Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2735: Collecting the corpse and rushing into the arrow

Jin Jun, left wing, car formation.

Yuan Zun stared at the two hundred steps away, more than 3,000 spread out the formation, a few steps apart, the sergeant with the spear and the spear carefully approached a quiet Jin army vehicle formation, drums and shouts of killing went up into the sky. Tens of thousands of Yanjun soldiers desperately slammed their feet on the ground, fought their shields with their swords, and shouted and killed with the loudest sound of decibels. Together with the roar of hundreds of war drums, if people who don’t know are a few miles away, they will still I thought there were thousands of troops and horses attacking and killing them all.

Yuanmiao wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the Jin army's car formation and on the shields. At least dozens of arrows were hit, densely packed, and it looked like it was no longer a shield, but like an arrow target. A larger number of arrows fell under the car body, piled up to a height of more than a foot. This line of defense of the Jin army looked like an archery field, and outside the arrow field, there were thousands of corpses. At this moment, more than half of them have been cleaned up, and there are only two to three hundred mutilated bodies, scattered in the space less than fifty steps in front of the car formation.

Yuanmiao gritted his teeth and turned his head to look behind him. More than 10,000 archers have already drawn their bows. He said in a deep voice, "Go forward and suppress the enemy archers. Twenty volleys, fast! "

A lieutenant blinked: "Second general, do you want to shoot again? We are almost running out of arrows. If we really fight in a while, I'm afraid we can't cover the battle."

Yuanmiao gave him an angry look: "What do you know, if you don't release arrows, how can the brothers in front dare to pick up the corpse? Relying on the rain of arrows to suppress it before, the Jin army no longer shoots back, and only then can the corpse be cleaned up. After more than half of it, there are now the last batch of corpses left to be processed. After cleaning up, you can attack."

The lieutenant shook his head and murmured: "It's not my hand to go down to death anyway, what you say is what you say, but the second general, these servants and the guys from the Helan Ministry are really annoying, saying that they are supporting them from the back. But that’s how they watched, and they wouldn’t even come up to shoot arrows. I think they want us to try it out."

Yuanmiao gritted his teeth: "Follow him, the national division has asked us to come here for forty to fifty thousand troops, not to watch the excitement. At the Jinjun Army, even Liu Yu's handsome flag has fallen. Even the left-wing car formation can't be broken. After the war, I'm afraid it will be the same as Gongsun Gui.

The lieutenant nodded and brought his men forward. Another burst of arrows leaped into the air, raining down on the front line of the car formation, and the sergeants who came forward threw their nooses one after another, and went a dozen steps away. The hands, feet, and heads of those still intact corpses in the set, and then quickly pulled back, pulling back a corpse or a sergeant, like a pardon, hezzily pulled the corpse back and crawled back. After climbing out of the backcourt a hundred paces away, there will be cavalry from the servant bones galloping past, putting these corpses on the horse, and galloping away after a salute, and these sergeants who successfully dragged the corpses, You can also feel at ease, happily run to the back, sit in a circle, chat and laugh, and celebrate with your companions that you are back alive.

Yuanmiao walked to Yuan Zun's side and shook his head: "Brother, the last area is also cleared. It's time for a full-scale attack. Are we really going to attack this car formation? Crossbow, I'm afraid it will suffer heavy losses."

Yuan Zun's eyes were shining, and he murmured: "Second brother, do you think these eight crossbows of the Jin army are really still in the car formation now?"

Yuanmiao's face changed: "Isn't it said that this thing cannot be disassembled or transferred? We have been shooting for so long, and we haven't encountered a counterattack. I'm afraid, it was shot for us."

Yuan Zun gritted his teeth: "I hope so, now the central part of the Jin army seems to have entered the national division. Those Kongming lanterns that landed in the air caused the entire Jin army to burn. I am afraid that the armored cavalry will also attack the Jin army. The stage is up, I think, the soldiers and horses of the two wings of the Jin army have already withdrawn to defend. Otherwise, how come we have been shooting for so long without any movement? This is unreasonable."

Yuanmiao's eyes lit up: "My eldest brother said that, maybe the enemy has really evacuated quietly. Let's set up an empty formation here. Should we try to attack?"

Yuan Zun laughed: "Then attack him once, and let all the 10,000 archers stand up and shoot while advancing. If the Jin army still has an army behind, they will surely rise up to fight back. If they don’t fight back, It means that there is no one in the rear. Give me three thousand swords and axes to continue in and rush into the car formation!

Left wing, outside, Liangli, Xiaoqiu.

Helanlu coldly looked at the nearly 10,000 walking archers, who formed six or seven rows, and shot forward in rows. Then the archers in the back row took another ten steps forward to carry out the next round of firing. With this method of shooting while walking, they have advanced from a distance of about 120 steps to about 50 steps, and most of the arrows they shot have crossed the car shield and flew to the car formation, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com is still quietly in the formation, showing no signs of counterattack.

Pugu Wu squinted his eyes: "Could it be that the army after the Jin army has really withdrawn?"

Helan Lu sneered: "Anyway, let the Yuan family brothers try. If there is no one after the battle, then according to our original plan, you can quickly get into the battle. Servant bone, this time. It's time for you to do meritorious service."

A hint of excitement flashed in the eyes of Pu Guwu: "I will go now. After entering the battle, I will kill all the way to the Central Commander. I have a chance to take off Liu Yu's head and make a great contribution!"

Helanlu patted his shoulder with satisfaction: "Good luck to you and Aman."

The servant bone Wu laughed and was about to speak. Suddenly, after hearing the traffic, there was a rush of drum horns, and hundreds of voices roared at the same time: "Wind, wind, wind!"

With this roar, there were at least tens of thousands of feather arrows. From the position about fifty steps behind the formation, they rose into the air, and the sky suddenly became dim, and the large black feather arrows covered the sky and covered the sun. Like a dark cloud, with the scream of death, it smashed into the queue of ten thousand archers who had already entered most of the 50 steps before the formation, and shot and advanced.

These Yanjun archers, who were lightly outfitted or even unarmored, were attacked by such a rapid and fierce arrow rain storm, as if they were falling down in patches in a wheat field blown by a Category 12 typhoon. The first two rows of archers were , Even reluctant to fight back, turned around, and desperately tried to flee backwards. If they had eyes on their backs at this time, they would see that after they turned and escaped more than ten steps, those trucks Behind the baffle, thousands of bodies suddenly protruded, and on the shield, a large bow full of strings was pulled. Yu Qiujin's murderous face appeared on a big car, accompanied by his majestic roar: "Shoot them!"

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