Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2714: The leap of faith descends from the sky

By Zhang Gang's side, Duan Hui, who was in command of the heavy infantry fighting in front of him, opened his eyes in surprise, turned his head and looked at Zhang Gang. After Zhang Gang, in his opinion, these more than 300 wooden armored organs are just a platform that can reach close to the front and launch crossbows. By the way, they can also open the shield to cover the archers in the back row. At best It was a chariot with a baffle that could launch bows and arrows on its own. There was nothing unusual about it. To really solve the battle, you had to rely on these soldiers under your own hands.

He probably understood this too, so Zhang Gang also remained silent for more than an hour, and besides greeted some auxiliary soldiers to go up and provide supplementary bows and arrows to the wooden armor organs, there was hardly any operation or command.

However, as the three pillars of wolf smoke rose, Zhang Gang suddenly became vigorous and roared: "Leap of Faith." This really shocked Duan Hui, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Zhang Shangshu , What are you doing?"

Zhang Gang laughed: "General Duan, do you say that my children just shoot from a distance. Is it a decoration? Now that the national teacher has orders and the whole line is attacked, it should be my children showing their power and real power. It's time, the celestial master is with us, the heaven on earth is our belief, organizing people, leap!"

Following Zhang Gang’s words full of murderous aura and energy, the more than one hundred wooden armoured personnel in the front row, and the auxiliary soldiers behind him suddenly pulled away a kick plate on the legs of these personnel. The organoid immediately rose into the air, like a flying stone thrown by a torsion boulder, flying to a height of seven or eight meters above the ground, and at the same time drew an arc, crossing the two armies at war, just like the same Many meteors and meteorites fell from the sky and slammed into the front of the Beifu Army and the phalanx of the Yuzhou Army!

Duan Hui's eyes were wide open, as wide as his mouth. His gaze looked straight at the objects that were left in place after the wooden armored robot popped out. It was almost the entire leg they had just walked on. , And the wooden planks that were pulled out for the auxiliary soldiers were pulled out from the knee joints. Four thick steel wires made of stainless steel that were wound in a circle were shaking on the half-legged chassis. Shaking, and with the bounce of these four circles of steel wires, the wooden legs that were just over a foot long have been pulled to a height of nearly three feet. The elasticity of these four thick steel wires is as horrible as silk!

Duan Hui muttered to himself: "This, what is this?"

Zhang Gang grinned: "This object is called an elastic mechanism. It is made of bent steel wires and pressed to the extreme with a heavy object. Once released, these steel wires will bounce upwards quickly, knocking the wooden armor that weighs more than a hundred kilograms into a person. , Thrown a hundred steps away in the volley, this is the secret system of the ancient organ technique, I don't tell the ordinary people!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Gang's eyes flashed coldly, and shouted: "The second round of leap of faith, prepare for me!"

The Jin army forward, Liu Jingxuan, like Duan Hui on the opposite side, had his eyes wide open, his mouth was open, and saliva dripped from the corners of his mouth, but he didn't realize it. He just looked at the front, the more than a hundred wooden armoured men who descended from the sky. , Smashed the second line of the Jin army’s archers’ phalanx, a horror, almost encountered a volley of hundreds of trebuchets, both accurate and ruthless, and killed the Jin army’s soldiers this round, There were at least two hundred sergeants who knocked down this impact, and countless. The twenty square formations of the entire second line were almost all smashed. The ground was full of tumbling people, I don’t know if it was. Death is alive.

Nearly half of the wooden armoured organs fell to pieces due to the huge impact of the volley, and many organs’ chests were shaken to the ground, and the dwarf dwarf who operated the organs inside, They were also vomiting blood, some of them directly fixed the iron rings that stuck their bodies, strangling the bones, and in a weird, deformed posture, they died in the cockpit.

However, there are still more than fifty wooden armored organs, relying on the cushion that hit the people when they landed, and protected themselves. Their broken leg was inserted into the newly formed pit on the ground, and there were a few pressed underneath. The corpses of a dozen or so Jin army soldiers still stood up stubbornly, while still using the crossbows on the shoulders and inner arms, shooting in the direction of the surroundings, killing and wounding the Jin soldiers in the front and rear. While holding the big knife and sharp axe on his outer arm, he desperately swung around, killing all enemies within five feet of it!

The blood suddenly appeared, the big knife and the long squash in the hands of this wooden armored mechanism were all sharp blades made of stainless steel. The sharp edges of the blades were all iron-cutting iron, and when they were hitting, they used mechanical gears. The power of violent bursts out of energy far greater than human power. Even the archers who are wearing armor and shooting bows and arrows at the second-line position can hardly be stunned. Often with a single wave, two or three sergeants will be together. Waist broken, UU reading www.uukānshu. Com couldn't even make a scream, so he died.

Some sergeants who reacted and drew out their waist swords to block, but just raised this one-handed waist sword, they ran into the opposing big sword with great strength, and their single sword was like a small piece of iron, and it broke with a single wave. , Together with their heads or bodies, were separated from their bodies, and the blades were shining brightly, and the dust that was raised when these wooden armor organs hit the ground suddenly turned pink.

Pi Lu Daoxiu looked at the flesh and blood flying in front of him, and she shuddered unconsciously, and exclaimed, "This, what kind of monster is this that can fly?!"

Liu Jingxuan suddenly woke up and shouted: "Quickly, quickly disperse, retreat, the front-line soldiers stood on the spot, and the back two rows turned to attack these organs."

His words were quickly passed on as a military order in the form of semaphores and drum horns. At this moment, there was another roar of wind, and more than one hundred wooden armored organs flew through the air again, like a meteorite. , About twenty steps behind the first leap of faith, he smashed into the third array of swordsmen.

The nearest wooden armoured man smashed into Liu Jingxuan’s mount less than fifteen steps away. Several sergeants who were defending with shields in the two rows in front of them gave this shock force and they rushed down. Immediately struggling to get up, he touched the shield that he had fallen on the ground. It was still a shield with a person, like a long wall of flesh and blood, tightly blocking Liu Jingxuan's body.

Liu Jingxuan’s rider shook his head and hissed for a long time, and also did not take a step back. Several guards said loudly, "Protect the general." As they said, they came forward one after another, ready to attack the one that seemed likely to come from. The wooden armored man standing on the ground!

Liu Jingxuan's tiger roar echoed in the air: "All back, let me come!"

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