Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2736: Yuan family brothers stay behind

Following this order from Yu Qiujin, thousands of long arrows were fired quickly from the full bowstrings, and they were ruthlessly shooting at these archers who were scattered and tumbling into a mess. They completely took their heart out. It was opened to the archers of the Jin army, and this shooting, unlike the last time it was covered by arrow rain, within a distance of 100 paces, the archers of the Jin army can completely control these fleeing enemies like they usually practice archery. The army used it as a target, spotted one, aimed well, and shot an arrow. As a result, it would inevitably fall in response to the string, and then quickly drew the next arrow to find another target.

In just two or three rounds of shooting, more than a thousand corpses fell within a hundred steps before the battle. After a long period of corpses, the attack channel cleared out suddenly became corpses all over the field and collapsed. The archers, with their big swords and axe, slammed into the battle, and then they mingled together and fleeing back desperately. Just now, they were rushing towards the car like a tide. The Yan army on the line of defense, just like the ebb tide, withdrew at a faster speed.

Yuan Zun was stunned and speechless for a long time. Yuanmiao sighed: "We have all been fooled by the Jin army. It seems that they have not collapsed at all. They have even been hiding dozens of steps behind the cart instead of On the front line of the car formation, our archery did not kill them all. But when we really wanted to go forward, they launched a counterattack. People can arrogate the formation and even use the grass man, but these arrows are not at all available. Fake, their strength is at least 10,000 or more, and even the Ba Niu crossbow hasn't been used yet."

Yuan Zun gritted his teeth: "Going forward is also going to die. We tried our best and sent the order to let the archers regroup and shoot the Jin army!"

Yuanmiao frowned: "I'm afraid they will retreat to a few dozen steps behind the battle. We shoot arrows and can't hurt them, unless a large number of infantry steps forward and archers cover and shoot."

Yuan Zun hooked the corner of his mouth: "Did you not look at the equipment of the Jin army? Even the archers are shooting with iron armor. With the cover of the car formation, even if we let go, we will not be able to break this line of defense. If you charge intensively across the board, I am afraid that the eight cattle crossbows will be used, and there will only be more deaths at that time. It is meaningless. As long as we do a good job here and put on a look of trying our best, even after the war Judging, the national division can do nothing about us, huh, we are here as a feint, used to contain the troops for him, this step is interesting enough."

Yuanmiao's brow furrowed: "However, the Helan Ministry and the Servant Bone Ministry are still watching from behind. What if we make a small report afterwards and say we are bad?"

Yuan Zun gritted his teeth: "They rushed away if they wanted to. We can cover with bows and arrows. They killed so many people before, but that doesn’t mean that we have to die more. Besides, with the current pose, I’m afraid The central commanding station of the Jin army did not collapse, and it may even be blazing. It is also Liu Yu’s suspicion. If the national teacher wants to attack, he will be trapped in himself. After the battle, can he punish us again? , There is still a question mark."

Yuanmiao's expression changed, he looked around, and said in a deep voice, "You all get back first."

More than 20 surrounding guards and messengers all saluted and left, and within a radius of fifty steps, only these two brothers were left. Yuanmiao whispered: "Brother, don't you dare to talk nonsense about this. If you hear this to the national teacher, I'm afraid we..."

Yuan Zun sneered and said, "My brother, I think we have to add up for ourselves. We are Han generals, and our subordinates are all Han troops. We have always looked down on those Xianbei people. The reason why we work for the Murong clan, It’s only because Murong De took in our father and son back then and was kind to us. But Murong Chao was not his uncle. He was impulsive and innocent, favored treacherous officials, and left the military affairs to the unknown guy in Heipao. Now It provoked Liu Yu to come to the Northern Expedition, but he wanted us to shed blood and sacrifice. It would be okay if this black robe battle was won, if it was lost...

Yuanmiao's expression changed: "If you lose, then Dayan is in danger of subjugation."

Yuan Zun nodded: "This big Yan belongs to his Murong clan, but not to our Yuan family. If you want to repay your gratitude, you have already reported it for the first emperor to fight in the north and south. This trouble caused by Murong Chao and Heipao. It's their business. We don't need to put ourselves in. We have tried our best in this battle. If we still can't win, are we going to be buried with Murong Chao and Heipao?"

Yuanmiao gritted his teeth: "But, even so, how can we fight against Xianbei soldiers? People who have betrayed Murongchao for more than a year, but all..."

Yuan Zun turned his head and glanced behind him. On the hill, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com also whispered Helan Lu and Puguwu, and said: "Actually, whether it is our Han people, or the Helan family, the servant bones These foreign surname Xianbei tribes all have their own plans. The Murong clan can order us to rely on being strong and strong. We only have to surrender. But if the shirt is defeated, even if he can escape, the Murong clan’s men and horses will suffer heavy losses. At that time, those who are not strong may give them an excuse to eradicate, destroy, and then merge their subordinates to make up for their own operations. Just like Gongsungui, he is dead, and the turbulences under his men are not logically incorporated into the black robe. Is the banned? So, whether we can survive or not will not depend on our performance in this battle, but on our strength after the war!"

Yuanmiao's eyes lit up: "You mean, we have more than 40,000 men and horses?"

Yuan Zun nodded and whispered: "These more than 40,000 soldiers and horses, most of them are people from all over the world who are temporarily conscripted. If the war is lost, I'm afraid they will break up and escape, and will not follow us back to Guanggu. We Those who can be gathered are the five thousand pro-army that I personally control. Their family members are in Guanggu just like ours. When that happens, we can return to Guanggu first, and then secretly let the family escape from Guanggu, and then go for an excuse. Murongchao went to various places to recruit the divisions of King Qin and escaped. Then, depending on the situation, if Murongchao can defend Liu Yu and retreat, he will continue to work for him. If Liu Yu can destroy him, we will turn to the Jin army. Surrender can still preserve wealth."

Yuanmiao gritted his teeth: "Could it be that our army is defeated in this battle?"

Yuan Zun sighed: "I don't think the chances are great. If the Jin army becomes such a unit that does not adjust the left-wing car formation, it means that the raid on the center has failed, and even the armors of the rear army will not be able to break through. Success, brother, we really have to plan the future for ourselves."

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