked at Wang Zhenye: "Wang Canjun, what do you think?"

Wang Zhen’s evil brow furrowed: “Although Yu Gong’s concerns are a bit exaggerated, the situation in our army’s rear army is indeed not good. On the way, the three thousand reserve infantrymen of the Central Army are fighting the enemy’s armored cavalry. For the time being, it was able to withstand it, but in the frontal direction, the Yan army’s armored cavalry solved our arrow tower. Now the Wudi light soldiers are fighting with these dismounted armored foot soldiers. The difference in weapons and equipment is too large. Although brave and brisk, they are in their hands. It’s hard to pose a deadly threat to its weapons!"

Speaking of this, he pointed to the battle ahead. At this moment, the front had already been pushed back to the vicinity of the blood pits that had been filled. It was more than three hundred steps away from the distance of the assault. In multiple steps, the corpses were everywhere. The corpses of the armored cavalry and Wu Bing who died in the battle, the left pile and the right pile, many corpses were tightly entangled together, pinching each other’s necks and even using With his fingers inserted into the opponent's eye sockets, and even biting the opponent's throat, his body was penetrated by the sword and spear, which shows how fierce the fighters on both sides experienced before their deaths!

Hu Fan on one side also shook his head and said, "Marshal, the enemy's armored cavalry is the main force behind them. They are not only equipped with horses and armors, but also brought swords and shields into the camp. I couldn't think of it. Can pull a cart and fight."

Liu Yu nodded: "We underestimated the mobility of the armored clubs. This should be their trump card. The general under the Flying Tiger must be the leader of the armored clubs, Murong Xingzong, Murong Lan. It has been mentioned that he has served in the armored cavalry for many years and has made great achievements. These carts were driven by two auxiliary horses, rushed to the combat position, and then fitted with swords and shields. Therefore, this Flying Tiger division is one man. Three horses, one more horse than an ordinary armored rider."

Speaking of this, Liu Yu frowned: "Everyone thinks that the Yan Army’s armor-clad outfits rely on indestructible attack to break the infantry phalanx, but there are a few people who can think that they are often the Chinese army’s swordsman. The shield cart and the iron-armored chain horse lure the enemy’s elite central breakthrough, relying on these defensive formations to kill and consume the enemy’s vital force to the greatest extent. The enemy force was overwhelmed, because when the heavy infantry was attacking at full force, it was difficult to maintain the initial defensive formation, and even unable to complete the formation!"

Wang Zhen's evil expression changed: "Could it be that the failures of Ran Min and Huan Wen were just like that?"

Liu Yu sighed: "I used to consult General Tian Luo and General Liu Laozhi who participated in the Battle of Liantai. They have fresh memories of the armored serial horses and sword and shield formations of the Yan army. As they tried their best, in the end only a few hundred sharp soldiers broke through the five consecutive horse formations, and when they smashed under the banner of the military commander of the Yan army, they found that there were hundreds of these sword and shield carts waiting for them. The emptiness and despair when hope is shattered, even after decades, I can still see it in their eyes."

Wang Shenai sighed faintly: "So, Liu Cheqi has been defensive and counterattack, and if he doesn't take the initiative, he just has to wait for the shield cart to come out? Is this the Yan Jun's real killer move?"

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "Their killer move is more than this one. There should be at least one or even more. Let me sell it. I won't talk about breaking it yet, but at least this sword and shield cart appeared, indicating that the rear army is there. The armored cavalry unit of China has already used all its strength, and what Murong Xingzong wants is to go all out, break through the rear army's defense from the front, and go straight to the commanding station of our army."

Speaking of this, I only heard a rapid and intensive sound of hand gongs from the rear army. Accompanied by three piercing horns, the armored horses who were in line with the Wu soldiers suddenly stopped the assassination and turned instead. Backing backwards, among their crowd, more than a hundred archers with crossbows emerged, pointing at the Wudi light soldiers on the opposite side, but they did not attract them.

Standing at the forefront, Shen Tianzi, who had already been killed like a **** man, had his eyes wide open. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com held up high, soaked in blood and brain, all stained with red and white things. The sledgehammer yelled: "The shield is moving forward!"

Dozens of strong men with large shields more than one person rushed to the front, covering the bare-chested, **** light-swordsmen, and the soldiers on both sides who were fighting just now, gradually covering their fronts back like this. A distance of more than 30 steps has been stretched, and the space between the two sides has become a horrible scene like Shura’s hell. Blood is flowing all over the ground, and corpses are scattered everywhere. Step on the corpse or soak in blood.

Shen Tianzi wiped the blood beads on his face, panting heavily, and Shen Linzi on one side stepped forward and patted his shoulder: "Brother, you have worked hard."

Shen Tianzi panted heavily and threw a machete in his left hand that had long been deformed to the ground. The moment it landed, the twisted blade dinged and snapped off, and the small openings in the more than ten blades, It also quickly grew larger, and pieces of steel fell one after another, and Shen Tianzi gritted his teeth: "Grandma's, this is the fourth knife that was broken today, or this hammer works well and won't break!"

Shen Qingzi, wearing two ear protectors, shook his head on the side: "These swan dogs are all heavily armored and hard to enter with swords. You have broken four knives, but you also killed at least twenty more, which is enough."

Shen Tianzi laughed: "It's just that they retreated like this when they got the upper hand. I think there will be any conspiracy, right, brother."

Shen Yunzi has been standing behind a few of their brothers, frowning deeply, his body is different from a few brothers, he has always been clean, because he did not go forward and fight directly, as the coach, the most important thing is to command from the rear. Hearing this, he slowly said: "I'm afraid, it's time for us to evacuate!"

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