Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2731: Suddenly attacked

Several people present were shocked by Mingyue’s last madness and were speechless. There was a frantic smile on her delicate face, and her expression froze, while her **** hand was raw and tugged with a severed intestine, just now This last stroke of her was so hard that she broke her intestines, and the internal organs continuously flowed out of the open wound from her abdomen, as well as the female's unique gestation organ. It was pulled out, as if it was an ewe that had opened its mouth. It was terrible, and it was not enough to describe the tragedy.

Wang Miaoyin sighed, stood up, turned his head unbearably, Liu Yu frowned, and said to Ding Yi on one side: "Mao Niu, dispose of this woman's body, cover it first, and put it on the side of the stage. , Maybe it will be useful to us later, here I want to direct the battle, but don’t abuse the corpse, after the battle, give the coffin and let her go into the soil for safety."

Ding Yi nodded, picked up a piece of felt cloth in the corner, rolled up Mingyue’s body, and placed it on the edge of the handsome platform. Then Ding Yi walked off the stage, and several guards rushed onto the stage, sprinkling water again and again. Put on incense ash, and soon the corpses and blood on the ground were cleaned up, and the big hole where Wushuang got up was also covered with two big wooden boards. Everything seemed to have nothing to do with it. Same, as usual.

When these service sergeants saluted and left, Liu Yu looked at the Menglong Talisman armor, which was still standing on the Hu bed and filled with bows and arrows, and sighed softly: "It seems that our enemy is also staunch. Not under the Raptors, fighting against such an enemy who regards death as home is really something I don't want."

Liu Muzhi hooked the corner of his mouth: "I don't think so. As Miaoyin said just now, she should be sold and betrayed, and her heart is ashamed, so she will choose to die quickly. Moreover, the person who sent her , It will never be a black robe, otherwise she has no reason to hide it anymore."

Liu Yu's brows frowned: "Then what did she come here for? These longevity monsters that airborne were sent by the black robe. It is impossible for others to know that there is such a killer move. If the black robe sent her, it means that this person may not be. I really want her to die, and she came up to shoot at the wonderful sound, the target is not me, is it..."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Yes, I think, she wants to hold me, to threaten to send slaves, even, maybe her purpose is on my body, and finally wants to take advantage of the chaos to kidnap me and retreat, but all around It's a longevity monster. She didn't dare or believe that she could take me to evacuate, so she threatened her instead and wanted to send her a slave to take me out."

Liu Yu nodded: "It should be like this. The one who really made her despair was the person who sent her. In fact, no matter whether there is a longevity monster or not, we can't let her go. Until the end, she knew that she was actually The one who came to die was utterly shattered, and her faith was shattered. However, in the end, she did not betray this person, presumably the relationship with this person is extraordinary."

Liu Muzhi said solemnly: "I had been in the battle before this Mingyue. Obviously, Heipao was sent to the rear army. This is what the Shen family brothers told me just now. They almost killed this woman in the rear army, but I took her life and escaped. I didn’t expect that she would come back again easily, and would have to pretend to be He Lanmin to hide her identity. I think it is definitely not what Heipao wants her to do. It is very likely that she Her accomplices are already planning how to get rid of the control of the black robe. Even if things go wrong, let the black robe or the black robe spies see it, they will think that He Lanmin did it, and let the two fight each other after returning. The depth of his scheming is impressive."

Liu Yu nodded: "So, not all Heipao's subordinates are loyal to him. This great demon who wants to control everything and play around the world, in the end, ended up with a betrayal. This battle After it's over, I'm afraid there will be more accidents, but..."

Having said this, his eyes flashed coldly, and he looked in the direction of the right wing: "Now it is my turn to make arrangements in reverse. As long as the black robe dared to enter the battle, I will tell him to come back and forth!"

Liu Muzhi sighed gently, looked at Liu Yu and Wang Miaoyin, and whispered softly: "Just now, Miaoyin will be restrained by Mingyue. What is going on? With your martial arts skills, it is above her. Even if she makes a sneak attack, she won't be able to stop her."

Wang Miaoyin's face blushed slightly, and he whispered: "Speaking of this, I am annoying now. Actually, after that Wushuang crawled out of the cave, I was a little surprised, although, although I heard that before There are terrible things such as longevity monsters and ghost soldiers, but it really appeared in front of my eyes, and it was changed by someone I know, that kind of terrible, still, still surpassed my imagination, it is now, I In comparison with UU reading www.uukanshu.com, Mingyue is not so scary anymore."

Liu Yu nodded: "When I saw this thing at the beginning of the year, I was so frightened that I couldn't move my legs. This kind of thing shouldn't be something that the world should have. I don't know what kind of evil spirits it is. This thing is coming!"

Speaking of this, Liu Yu suddenly realized that something was wrong. After all, Wang Miaoyin's biological father, Wang Ningzhi, who was a Suzaku, had also made tens of thousands of ghost soldiers in this way. This time, he was tantamount to cursing Wang Miaoyin's father.

Wang Miaoyin looked at Liu Yu a little embarrassed, and said calmly: "My father was also deprived of his conscience back then, and the later ending is probably the punishment destined by God. Sending slaves, don’t be secretive, now my mother eats fast and recites Buddha every day, just for He eliminates his karma and atones for sins, hoping that if there is reincarnation in this world, his sins can be alleviated to some degree."

Having said this, Wang Miaoyin sighed softly: "Although I borrowed the power of the ancient sword in my hand to turn Wushuang into a longevity monster, with his head and arms severed, this thing still wants to grab me and bite. I, this is terrible. I lost my mind for a while and hid on the side. If the slave rushed up and stood in front of me, I'm afraid I might be scared to death. Later, I couldn't hold myself for a while. , Unexpectedly, unexpectedly..." At this point, her face flushed and she bowed her head silently.

Liu Muzhi sighed: "I know. No wonder Yu Yuehui is that expression. You forget your affection for a while, and you hug each other with intimacy, but you show him in your eyes. Afterwards, your heart is flustered and at a loss, this Only then will Mingyue take the opportunity to make a sneak attack, right?"

Wang Miaoyin's eyebrows lightly raised: "You know, I just want to ask, how to solve this matter later, if it is passed to Yu Yue, the consequences are unimaginable, Mu Zhi, do you have a good way to resolve it?"

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