Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2720: High-altitude bombing arrow rain defense

Everyone followed the sound and saw hundreds of balloons vaguely floating in the black gunpowder. Below each balloon, the hanging basket was still burning with flames, bright and dark, like ghost fire, inside the hanging basket. The two of them kept throwing down some burning cups, smashing them into the Jin army soldiers who all craned their necks, looked up to the sky, and couldn’t close their mouths in surprise. Many people didn’t until they saw these cups falling from the sky. Wake up and dodge around.

Liu Jingxuan's roar seems to be able to reach this handsome platform: "Quickly, let go of the arrows, these are the enemy's flying machines, shoot them down!"

With these orders from Liu Jingxuan, all the archers by his side could no longer shoot at the Yan Army soldiers in front of him, or to cover their own sergeants from attacking those wooden armored organs. There were hundreds of them. Bows and arrows flew into the air one after another, shooting at these flying monsters seven or eight feet above the ground.

With a "poof", an arrow hit a balloon fiercely. The airbag sewn by the tent canvas immediately pierced a hole. A large amount of gas visible to the naked eye came from this hole. The bees poured out.

And this balloon began to fall quickly as it leaked air, unable to maintain its height. During the falling process, at least a dozen arrows were shot from the huge airbag body, which accelerated the gas gushing.

Soon, the entire balloon fell heavily to the ground, and all the sergeants on the ground ran away quickly during this rapid descent, which was much easier to dodge than the flying rocks. The soldiers all around were surrounded by a distance of more than ten steps near the landing point, and the archers carrying crossbow arrows came forward and pointed directly at the hanging basket under the balloon.

And at the moment the balloon landed, I could barely see the people in the two hanging baskets. They wanted to jump out. Before they had time to act, they shot a strong bow and crossbow, because they lacked modern scientific knowledge. The generals seemed to be unable to understand how ordinary people could fly into the sky, perhaps by using magical magic, or by swordsmanship. In short, it was unlikely that they were normal human beings. Shoot them from a distance. It is the most feasible option.

The two Orchid Guards, who wanted to jump out of the hanging basket, immediately shot into hedgehogs. One of them was holding a burning cup in his hand, which was intended to be thrown in the air, but they hadn’t waited yet. Throwing it out, it fell to the ground. This cupping jar fell into the hanging basket, which immediately caused the burning of the remaining cupping jars in the basket. A big fire rose to the sky, and the billowing heat wave was mixed with sulfur. The smell of rushing to the face, and in an instant, the two corpses, together with the entire landing airbag, turned into a huge fireball, which burned on the spot.

Liu Yu's expression was serious, and Yu Yue's exclamation sounded in his ears: "These, what kind of monsters are these, how can they fly in the air, and how can they throw those burning pots into our army array, ah, someone on fire!"

I saw that there were already more than 100 sergeants hitting these cupping cans that had fallen from the sky, and the kerosene in the cans drenched them all over. When the fire was burned, they immediately became a flaming fireman, Pijiao. The smell of rotten meat, accompanied by the horrible howl before death, even if it was a few hundred steps away, it was coming down the wind, clearly audible, and the companions around me desperately moved forward and used the sand on their bodies. Sprinkle, because everyone knows that if you pour more water on the kerosene at this time, it will only burn more severely, and even more desperate sergeants, stepping forward with a saber to cut the bonds of the armor of the burning sergeants, try To rescue people from these burning armors at the fastest speed.

The arrow rain on the ground also kept shooting into the air, one after another, balloons seven or eight feet above the ground were shot down, knowing that these hanging baskets are not gods and ghosts, but just like yourself. After witnessing the tragic death of their comrades, the sergeants of the Northern Province who had witnessed the tragic death of their comrades were so angry that they didn’t even shoot the fallen guards with their bows and crossbows. They rushed forward, halved their swords, and put them in these baskets. The guy who was struggling to crawl out, unloaded eight pieces and chopped it into mash, so that he relieved his hatred.

In just this moment, more than 30 balloons fell to the ground, and more than half of them burst into flames. In addition to the flames from the thousands of cupping cans thrown on the ground, the entire forward of the Jin army was plunged into a sea of ​​flames filled with gunpowder. In it, black smoke billowed, and gradually I couldn't see the situation inside.

Liu Muzhi sighed softly: "This thing is not a monster, but it is called Kongming Deng. The prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty, Zhuge Liang, once found a kind of lightness. With fire burning underneath, he could rise into the air. Heipao actually learned this thing, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com can make such a big Kongming Lantern, carrying people to throw igniting objects on the ground."

Liu Yu nodded and said in a deep voice: "A Shou's response is very good. He is worthy of a hundred battles. Although this Kongming Lantern can attack us from the air, it will not fly too high. Our bows and arrows can still form it. Threat, as long as you hit these big airbags, the so-called light air will leak out, and this thing will also fall to the ground. At this height of seven or eight feet, once it falls, the person in the basket, There is little physiology."

Yu Yue breathed a sigh of relief: "So, this thing is not a monster, it's a human being, it's just using some tricks, Zhuge techniques, etc., isn't it?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Gong Yu is right. As long as it is a human, it can be killed, and it can be wiped out."

Speaking of this, Liu Yu sighed softly: "Actually, I have been wary of this black robe using this attack method from the air, thinking about the monster of Qinglong Xichao that powerful King Kong on the stage back then. , I brought parts to dozens of mechanism birds and dropped from the sky. I saw Zhang Gang fighting with those wooden armored mechanism men, and they could even leap into the air. I thought I would encounter such flying mechanism men again, no I thought that it was actually this kind of Kongming lantern with a living person and throwing a cupping pot on the ground."

Wang Miaoyin's eyebrows frowned: "But why does the black robe use a living person? At this height, as long as it falls down, there will be no physiology. It can be said that there is no return. Such a dead person is just to throw some fire. Isn’t it a pity that the jar is sacrificed?"

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "In Heipao's eyes, there has never been a saying that human lives are valuable. Moreover, I think these Kongming lanterns are not just for attacking our forward troops from the air. Look, they are coming here! "

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