Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2716: Yuan Family Brothers Aid Left Wing

Jin Jun, outside the left-wing car array.

Helan Lu's eyes were red, watching the three wolves in the distance, still rising from the far right wing, and two miles or so in front of him, arrows were flying up, and his riders were stepping forward. Facing the Jin army car array on the opposite side, it sent out a series of arrows, and at the same time, it was subjected to waves of counterattacks from the opponent's crossbow. The distance of three hundred steps before the car array was already full of corpses. The corpses that were later broken down by the Eight-stone Bull Crossbow were scattered all over the ground. Pieces of crows and vultures hovered in the sky. These corpses on the ground were the delicious feast in their eyes, just waiting for this. Once the terrible war is over, they will fall from the sky to enjoy this rich feast of human flesh.

Servant Guwu stood beside Helan Lu and muttered, "What's going on? The national teacher wants us to attack the whole line? Brother Helan, what can we do this time?"

Helan Lu gritted his teeth: "We have tried our best in this battle. The old man died in a fierce battle. Your son was also seriously injured and unconscious. More than half of our three fighters combined had killed them. If it weren't for the boss of the Yuan family to take the three. Ten thousand infantry soldiers came up to support, I'm afraid we have collapsed just now."

Pu Gu Wu hooked the corner of his mouth and looked at 300 steps ahead, under the banner of the character "Yuan", standing a rather burly Han general, who was Nan Yan's Shang Shu, General Yuan. Comply.

Pu Guwu said disdainfully: "The surnamed Yuan wouldn't really think that this battle will be able to break through the Jin army's damned chariot by relying on their men."

While talking, I saw a cloud of smoke and dust billowing, and a large number of troops were moving quickly here. Helan Lu's expression changed, and I saw a banner with the word "Yuan" moving rapidly above the smoke and dust. A Han Chinese general with a white armour and about forty years, came with a big sword. He was the second child of the Yuan family brothers, and Yuan Miao was the same.

Helan Lu frowned, and saw Yuanmiao rushing to him and saluting him: "General Helan, I am ordered by the national division to lead 20,000 Youzhou Erlang to help!"

Helan Lu said solemnly: "Your 20,000 soldiers and horses, and the 30,000 courageous soldiers led by General He Yueshou, are our reserve team. Are you going to fight now?"

Yuanmiao nodded: "Yes, this is the arrangement of the national division. The total attack signal is to be together. Then all directions must be attacked at the same time. Just now at the forward, Zhang Gang's wooden armored organs have soared into the sky. The enemy is in chaos and the Jin army is in chaos, and it must be possible to make a breakthrough in the forward direction soon."

The servant bone Wu laughed: "It turns out that those who flew up just now were those monsters of Zhang Gang. We can't see clearly here, and thought it was a flying stone attack."

Yuanmiao smiled and said: "We just saw his darlings fly over before we set out. It was so spectacular. There was a group of people in the Jin army. General Duan Hui was rushing to attack. It must be a breakthrough soon. In accordance with the order, the Helan tribe suffered a great loss in the previous fire attack, so our brothers will lead his subordinates to support this aspect. As for the right wing, he is in charge, so don't worry."

Helanlu nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that this time we are really going to wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop. Attacking on all sides, the enemy doesn't know the point and dare not divide its forces. As long as you break through all the way, you can completely break the enemy's formation. Now and later The armored cavalry in the army has quickly attacked the enemy's military commander, and it is time for us to attack with all strength."

Pu Guwu's expression changed: "But, those car formations, and those eight cows..."

Helanlu waved his hand: "Master Servant Bone, it is meaningless to say this now. Since it is a general offense, it means that casualties are not considered at all costs. The Yuan family brothers are famous and powerful warriors among the Han people, and the troops are volunteers from all over the world. , Now they are all new forces. Although the Jin army is strong, but after fighting like this for a long time, it is an iron man, and it is about to collapse. As long as you add more force and rush him once, I think these car formations must be no problem. "

Speaking of this, he said to Yuanmiao: "I heard that the two ancestors were in Lueyang, Guanzhong. During the Han dynasty, they were Liangjiazi. Guanlong was powerful. After the world was in chaos, your Yuan clan forced Shihu to move. When you arrived in Yecheng, after the founding of the Great Yan, the Emperor Xian had a lot of pictures of your clan, so you have been following the Emperor since your father’s generation, all the way to the south to build the country. The Servant Bone Department and the Yuwen Department are all fighting for the country, and now they are always attacking the enemy line, only the last step is left. This opportunity for meritorious service is left to you."

Yuanmiao laughed and said, "Master Helan is serious. We came this time to do this. In the previous battle, your ministry suffered heavy casualties. Please take a break this time and see how my brother breaks the battle. "

He said, saluted, and ran forward, UU reading www. uukanshu.com followed by a large swath of smoke and dust, and along with his flag, all the way forward, teams of Han Chinese infantry began to line up in front of the battlefield full of corpses, and only after the lineup was over, they would launch a general attack.

Pu Guwu frowned: "Brother Helan, these Han people have never seen the terrible power of those Ba Niu crossbows. If you let them charge like this, don't you let them die?"

Helan Lu gritted his teeth: "I didn't tell them to rush, but the black robe made them rush. All of this is the plan of the black robe. Let's move forward with the flow, so why not do it?"

The servant bone Wu was taken aback for a moment: "You mean to let these Han infantrymen go to death on purpose, so as to preserve our strength?"

Helan Lu nodded: "Have you not noticed that our Great National Division uses soldiers? That really treats his subordinates as pawns, no matter whether they live or die, no matter how many people die, he won't blink his eyes, as long as he can win. , Isn’t it his **** that we are in such a field? Now that he wants to attack, he certainly wouldn’t expect to break through from this direction, but the more fierce he hits, the harder he rushes, and the more deaths he will be able to Drag the strength of the Jin army here so that it cannot support other directions. At the end of the assault, I don't think he will be left to the armored cavalry. I am afraid that he has to come by himself!"

The servant Guwu sighed: "Then Brother Yuan doesn't know how to fight and can't see the mystery?"

Helan Lu gritted his teeth: "They are very good Han Chinese. Looking at our Xianbei main attackers, we have suffered heavy losses. We think that the opportunity to pick up the results is here. We Dayan has always restrained the Hans and did not give them good equipment. Now they are dead here. So many people, as long as they attack and occupy the car formation, all the equipment on the ground is theirs. Even if they fail, afterwards, afterwards, they will give them a lot of equipment in the main attack. In any case, they will not Lost."

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