Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2712: Su Wei strikes to stabilize the line

As these big cars were destroyed and fell to the ground, the full-equipped walking armored riders who were dodges around behind the cars were also exposed, and the heavy-duty riders who were retreating just now were all exposed. He rushed forward, and across these scattered carts, there was a stab at the enemy army on the opposite side. There were even some people holding these blades, shields and nail plates, turning them upside down, and covering their own sergeants to move forward.

"Boom" and "K", there was another sound of flying rocks, more than sixty flying rocks, more than ten steps backward from the impact point, and hit the crowded armored cavalry array. This time, they moved forward in the rear. Hundreds of cavalry riding on horses were unlucky, and they fell to the ground with horses and horses. Halchi yelled from behind, "Don’t panic, don’t mess, regroup, shield. Cover the top of your head and move forward!"

On the Jin army’s side, Shen Linzi had personally picked up a long stroke, and along with the heavily armed and heavily armed hands, jumped onto these carts, condescendingly stab at the armored riders on the opposite side. , It’s just that these armored riders, under the strict orders of the generals, also stabilized their positions. They ignored the flying rocks on their heads, and began to stand shoulder to shoulder, crowded, carrying their horses and leaning on them. The sophisticated armor stabs and pushes the hundreds of heavily armed Jinjun's hands on the opposite car, desperately trying to retake this line of big cars. After all, in this not-so-wide front, they jumped on the car. There is a high degree of advantage.

And the shields of the Yan army also held up their big shields. This time they did not put the big shields on their heads as protection. Instead, they put the big shields directly on their heads to guard against blows from the air. Although the stones fell, these shields gave The place where the hit was hit was also a stumbling block, but after all, it had the buffering effect of the shield, so it wouldn't be the same as before, it would be **** and bloody, and the array would collapse.

After Sima Guofan commanded his subordinates to complete ten rounds of flying stones, he drew out his long sword and screamed: "Su Weijun, march forward to defend against the enemy!"

And the more than 500 well-equipped Su Guards in front of him also let out a roar of battle, picked up the halberd, and rushed forward, the sword cart on the line, the two sides added together, within the range of these three hundred steps. Within this, more than 10,000 people gathered here, fighting desperately here without a step back, almost relying on instinct, gritted their teeth and stared, stabs and entangled each other, and finally turned into mutual grasping each other. Tip, push forward desperately, just to see which side has more strength and better equipment, can push the other side as far as possible.

On the commanding platform of the Jin Army, Yu Yue let out a long sigh of relief: "Have withstood, and finally withstood. Thanks to the soldiers of the old guards brought by the queen, we finally managed to withstand the enemy’s armor. Safe!"

Liu Muzhi smiled and said, "Would you like to have a roast goose to celebrate."

Yu Yue's face reddened slightly, and he wiped his sweat-stained black and white faces, and said, "How can I have any time to eat these in this battle today? If I win, I will ask you Liu Changshi to eat ten. Anything."

Liu Muzhi smiled and shook his head, and looked at Wang Miaoyin: "It's been a long time since I've been fighting, and the soldiers are very tired. At this time, Su Weijun is out of battle, but it's alive and well. I always thought that Su Weijun was mostly a family. My child, the combat power is not enough, but this time I was surprised."

Wang Shenai said calmly: "These soldiers of the Suwei Army are mostly the children of the Sima clan and the nephews of some motivated family officials. Since the restoration of His Majesty, Sima Xiuzhi and Sima Rongqi have been from the town where they left the town. The princes have all fallen short, so your majesty is not good at giving the Sima clan a chance to entrust them to different places, and most of them are called back to live in Beijing."

"But now the law in the middle of the dynasty is not meritorious, not a nobleman and not an official. The previous way of getting rich and noble by relying on birth and blood is no longer possible, so the children of the clan who still want to make a difference, with This representative, Sima Guofan, joined the Su Wei Army and served as some middle and lower-level officers, while ordinary soldiers were filled by the family members and tribes in their mansion. The soldiers had been fighting in chaos in the past few years. The stragglers are brave, and there are many talented people. Many people are recruited into the homes of these princes and nobles and become family soldiers. Their combat effectiveness is really not weak."

Yu Yue laughed and laughed: "Your Royal Highness said it really well. Although the Beifu Army is invincible in the world, but its establishment is full early, even the children of Jingkou may not be able to join. This time it is to recruit new soldiers on a large scale for the Northern Expedition. At this scale, many troops that were defeated by the Beifu Army, such as the original Chu Army generals or those who participated in the Tianshi Dao Rebellion, including the former Xifu Army and the North Qingzhou Army's sergeants, also joined many. Su Weijun, even in my part, there are dozens of such newly recruited people."

Liu Muzhi frowned: "These people are of unknown origin~www.wuxiaspot.com~Don't Yu Gong worry that there are some bad intentions among them?"

Yu Yue twitched the corner of her mouth: "Liu Changshi, the country has fought for so many years, and the household registration records in many places have been destroyed by war. There is no way to test everyone's history. Accept it, and then you can slowly observe and supervise each other. People have the ability to just ask for wealth. I can still see this when I ask myself."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "You can see it, because you only need to control your dozens or hundreds of trilogy, but there are tens of thousands of people in the Su Wei army, and there are so many more at once. For those who don’t know the way, don’t you think about the safety of your majesty?"

Wang Shenai shook his head: "This is the family affair of the Sima clan. Liu Changshi, you know, it is the king of Langyan who is responsible for Suwei's affairs. Why would he rather let these people of unknown origin be the kings of the Sima clan? The tribes were compiled into the Suwei Army, and they were unwilling to ban the soldiers of the Beifu Army from Suwei Palace. I think it’s not appropriate to talk about it in depth. Everyone should know what’s going on."

Liu Muzhi frowned: "I don't mean anything else, but I don't want the old things of Emperor Xiaowu..."

Liu Yu interrupted Liu Muzhi's words in a deep voice: "Now the war is still going on. It has nothing to do with the situation. Needless to say, the king joins the army and sends the soldiers of the old guards to the front line. There is no need to chase. My handsome flag moved forward and reached the line of the knife car."

Wang Zhenya was a little surprised: "Why did the commander move the handsome flag forward and not attack? It is said that the movement of the handsome flag means that you are on the front and you are going to fight back. If you do this, will the soldiers be at a loss?"

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "I want Heipao to see this. Next, he should start!"

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