Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2717: Drag the corpse to clear the road and get a reward

Pu Guwu shook his head: "If they can really break the car formation, let them do this? Then how do we count the deaths of so many people before?"

Helanlu sneered and said: "If we really want them to break the battle, then we will concentrate all the cavalry through the gap. The first achievement of this battle can only be ours, and no one should try to steal it!"

Having said that, he paused, and whispered to Puguwu: "Brother Pugu, let all the brothers who still have the power of the first battle get on the horse, withdraw the troops in front, and watch the Yuan brothers rush into the battle. If there is a chance, Just get in first, and after entering the battlefield, no matter what else, take the lead."

Pu Guwu was a little unbelievable and shook his head: "Is it too risky to fight like this? Liu Yu's army must be guarded tightly. How can it be so easy to get in?!"

Helan Lu sneered: "We are only assists in these directions, not the main attack. The first one to hit Liu Yushuai's stage, not the armor suit will be the black robe himself, and even your majesty and the fifth floor of Gongsun may personally shoot, Liu Yu won't use the army to defend us, as long as we rush to the handsome platform, the credit will not escape. As for how many gains, hehe, what about him?"

Pu Guwu turned and smiled: "My Man'er just woke up, he can still fight, I will let him lead the team to charge."

Helanlu nodded in satisfaction: "Go, Ah Man has worked hard in this battle. If everything goes well, I will give him the head skills. When the time comes, your servants will rush forward, and I will block the Yuan family brothers for you. Soldiers, don't let them surpass you!"

With tears in his eyes full of excitement, Pu Guwu held Helan Lu's hand tightly: "I'm going now!"

Seeing the back of the servant bone Wu Xing rushing away, Helan Lu's mouth raised a nasty smile. He turned to the lieutenant beside him and said: "Send the soldiers and horses of our tribe to the servant bone. After Wu, he waited for the opportunity. If he progressed smoothly and did not encounter an ambush or strong resistance, he would follow him into the battle. If he was ambush, he quickly withdrew and let the Yuan family troops behind him go up and resist."

The lieutenant touched his head and said suspiciously: "Then, the soldiers and horses of Lord Bone..."

Helan Lu said bitterly: "Life and death are fate, wealth and wealth are in heaven, I don't want to put all the tribesmen on it to become the Yuwen fierce second. By the way, mix the rest of the Yuwen soldiers with our people. Edit, after entering the battle, let them grab more trophies. If it doesn’t work, pick up the equipment of the dead in front to divide them. After this battle, we have to think about how to merge the Yuwen Department and even the Servant Bone Department. Give me some benefits, I am not afraid that the soldiers without the leader will not come!"

Under the banner of the word "Yuan", Yuanmiao and Yuanzun finally met together. Yuanzun patted his brother on the shoulder excitedly: "Brother, you are finally here. With your 30,000 new force, I can attack. It's broken!"

Yuanmiao frowned: "I didn't want to come. It was ordered by the Black-robed State Master. I can only act according to my plan. Brother, let's relax a little bit. Don't really send these tens of thousands of horses away."

Yuan Zun was a little surprised, and frowned: "We have Han troops in almost the entire territory of Dayan. The number is not much smaller than the entire Jin army. This is exactly the battle for us to rectify the name of the Han army. My commander just now After fighting for so long, I feel that the resistance of the Jin army is no more than that. Although the bows and crossbows are powerful, the number is not enough. I don't know how many soldiers and horses there are after this car formation. Now the armed forces have reached the front line of the Chinese army. I'm afraid that the troops behind this car formation will also be deployed to fight. Our 50,000 people can really break through their car formation."

Yuanmiao shook his head: "Brother, haven't you seen how the Helan Tribe was defeated before. The Jin army showed weakness at first, and then suddenly used those terrible eight-stone bullock crossbows to strike, hitting with one salvo. Thousands of people died, directly causing the attacking Helan troops to collapse. Moreover, these crossbows were inconvenient to move. Once fixed, this battle might not be possible. Even if Liu Yu drew someone back to save the Chinese army, these crossbows The opportunity is still there. If we go forward intensively, we will only repeat the tragedy again. Our soldiers and horses are mostly Han villagers who are temporarily recruited. We are not as cruel as those Xianbei people who can kill. If we give such a fight, I am afraid it will be all. The army fled."

Yuan Zun was silent for a moment, and said, "Then what should you do? How can the commander in the black robe fail to comply? Gongsungui's head is still hanging on the top of the city."

Yuanmiao blinked, then glanced back at the servant bone cavalry who began to gather behind his phalanx and the two wings, and said in a low voice: "It seems that Helan Lu and Pu Guwu are not giving up, they want to take advantage of it. That's fine. Brother, we might as well bluff, beat the drums, shoot more bows and arrows, and then let the thousands of sergeants disperse, don’t line up, so even if you attack the Eight Bulls, you won’t lose much. If you can open a few Every mouth, we will shout in unison, and the cavalry of the servant bone department will surely rush in first. Then there will be any killer moves and arrangements in it, and we won’t need it. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Yuan Zun's brows stretched out, and he smiled: "You still have a way, just do it, oh, yes, let those conscripts from Yishui go first, so that they don't think about rushing through the car formation. Those **** carts are moved away, even if they do meritorious service."

Yuanmiao nodded: "But there are so many tragic deaths in front of you. Brother, have you ever thought about it. If these people who haven't been on the battlefield see this kind of situation, they won't be scared to run back?"

Yuan Zun smiled and stroked his palm: "Last year, there was a plague in Yishui. Almost every household had dead people. This is why I wanted the Yishui soldiers to go first. I told them that if I drag the body back, there will be a reward! Even if you can't break the battle, you can Clearing the path of the attack is also considered a meritorious service. Afterwards, these dead people from the Helan Ministry's Servant Bone Department were taken to Helan Lu and Pu Guwu to collect money.

Linqu, Chengtou.

Gongsun’s face on the fifth floor was excited, and he clapped his hands suddenly: "Okay, great, the general offensive is launched, Your Majesty, now the armored cavalry has successfully attacked the core of the enemy line, and is about to hit Liu Yu’s handsome platform. The forward’s wooden armoured personnel also flew into the enemy’s formation. General Duan was swiping his army and the Yuan family brothers on the left wing were also attacking the enemy’s car formation. There was a national division on the right wing. Breakthrough, Your Majesty, the situation is great, not a small one, but a great one!"

Murong nodded with satisfaction: "It's been almost a day, and finally the total attack. On the fifth floor, you said, should I personally lead the 10,000 armored knights on hand and break into the formation?"

Gongsun’s face on the fifth floor changed slightly, and then he smiled: "Your Majesty, you are the ninth-five-sage, and you can’t move lightly. Leave this charge to me and wait. Besides, your banner is flying here. Linqu Chengtou is the best encouragement to the soldiers. If the imperial flag comes forward, some people may still have a misunderstanding."

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