Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2719: Yu Gong is afraid of the handsome

Jin Jun, Central, Shuaitai.

Yu Yue gritted his teeth tightly. In this direction, outside the entire formation, there was smoke and dust. At the forward, in order to cover the offensive, Yan Jun lit up a number of pyre, and thick black smoke rose into the sky. With the smoke and dust of the Yanjun’s charge, even the dead soldiers flying over from the Kongming balloon were hidden in them, as were the left and right wings. Apart from the five hundred steps, the situation where the rear army was still fighting through the chariots was still clearly visible. In addition, in other directions, most of them only heard the sound of killing, seeing the smoke and dust in the sky, and the situation of the battle can only be judged by seeing the advancing and retreating of the flags on both sides and the distance of the killing.

Yu Yue kept drinking water. Only in this way could he conceal his inner anxiety. Liu Muzhi watched him drink up the third water sac in his hand and shook his head: "I said Mr. Yu, you Where can I go after drinking so much?"

Yu Yue said angrily: "Didn't you bring the chamber pot and ask such silly questions!"

Suddenly, he thought of something, and hurriedly said to Wang Shenai: "His Royal Highness, please forgive the minister for being rude, the minister will definitely stay far away, and will never..."

Wang Zhenya smiled slightly: "Gong Yu, I don’t think it’s necessary. You are sweating so much. The clothes are as wet as they are fished out in the water. Do you still have urine? As a soldier, I remind you that the most It’s good to change clothes early, or you will get sick easily."

When Yu Yue's expression changed instinctively, he was about to break out, but when the words came to his lips, he still sighed: "After this battle, I still don't know if I can live or get sick. I didn't care about it for a long time."

There was a silence on the handsome platform. Yu Yue’s words touched everyone’s most worrying point. Even Wang Shen’ai frowned and said, “Yu’s words are heavy. Our army will definitely be able to win this battle. , Yan Jun’s attack is only the last blow at the end of the crossbow. After this wave, we can definitely win."

Yu Yue was upset. At this time, he didn't care about his superiors and inferiorities. He said in a deep voice, "Everyone is hitting the edge of the handsome stage. At the same time, he is facing a full-line attack from the enemy. The left wing has blocked the enemy. Bo’s offensive, but their offensive continues unabated. Now even the traitors who served Hu Lu have come up, and they have fought so hard, huh, after this battle, these traitors who rebel, should all be punishable. Three clans, let them betray their ancestors like this again!"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "Duke Geng, be careful, these Han Chinese were also forcibly conscripted by Murong Super. Their families were kept as hostages and had to go to war. If you really want to do this, I'm afraid this The land of Qingzhou, I don’t know how much blood will be shed and how many people will die, it may not be able to be put down."

Yu Yue swallowed a little saliva: "I'm just a moment of anger. I understand the truth, but even if it is confiscated by Hu Lu, is it necessary to work hard like this at this time? I can't do it? Is it Nan Yan? What good is it for them if this battle is won? We are here to rescue their king master. If we don't ask them to turn to battle, wouldn't it be possible to bluff?"

Liu Yu slowly said, "Yu joined the army, you said it lightly. Behind these Han troops, there are Xianbei cavalry supervising the battle. If there is anyone who is afraid of fighting, I am afraid that they will be dealt with. Besides, the black robe is before the battle. Killing Gongsun Gui is to deter these people. We can’t pin our hopes on the enemy’s inability to contribute. In this battle, as long as it is an enemy, whether he is Han or Hu, he must be eliminated. If it is a rout or a surrender, Then you can let go of your life."

Yu Yue gritted his teeth: "The commander said it is very true, but now we are only defending and not attacking, and just being beaten, is it a bit too passive? There is a cloud of warfare, only defending but not attacking will encourage the arrogance of the enemy's attack. , It’s not the way to win. If we can actively counterattack, repel or defeat the enemy all the way, we can also draw out our forces to support other directions."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Then what Gong Yu sees, where should I go for the attack?"

Yu Yue pointed to the fierce battlefield five hundred paces away, and said loudly: "These enemy armoured cavalry are the closest to us and are the most threatening. We should mobilize all our troops to press them up and directly defeat them. As long as these armored cavalry are equipped with these flags As soon as they retreat, the enemy will know that their attack on the Chinese army has failed, and other attacks will also retreat without fighting."

Liu Yu smiled and pointed to the surrounding area of ​​the handsome platform, empty, only the banners lined up: "Even the Queen’s Suwei army has been in battle. Around this handsome platform, except for more than a thousand civilians and two thousand archers who retreated. We are still on the stage, and only a few of us are left on the stage. Whom does Yu Gong hope to use to defeat the most powerful armored riders of the enemy?"

Yu Yue opened her mouth, looked around, shook her head and said: "Now our central government really has no soldiers, or else we will continue to pull troops back from the two wings. Were they also withdrawing Tan Shao and Zhu Lingshi before. "

Wang Zhenye shook his head, pointed to the left and right wings, the line of the car line, that tidal upward impact, and then retreated under the arrow rain ~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Yanjun infantry sea that soon made a comeback again , Said: "The enemy has added tens of thousands of fresh troops on the two wings to attack. How can we withdraw our troops to resist?"

Yu Yue stayed on the spot for a long time before he sighed: "If the thousands of cavalry we counterattack were still there, it would be great."

Suddenly, he realized something was wrong, and quickly waved his hand: "No, no, no, I don’t mean to be dissatisfied with the command of the commander at all. Without the counter-attack of the cavalry, we would not be able to block the assault wave of the enemy armored cavalry. …………"

The more he talked, the more anxious he got, and he had entered the stage of incoherent speech.

Liu Yu waved his hand: "Well, what Yu said, I know very well that the battle is fought like this. It has always been in my plan. From the beginning, our military strength is only one-third of the enemy's army. We can only pass this way. It’s strictly guarded to consume as much as possible, but now our army’s situation is far from passive as Yu Gong said. This time, it’s the enemy’s total attack. They will use all their power, whether it’s the armor. The assault of riding, or the flying rush of the wooden armored organs, or the full-line offensive of the two-winged enemy infantry, are all methods of general offensive. However, based on my understanding of the black robe, his real killer move is still Did not use it!"

Now, even Liu Muzhi's face changed: "What are you talking about, he still has a killer move?!"

Liu Yu looked to the right wing. Those three plumes of smoke, two black and one red, were still there for a long time. The corner of his mouth was hooked: "The three wolves are the signal for the Yan army’s general attack. Heipao himself, that is to say, he is now in the direction of the right wing of our army, I think, after his ultimate move is released, he himself will personally take the lead and enter directly!"

Hu Fan's voice suddenly sounded: "Something flew over from the forward direction!"

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