Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2734: Chinese military **** carts

The armored horses of the Yan army laughed and raised their bows and arrows, and they shot at the Jin soldiers who fled in front of them. There were screams and arrows in the back of the sergeants. They fell to the ground. Some When a person fell to the ground, they would also fall down on the companions in front of them. At first they were just a few people. When they were struggling to get up, they either stepped on the people behind and continued to vomit blood, or they just got up and immediately shot their bows and arrows. In the middle, these arrows sink vigorously. Within a hundred steps, almost all of them are shot directly through the back without heavy armor protection. They fled this way, and the corpses were lying on their backs, from the position of the confrontation to this avenue. At the end of the knife-car defense line, at a distance of about two hundred steps, at least six or seven hundred Jin army corpses fell across the ground.

The armored riders triumphantly put away their bows and arrows, and began to list the wedge-shaped formations during the assault. Murong Xingzong rode to the front of the army and rode triumphantly in front of the teams, accompanied by Harchi and Chi Laowen. , While riding the horse, said: "Armored warriors, you did a good job. In today's battle, we defeated the Jin cavalry, defeated the Wudi light soldiers, and also defeated the heavy armored soldiers of the Beifu Army. It also defeated the enemy’s Suwei Army. Now, in front of you, there is no Jin Army who dared to resist. The Beifu Army, known as sweeping the world, madly said to destroy my Dayan Liu Yu, but so, this World War I proved that you, Dayan’s armored riders, are truly invincible in the world!"

The armored riders burst into cheers: "Hurray, hooray, hooray!"

Murong Xingzong pointed to the Shuaitai in front of him and said loudly: "Now, the national division’s strategy has been successful. The air raid on the Jinjun Zhongjun Shuaitai. Liu Yu’s flag has fallen. This time, he will never take it again. No troops can stand in front of us. What we have to do is to give them a final blow, dash across this road, rush to the center of the Jin army five hundred steps away, smash all resistance on the road, use your saber, ride Hey, mace, go and fight for your honor and glory!"

All the knights in outfits pierced their pupils, brandishing their weapons, pointing straight to the sky, and shouting, "Kill, kill, kill!"

Murong Xingzong was very satisfied with his speech. He turned his head to Hal Chi and Chi Lao Wen behind him and said: "Lao Ha, Lao Chi, you all fought very well in this battle and made great contributions. Now, it is the last assault. The time has come. The air raid troops of the National Division don’t know if Liu Yu was killed, but I’m afraid they have already attacked Shuaitai. We have to hurry up and don’t let others capture Liu Yu’s merits."

Halchi coldly pulled his face down and said, "I don't care about the military exploits, as long as I can avenge the dead brothers. This is the loss of our armor. Since the establishment of the army, there has never been anything other than participating in the battle. If I pass, I want Liu Yu to pay back his blood."

Chi Lao Wen twitched the corner of his mouth: "Should we first clean up these slashing carts in front? Otherwise, blocking here will hinder the charge of our cavalry. Also, the soldiers and horses guarding the camp gate at the back, do you want it? Go into battle?"

Murong Xingzong shook his head: "What you said makes sense. Another point is the raid of the national teacher. I'm afraid he wants to do a lot. Then we will act on the camera. If he attacks the handsome platform first, then Liu Yu, we We can only give it to him, but we can turn to capture the Queen of Jin, as long as we dedicate this woman to your majesty, we will be great in this battle."

Hal said bitterly: "We are all armored and ride the world, when will others take credit for it?"

Murong Xingzong sighed: "After all, he is a national teacher. Now Dayan's most powerful person has offended him. I am afraid that your life may not be guaranteed, but only one Liu Yu. As long as our other gains, You won’t suffer."

A burst of laughter sounded from the front, Murong Xingzong's face changed, and everyone behind him looked at the place where he was coming. At the end of the road, dozens of scattered knife carts were being dragged to both sides. , The Jin Army’s heavily armored and long-stretched soldiers in a well-arranged formation pushed more than thirty carts equipped with thick shield plates. Two or more crossbowmen leaned behind the shield plates, and the two sides of the shield plates stretched out ten More than 30 large vehicles were connected by iron chains to completely block the front of the avenue, which was more than 300 steps wide. The armor of the armor on the back of the car was shiny, and a body A thin, medium-sized general, dressed in armor, riding a war horse, stepped out, pointed directly at Murong Xingzong with a sharp tip, and said loudly: "The general opposite, but the Yanjun armoured leader, Murong Xingzong? "

Murong Xingzong nodded, looked at the admiral, and said solemnly: "This general is Murong Xingzong. Who are you? Are you here? Do you want to fight with me in armor?"

The general laughed and said, "I am the army general Liu Yu of the Dajin chariot and joined the army in Wangzhen evil. I have specially led the chariot to ride the Central Guards, and I am waiting for you here for a long time."

Murong Xingzong gritted his teeth: "The Chinese military guard? Your Chinese military commander flag is down. You don't protect your family leader, but UU reading www.uukanshu.com wants to fight with me here?"

Wang Zhenya confidently said: "You don't need to worry about it, Murong Xingzong, today you are all armed and attacked my battlefield. Of the four divisions, you have lost one and a half. Now it's just the end of the battle, and our army Waiting for work here will not allow you to pass one step. It has been heard that the chain horses with armored horses are extremely powerful, and they are unstoppable. The army has studied the art of war for many years. This chain of carts is for you. , Now here, there is no ambush, by tricks, do you want to try, who is the real invincible in the world?"

Murong Xingzong hooked his mouth with disdain: "In this world, there is no soldier and horse that can stop my armored cavalry, Zhongerlang, give me a charge!"

As he said, with a swipe of a big knife, the thousands of armored horses behind him roared wildly, rushing out like a tide, and headed straight for the car formation on the opposite side.

Wang Zhen smirked and jumped off his horse, turned and walked towards the car formation. Behind him, under the shield, there were already a large number of archers in ambush, and some people were holding super long walks of more than five meters. Two to three soldiers were leveled and stood quietly behind the car like this.

Wang Zhenyi turned his head and looked at the Zhu Lingshi, Shen Tianzi and others standing on both sides, and smiled slightly: "Remember, stab the horse first. As long as the horse falls, the people behind will not be able to get through. Solve them earlier. Maybe I can catch up and kill the black robe for the commander."

Zhu Lingshi nodded: "Two thousand archers, all behind the battle, gave an order, each with fifty long arrows, everybody said hello, even armored riders can't resist this kind of arrow rain!"

Wang Zhenya said with satisfaction: "Very well, shoot them all out. By the way, Tian Zi, the sledgehammer in your hand is a new one. Isn't it good?"

Shen Tianzi licked his tongue: "This sledgehammer is already hungry and thirsty!"

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