Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2710: Resist step by step

Shen Tianzi's expression changed, and he shouted: "How can we withdraw now? We haven't played enough yet. At this moment, the enemy has lost their spirits, and we will temporarily retreat. We can just get a rest, and the rotation will continue. Let's talk about it. , We are the last line of defense in front of the general commander’s Chinese military commander station. If we withdraw now, then the enemy cavalry leader will drive straight into the Chinese military commander station, the commander and the whole army will be at great risk!"

Shen Yunzi sighed: "The enemy has already had an advantage in the attack just now. Our army is mostly light soldiers. They are swift and brave, but generally lack heavy armor. This kind of formation is not our advantage. Most of the hour, we were forced to retreat more than 300 steps, but at this time the enemy took the initiative to retreat and change the formation, which means that they must have a style of play that can cause more damage to us. If we do not retreat at this time, only I'm afraid we will suffer a big loss!"

Before he finished his words, Shen Qingzhi on one side suddenly said loudly: "Second brother, look at it, the commander passed the order from the commander!"

Shen Yunzi's expression changed, and he turned to look at the handsome platform in the center. He saw three black flags fluttering in the wind, and under the handsome platform, the banners were already fluttering. The armored sergeants ran back and forth in a line, obviously, they were about to start a large scale. Mobilized.

Shen Tianzi murmured: "The commander really wants us to withdraw."

Shen Yunzi said without hesitation: "According to the command of the commander, the shield and crossbowmen were cut off and put into battle, reloaded with their hands to protect them, and the swordsmen evacuated first."

As he said, he glanced at Shen Tianzi and said in a deep voice: "Lao San, you have been in a **** battle in front of you, and the consumption is too great, so don't stop, I will command the retreat."

Shen Tianzi gritted his teeth: "Second brother, you are the commander of the army, how can you break the post yourself, let me come, I still have Jin, as long as you give me a good knife, I can..."

Shen Yunzi patted Shen Tianzi on the shoulder: "Okay, the third child, in this battle, your consumption is as great as our Wu Bing's loss. Don't be arrogant, take your brothers and withdraw. That's what you have to do. After returning to the Chinese Army, my post-master general is no longer useful. Everyone will be under the command of the general. It's time for me to contribute."

While they were talking, only a rumbling sound from the opposite side was heard. When everyone looked around, they saw that the armored men in the front row of the opponent holding the shield-end crossbow scattered to the two sides, and more than 20 sword-and-shield carts, Pushed by more than three hundred soldiers, they ran over the corpses on the ground, and slowly but firmly pressed toward the front. With the advancement of these sword and shield carts, all the Yanjun armored horses began to cheer, rhythmically hitting the armor and shield in their hands with their weapons, while shouting loudly: "Crush, crush, crush! "

The Yanjun crossbowmen who flashed to both sides just jumped on these sword and shield carts. Those sword and shield boards, just enough to cover their entire body, only stretched the crossbow in their hands onto these boards, dozens of them. Lian Nu, shining with cold light, pointed directly at the shield wall thirty steps away from the opposite side.

Shen Yunzi's expression changed, facing Shen Tianzi and Shen Linzi, and Shen Qingzhi sternly said: "Quickly retreat, this is an order!"

Shen Linzi gritted his teeth: "There is also a cart on the opposite side, brother, it's too dangerous here, or let's run together."

Shen Yunzi shook his head: "Never, the enemy has cavalry. If we turn around and run, we will chase them all the way. Only by retreating in line can most people evacuate safely. Go! Don't waste. Time is up!"

When he said this, he turned his head and said solemnly to the soldiers behind him: "All the shields are in front of you. The first row gives me two hard tops with two shields, the long arms are placed on the shields, and the enemy is slowly retreating. They stepped forward and forced them back, no chase, no bows and arrows, all the unarmored people would evacuate immediately!"

As his orders were given, the front began a rapid rotation. The heavily armored 槊 took the shield from the front, and then another shield was erected within the shield, and two thick shields were stacked on top of each other. , It was more than half a foot wide, and the unarmored and lightly armored warriors stepped back one after another. Hundreds of long beams were placed on the upper edge of these shields, or protruded from the gap between the shields. Suddenly, Let the front line of the enemy become an indestructible line of defense.

Shen Linzi nodded, pulled up Shen Tianzi and ran back. Shen Qingzhi sighed and bowed to Shen Yunzi: "Second brother, don't force it. The commander will not leave us alone, he will send troops as soon as possible. Come and help deal with these carts."

Before he finished his words, he only heard a wild roar of Xianbei erupted from the Yan army, dozens of large crossbows were fired at the same time, and there was a burst of bean-like noise on the shield surface. You can even see some bright arrows. Jian, penetrated through the two layers of shields and directly penetrated the inner surface of the second layer of shields, which shows how powerful this power is. uukanshu.com even the heavy armored soldiers holding the inner handle of the shield can clearly see their hands trembling violently, and the officers on the front line issued a command: "Stay, hold on!"

Shen Yunzi said loudly: "Stabilize the front line, every time the enemy shoots, it takes ten steps back, pay attention to your feet, don't mess!"

Jin Jun, Central, Shuaitai.

Liu Yu looked calm. He looked at the three standing in front of him, sweating profusely, their faces covered in dust, the black and white generals, each of them had a big bow in their hands, but it was not Zhu Lingshi. Xu Chite and Mao Dezu?

Liu Yu nodded: "You performed very well. You completed the tasks I set very well. Now go take a good rest and drink some water. There will be fierce battles in a while."

Mao Dezu said solemnly: "Marshal, I am not hungry, and I don't need to rest. Now that the war is so urgent, how can we rest as if there is nothing wrong? Please give us new orders and let us fight to kill thieves!"

Xu Chite immediately said: "That's right, Brother Mao is right, handsome, brothers of the Shen family are almost unable to withstand them, they are pushing the cart like this while forcing and shooting. When have we been so useless and passive? Battle!"

As we spoke, a few hundred steps away came the sound of a powerful crossbow firing. Accompanied by a few cracking sounds, several shields were cracked. The sergeant behind the shield was also the crossbow in the front, and fell to the sky. The sergeants hurried forward with their shields to fill in the gap. The hundreds of Yanjun before the cart took the opportunity to rush to the gap that just appeared, trying to squeeze in, but was gathered by dozens of long stalks around. Thorn, finally forced to go back, but the Jin army's shield formation still slowly retreated, seeing that it was less than three hundred steps away from the Zhongjun Shuaitai. And Yan Jun’s shouts and shouts became clearer and clearer: "Crush, crush, crush!"

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