Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2715: 1 kill and break the mechanism

With the roar of the tiger, more than twenty sergeants in front of him unconsciously drew away to the two sides, but a young general who stood in front of him was more than eight feet tall, and his whole body was muscular. Even if he was heavily armored, he still blocked him. Unable to restrain his tight muscles, this man is an orphan adopted by Liu Jingxuan since childhood. The name is Wang Mengzi. He is adopted as a soldier and righteous son. He is also his personal guardian. Seeing that his lord wants to get on Forward, and the monster that descended from the sky a few steps in front was still lying there quietly, but the broadsword and the long sword in its hands were still controlled on the left and right outer arms, and it seemed that it could hurt at any time. People, in this situation, how can he dare to leave his post without permission and let his lord come forward.

Liu Jingxuan laughed and jumped down from the horse, and said in a deep voice: "Mengzi, get out of the way, don't you think that without your protection, I can't even deal with the legless wooden armoured men in this district?"

Wang Mengzi gritted his teeth tightly and said: "Lord, I don't know whether this thing is dead or alive. This monster relies on the power of the mechanism and is not the enemy of human power. You are the former military commander. In case there is a... …"

Liu Jingxuan said solemnly: "Mengzi, before I adopted you, I fought against this thing, knowing its strength, and if it can't even deal with it, I won't have to go to the battlefield in my life."

Wang Mengzi hesitated for a while, but still did not give way: "Master, you are the commander of the first army after all. You must not take the risk lightly. I wait for the role of the guard to take care of..."

Liu Jingxuan slammed the handle of the sledgehammer to the ground. People within five steps around felt the ground trembling slightly, and Liu Jingxuan's low roar made their eardrums swell: "What's the matter? , I can’t lift the knife or can’t take care of your kid anymore, don’t you know what I’m talking about now is military order?

Wang Mengzi sighed, stepped aside, and still said solemnly, "Master, be careful."

Liu Jingxuan nodded, and stepped forward. At a place less than five steps away from this wooden armored organ person, suddenly, the right arm of this organ person moved, and the rod stabbed straight like a poisonous snake. come.

Everyone screamed in exclamation, but Liu Jingxuan was calm and relaxed, standing still, the sledgehammer in his hand swung forward suddenly, and the fist-like hammer head flew out from the top of the rod. , Like an iron fist, hit the chest of the wooden armor organ man hard.

At the same time, Liu Jingxuan's hand stretched out like lightning, and he tightly grasped the place about an inch behind the tip of the long stick that pierced him, the nearly one-foot-long head, the sharp thorn that was shining with cold light. , It was less than three inches away from his right brain temple. It seemed that as long as he handed it a little forward, he could pierce Liu Jingxuan’s head, but at this distance, it was impossible to go further. Just like this, giving Liu Jingxuan was like pinching a chicken, just hanging in the air like this.

There was a burst of cheers from the crowd: "The champion is so skillful, mighty, mighty!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Liu Jingxuan's mouth. The hammer in his hand was pulled back and forth. After the iron fist, he was tied with a thick steel chain, as thick as an arm. It was this thick chain and the weight. A big iron fist of more than forty kilograms can be like a handyman, where it can be hit.

With the withdrawal of the iron fist, the chest and abdomen of the wooden armored organist squeaked, and a small iron door was hammered weakly. The door bolt had obviously been smashed into a deformed shape, and it was also deformed. It was a child-like dwarf who was no more than three feet tall inside. If he hadn't been dressed in a Taoist hat, dressed as a celestial person, plus thick beard and eyebrows, no one would have mistakenly thought that this was a child.

Pilu Daoxiu took a breath: "Here, is this a dwarf, is it a three-inch dick?"

In this era, dwarfs are still relatively rare, especially for many villagers and villagers who have been no more than a hundred miles in their lives, and they have never seen these disabled people. At first glance, I was surprised at first, and then a little scared. After all, the dwarf in the wooden armored organist had his head deformed by an iron fist. On the split skull, blood and brains flowed all over his body. Yes, and one eyeball fell out of the eye socket, and only one tendon was hanging there, just like his slanted head sticking out of the cabin.

Liu Jingxuan pulled with his hand abruptly, and the wooden armoured man’s right outer arm pulled the long stalk off. Liu Jingxuan's amazing power unscrewed the stalk from the stalk and copied it. Liu Jingxuan's hand, he threw hard, hit the chest of the dwarf's corpse, and nailed the corpse that had been tilted out of the hatch with half of its body leaning outside, and everyone finally saw it. This dwarf Iron shafts are tied to his hands and feet, and obviously, he has passed various mechanism techniques to control the movements of this wooden armor mechanism person.

Liu Jingxuan pointed to the inner cabin, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com said loudly: "Is it true? This monster is called the Wooden Armored Organ Man, and there must be such a dwarf dwarf manipulating it. Heavenly Master Tao used this thing back then. To fight with us, as long as you smash the inner compartment on the chest of this wooden armor mechanism and kill the three-inch dices in the middle, then this wooden armor mechanism will be unmanned, and it will become a pile of rotten wood. What is there to worry about? What?!"

Having said that, he pointed to the left arm of the wooden armoured man, which was broken like a human arm, changed its shape and hung weakly to one side, and the big knife he was holding fell on the ground and couldn't move it. Half a minute. Liu Jingxuan sneered: "If it is a big sword swing, it may be a little troublesome, but if it is a stab, you usually practice this method of stab and flash stab every day. Are you afraid that you will not be able to avoid it? Just now I asked you to prepare for the lasso, If the wooden armoured man is really attacking with a big knife, he will find a chance to trap his left arm. Such a big thing looks fierce, but it is actually very inconvenient. As long as the left arm is entangled, it will be abolished. Cut it with a knife, and then rush forward with me like this, smash its center directly, hacking to death the dwarf in the middle, it is equivalent to killing this thing!"

Pilu Daoxiu laughed: "Chuan Liu is really wise and brave. With your style of play, what fear are these flying monsters?!"

Liu Jingxuan sneered: "Okay, boys, you all see how I dealt with this thing, let me go to the front army teams now and tell everyone how to deal with this monster. These things have no legs now, go. No, stay far away and clean up. The point is to stabilize the frontline array, so that the enemy cannot take the opportunity to break through. Brother Pilu, please take a hard time and take your brother to clean up these wooden armoured men. The soldiers of Yuzhou, should try their best to defend against the enemy, take the opportunity to burst into battle and defend this wave, it is victory!

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