Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2732: Humanitarianism is advisable

Liu Muzhi hooked up the corner of his mouth, glanced at Liu Yu, and said, "Send slave, how are you going to deal with this matter?"

Liu Yu sighed, "Are you trying to kill Yu Yue?"

Wang Miaoyin gritted his teeth: "Send a slave, this is the last resort. If Yu Yue can't control his mouth, or use this to blackmail us, then we have to use this method, staring at the relationship between you and me. There are a lot of people who want to make a fuss. Last time Liu Yi used the female history guide to force me to hand over power. This time I went out with the army as a queen, and there were many critics in private. If it is Yu Yue If this matter is publicized, your fame is small, and your great cause, the results of the **** battle of tens of thousands of soldiers, may be ruined in one fell swoop."

Liu Yu said calmly: "I don't think Yu Yue will easily talk about this. Even if it is made, it doesn't matter. No one will believe him."

Wang Miaoyin's eyebrows frowned: "Send slaves, don't be so big about this kind of thing. The son of Yu Yue likes to drink too much, and talk about the ugly things of others. You have a disposition for these children of the family. I’m afraid I don’t know enough."

Liu Yu shook his head: "I think I understand that they really like talking about right and wrong, but it doesn't mean that they have no brains, and they dare to arrange arbitrary arrangements for those in power. If Yu Yue really wanted this, he would not turn around and stop others from coming to power. The so-called "catching a traitor and taking a double", if you speak indiscriminately without personal evidence, you will definitely be punished as a deceitful statement.

Wang Miaoyin nodded thoughtfully: "Listening to your analysis, it seems that it is really the case. It is strange to say that Yu Yue has always been known for his big mouth among the children of the aristocracy, so he can tell the truth. Since the expedition, it seems to have changed sex."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "I said that Yu Yue is not stupid. He was born in a standard family, but now the Yu family has fallen. After Yu Kai's death, he has become the head of the Yu family, and he does not want the family to decline, so He wanted to take advantage of the emerging Jing Ba brothers to make a comeback. He used to follow Liu Xile, who was closer to the children of the family, but the hatred of roasting goose back then made Xi Le still look forward to him, and even wanted to promote Xie Hun and Xi Seng. Shi, it is estimated that Yu Yue also turned his face with him before ran to me to join the army in the Northern Expedition. It can be said that this is his last chance. If I don’t protect him, with Xile’s personality, I’m afraid I will be like me. It's the same to Wang Yu, to get him to death."

Liu Muzhi smiled and said: "Jin Slave is very accurate. I can't think that your current understanding of the relationship between these aristocratic families is as profound as your understanding of warfare."

Liu Yu sighed: "Isn't it thanks to the various intelligence of you and Miao Yin. Now that I am in this position, I have to deal with more than military affairs. I have to get along with the family and the relationship between the family. What must be considered is that people will have intricate relationships, especially those who are in control of power and wealth. If one is not careful, it may harm the world. I cannot but be cautious."

"After killing Wang Yu, the big family generally feared me. Even the Xie family, as Xie Hun gradually took power, and gradually moved away from me, I also need the support of a high-level family like the Yu family. Wonderful sound, I'm sorry, I have to do this."

Wang Miaoyin said calmly: "This is what you will do sooner or later. My mother is getting older and older, and I have been in the deep palace for a long time. The Xie family can’t always rely on women to sit as the leader of this family. It’s just me. I would like to remind you that Xie’s family is not only a fan of Xie, but others like Xie Hui and Xie Lingyun are all talents of the younger generation who are willing to work for you. After this battle, what to do after the war. , Including the arrangements for the Qilu land, you can use them. As for Yu Yue, if he really intends to work for you, he will naturally not say what just happened, but I think you still have to check and balance him You can’t completely trust Mu Zhi and Xian Zhi like this."

Liu Yu nodded: "I'll pay attention to this. But, Miaoyin, Fatty, I want to remind you that the world I want is to be upright and to govern the country with great powers, not to satisfy my selfish desires and play tricks. Power manipulation, manipulating the lives and deaths of others. If you fabricate a crime and kill a killer because of what others have not done, but because of your own suspicion, then sooner or later I will become a person like Xi Chao and Heipao and become me. The most annoying person, so I hope you don’t even think about things like this in the future. If you really want to fight against someone, then you have to commit the crime and kill it according to the national law."

Liu Muzhi squeezed a smile: "Jin slave, Miao Yin did not mean that. She also said just now. It is just the last remedy after Yu Yue really talks nonsense, that is, the kind of crime you said is indeed... …"

Liu Yu shook his head: "I mean, the way you handle things, whether it’s the last resort or not, but only because someone else has threatened and may do something, you have to prepare in advance to eliminate it. This feeling is really true. It makes me uncomfortable. What I want to establish in my life is a fair and honest world, where everyone can be open-minded, instead of thinking about each other, guarding each other, and killing people at any time."

Having said this, he turned his head to look at Mingyue’s corpse: “Just like this female assassin named Mingyue, although I don’t know who she colluded with in the end, it is almost certain that she betrayed the black robe, and before the betrayal, She betrayed the black robe. If the upper and lower, the chief and the ministers are all guarding and calculating each other like this, how can there be true feelings? Dajin has missed the opportunity of the Northern Expedition again and again for so many years, and made it like this. , Isn’t it just because of the mutual suspicion of the people in power and the military, and the constant internal friction, that they lost a good game? Now that we are in power, we may become more and more powerful in the future. I don’t want us to become like them, too. In the end, guard against coming and guarding, turning your heads into enemies!"

Wang Miaoyin sighed softly, "Jinu, you always think of people too beautifully, but in fact, human nature has a selfish side. It's not our relationship that we have long since we have a heart-to-heart relationship. It's mostly just because The exchange of interests is like Yu Yue. He can never rescue me like you did just now. You rushed to me without saying a word, just to be one step faster, and he was a hundred steps away from me. I yelled that I could hear him within a few miles, he just wanted to let others know that he would come to save me and prove his loyalty.

"You have to guard against such a person, because as long as someone can give a higher benefit, he will betray you. In essence, you and I are nothing but a ladder for him to climb up. I didn't think about it just now. I want to kill him, but I want to rely on other ways to make him fearful and keep his mouth tight forever. And these, I think you especially need to master now. Send slaves, not everyone will cherish your virtues, you need more Make your own prestige!"

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