Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2713: The black robe ultimate move is finally activated

Jin Jun, right wing, outside the car array.

The black robe rides on a war horse named Heilong. On this horse’s vest, barbeds are installed everywhere, and between the eyes on the top of the head is a thorn more than a foot long, which looks like a single horn. The beast, with its blood-red eyes and bulging muscles, made people daunting.

All the riders were fifty steps away from the black robe of Independence Hill. Compared to the fearful black dragon, the black robe himself with heavy black iron armor and black robe seemed more frightening. Even if they were murderous, these hundred warriors who crossed the world did not dare to stand side by side with their coach.

A veteran with brows and brows, wearing a face, with bright eyes in his eyes, riding a tall maroon horse. Among these thousands of soldiers, he is the only one who dared to stand next to the black robe, the black robe looked at About five miles ahead, above the commanding platform of the Jin army, a big banner with the word "Liu" began to move towards the rear army, and a smile gradually appeared on his face: "Very well, King Guilin, what do you think?"

The veteran slowly raised his face, Murong Zhen’s sharply angular, wrinkled face showed up, and he sighed softly: "It's a pity that Xingzong still uses the army. It was almost a bit tough, and there was no immediate charge for the Jin army’s Zhongjun Shuaitai. He had to slowly advance with the sword and shield cart, giving Liu Yu a chance to mobilize his troops to counterattack. The sling and the assault just now made the Jin army. After defending the front line, our army's battle flag can no longer advance any further. Liu Yu's handsome flag has moved. It seems that he is leading the reserve soldiers and horses to counterattack. This victory may fly off."

The black robe smiled slightly: "The King of Guilin is complaining that I didn't let you take the armored cavalry personally and assault the enemy's rear army?"

A trace of helplessness flashed across Murong Zhen’s face: "The old man dare not have such thoughts. At the time of the court meeting that day, the old man did not support his majesty and the national division's tactics, which hurt the morale of the army and was sent to prison. This is the old man. Take the blame, no wonder others. The Chinese teacher gave his favor and released the old man. It is already grateful to be able to observe the war here, so why would there be any other thoughts?"

The black robe hooked his mouth and said calmly: "King Guilin, I have kept one thing from you. This time, it was not your majesty, but me who released you."

Murong Zhen's expression changed: "What, your majesty, your majesty hasn't forgiven me from sin?"

Having said that, he seemed to have thought of something, and sighed softly: "It's no wonder that as the veteran of the Three Dynasties, I confronted him face to face like that, and didn't save him face. It would be fine if he killed me. If you let me go, you won’t let me go to the battlefield without seeing me. However, the national teacher released me privately like this, but it’s a big sin. We had no friendship before, and even I even spoke to the Emperor and said to you. If it's not good, why are you helping me like this this time?"

Hei Pao shook his head slightly: "Because, in Dayan, in front of Murong's family and country interests, there is nothing to worry about for some private holidays. You said bad things about me before, it was out of public interest, not private grievances. As for what he said before his Majesty, it is also for the country's consideration, in fact..."

At this point, Hei Pao paused: "Actually, I agree with what you said. This battle is indeed too dangerous to draw the Jin army to Linqu instead of blocking the enemy in Shannan."

A hint of excitement flashed across Murong Zhen's face: "Does the national teacher really agree with my idea?"

Hei Pao nodded: "Yes, we are all people who have fought for many years. I still understand the truth. It is too risky to bet the fate of the entire country in this battle. After all, your Majesty is young and new. At the beginning of his ascension to the throne, he encountered rebellion by some old officials and generals. At this time, even if we want to speak, we must pay attention to the way and the method. To face him face-to-face will only backfire, and what could have been persuaded will also be counterproductive. He couldn't change because of insisting on his own face."

Murong Zhen closed his eyes, with a look of pain on his face: "It seems that my words did not help, so that this. Teacher, why didn't you remind me early?"

Hei Pao shook his head: "You and I didn't have any deep friendship before. From your point of view at the time, I was standing with Your Majesty. Even this style of play, you would suspect that it was my strategy. No matter how I remind you, you will not Will believe it. And at that time, His Majesty didn't even discuss with me in advance, so he said it directly. He may not completely believe me like you think!"

Murong Zhen was speechless for a long time and sighed: "Perhaps, we have all misread your Majesty. We did not consider the majesty of his new emperor when he became a king. I have fought with the first emperor for a lifetime. I have nothing to say, to this kind of emperor. I didn’t pay much attention to it, and the final harm was lost to the country. Even if I die a hundred times, it won’t pay for my sin.”

Hei Pao smiled slightly: "Actually, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not so serious. King Guilin, your Majesty dared to fight this battle. It was not impulsive, or because our strength is stronger than the Jin army, if not because of Liu. We have already won the victory for Yu’s commander. It’s just that now Liu Yu has used various means to forcibly resist, but now, he has used the reserve team, and he himself has personally resisted our army from the rear. The armored rider has entered, and it's time for us to launch the general attack!"

Murong Zhen's eyes widened: "Could it be that Xingzong's powerful advance this round is not the total attack? National Master, do you still hide any ultimate moves?"

The black robe's eyes flashed coldly: "Even the king of Guilin thinks that the armored rider's rear assault is our ultimate move. Presumably Liu Yu would also think so, so he is going to deal with Xingzong and the others personally now, wanting to Our army was expelled from the big formation. Not only that, I think he had also mobilized troops from the two wings to support. Now the cavalry of the Jin army has been broken, even if they want to make a comeback, there are soldiers and horses in the rear army to defend them, not to be afraid. Liu Yu in the formation had already personally entered the battle. He didn't dare to let our armored cavalry always pose a threat to his Zhongjun Shuaitai in the formation, so he wanted to make a quick fight. He moved, I was relieved. King Guilin, I will let you see now, our real ultimate move!"

He said, turning his fingers to the entrance, making two long and one short, three screaming sounds. With these three whistles, three pillars of smoke rose up behind him, soaring into the sky. , Two red and one black, go straight to Yunxiao.

In the front line of the Jin army, Zhang Gang has been riding to the forward position about fifty paces, watching the heavy infantry in the front line up and stabbing, while the wooden armoured men next to him, as always, fired arrows towards the front of the line. Rain, the three pillars of smoke on the right wing came into his eyes, he laughed loudly, and cried out: "Come on, a leap of faith!"

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