Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2733: Set the flag and wait for the black robe

Liu Yu stared at Wang Miaoyin motionlessly. After a long time, he sighed softly: "Do you think I destroyed Wang Yuman's house. Isn't this kind of action not enough to establish power?"

Wang Miaoyin said solemnly: "In the eyes of the aristocratic family, this is just your public revenge and revenge against the Taiyuan Wang clan who harmed you back then, to those high-minded families who were not on the side of the Jingkou brothers from the beginning. It’s just a warning. It’s not Liwei. On the contrary, it’s Liu Yi. Why do so many high-ranking families stand on his side? That’s because he controlled the estates and manor deeds of these high-ranking families in the middle of Beijing and in Wudi. , He who cooperates with him can make him prosperous and wealthy, and he who is the enemy will make him have no name. The world is full of prosperity, all for profit, and the world is hustle and bustle, all for profit. Power gives people benefits, and you can deprive them of these benefits at any time. Only in this way can people work for you and dare not betray!"

Liu Yu nodded: "So, you just wanted me to restrict Yu Yue and control the rise and fall of his Yu family, instead of letting me kill him?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed softly: "Physical destruction is the most stupid method. Once you do this, you will have endless troubles. Today you can destroy others like this, and if you are weak in the future, you will also destroy others like this. Reincarnation of the Way of Heaven, retribution is better than doing things absolutely, sending slaves, I hope you can understand this truth, not only for Yu Yue, but also for this post-war treatment."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "I have misunderstood the wonderful sound. I solemnly apologize to you. Maybe it is because I have experienced too much intrigue and betrayal in the past few years, which has made me a little confused. My dead enemy is only the black robe, even if it is Murong. Chao, if he is willing to surrender, I can also give them a way out. As for the Huren in this land of Nanyan, as long as he is willing to become a big Jin citizen, I will not torture them, but will be the same as the Han people. Allocate fields to them so that they can support themselves and protect their lives and property. Only in this way can they dissolve the conflicts between the Hus and Hans that have existed for hundreds of years, and finally put an end to this troubled world."

Liu Muzhi nodded with satisfaction: "Send slaves, it’s really great for you to think like this. You will conquer the world, and you have to rule the world. Only in this way can a new era be opened. However, if it is possible, I I hope this battle can capture the black robe alive. He has a terrible and huge organization. This Mingyue is obviously not his only subordinate. Only by completely destroying this organization and uprooting it can we bring peace forever, otherwise, endless wars in the world , Will never stop. Today he can manipulate Yan State as an enemy to you, and tomorrow he may support other countries and forces, and there will be no peace forever."

Liu Yu nodded: "I laid an ambush here, and made an air raid and assassination. Our army was in chaos, just to lure the old thief to attack himself. In this battle, I really want to kill. Yes, it's not the two hundred thousand Yanjun foot riders, but Heipao himself. Now that all his routines have been used, it's time for him to go on the horse himself!"

Speaking of this, Liu Yu raised his hand high and clenched his fist, while in the audience, Hu Fan, who was already waiting for a long time, bent his bow and set his arrows, aiming at the high-flying Liu character on this handsome platform. Marshal flag.

Liu Yu's hand suddenly loosened, and the arrow came out of the string, unbiased, just shot off the rope tied to his flag, and this big flag also fell instantly, and the entire handsome platform was empty!

Liu Yu calmly walked to the original Hu bed, sat down, and said calmly: "Now, I'm sitting here waiting for this **** old thief to come over."

Having said that, he turned his head to look at Liu Muzhi, and smiled slightly: "Let Tie Niu and the others be prepared, wait for my order, and be ready to attack!"

The fat on Liu Muzhi's face also jumped slightly: "I think they can't wait!"

Jin army, rear army, laneway.

With a smile on Murong Xingzong's face, Hal Chi on one side said excitedly: "Look, General, Shuai Qi, Liu Yu's Shuai Qi is down!"

Murong Xingzong laughed. From their position, you can only see the high-flying flag on the handsome stage that surrounds the curtain, but you can't see the situation inside, but he nodded in satisfaction: " Very well, it seems that the previous wave of magical soldiers came to heaven and succeeded. I knew that the national division used troops and ghosts and gods were unpredictable. Our attack brought Liu Yu's Chinese Guards here. You see, those I fought with us for half an hour, but it’s different from the Northern Army’s equipment. It should be a guard horse. Hey, I heard that even the Queen of Jin also went out with the army this time. These soldiers and horses are guards to protect her, even these people. It was sent. It can be seen that Liu Yu has no soldiers in his hands. Now, his banner is down. Whether he is dead or alive, the command of the Jinjun Central Committee, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is over, warriors, again Work harder, rush in, and kill them!"

Following Murong Xingzong’s wild laughter, a wild drum horn sounded in the Yan Jun armored cavalry formation. More than two thousand cavalry around Murong Xingzong sounded the horns in unison, and the front was fighting the Jin army. Thousands of armored knights suddenly came into force. While shouting the slogan of killing, they vigorously swiped the mace in their hands, the iron bones, the tigers and the wind, this suddenly strengthened the attacking momentum, and they continued to fight. In the stalemate, the Su Wei army retreated, although Sima Guofan personally held a long scorpion in front, gritted his teeth and roared, commanding the army around him to fight back with him, but their strength, number, After all, they lost to these infinitely powerful armored riders, and they had no advantage to ride away from the original sword-and-shield carts to top these iron riders on the horses. With only a few face-to-faces, Sima Guofan had a few by his side. Ten people were knocked down, and the remaining people began to retreat unceasingly.

With a sound of "Peng", an armored rider on the opposite side threw a halberd at Sima Guofan. After a distance of more than ten steps, this downward movement sank vigorously. Sima Guofan's expression changed and he suddenly bowed his head. The halberd that rushed to his head was able to fly over his head, smashing his helmet and flying straight out, and his hair was also scattered all at once.

Sima Guo's liver and gallbladder were cracked. He only felt that his scalp was hot and painful, and the sight in front of him was also blurred by the red liquid. It became **** and he couldn't see clearly. Now, he is so close to death, he Finally turned around, ran backwards, shouting: "Retreat, quickly retreat!"

Murong Xingzong laughed loudly: "Look, Jin’s Suwei Army fled with its tail between them, warriors, what are you waiting for, let me catch up, don’t keep one, the Queen of Jin has to get alive. Yes, dedicated to your majesty!"

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