Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2737: Helan also intends to retreat

Jin Army, left wing, above the car array.

Yu Qiujin and Sun Chu stood together, staring coldly at the Yan army on the opposite side, and retreated with abandoning their helmets and armor until a safe distance of a few hundred steps away. These defeated soldiers began to regroup and line up. The sergeants with large shields and long spears also stepped forward to guard against the possible impact of the Jin army. Yu Qiujin twitched his mouth with disdain: "The mobs, too innocent!"

Chu Sun shook his head: "Although there are many enemy troops here, they are mostly Han troops. They are not equipped and trained. They are different from our elite soldiers. If the Xianbei cavalry behind attacked with all their strength, They are also much better than them, but I think Helan Lu and the servants will not risk losing their elite and attack with all their strength."

Yu Qiujin nodded: "This is self-evident. Whether these Husbands or Han generals, I think there are soldiers who are Caotou kings. If the subordinates lose too much, they may be annexed by others. Therefore, in this battle, the Helan Tribe and the Servant Bone Tribe will not come up again, and those Han troops, who should be soldiers and horses brought by the Yuan family, do not want to come up and die. The next thing is probably to beat the drums. Bluffing and acting up."

Sun Chuzheng said: "Even so, we have to obey the command of the general, hold on here firmly, and not act rashly."

Yu Qiujin sighed, punched the shield plate full of arrows in front of him, gritted his teeth and said: "We still have 15,000 soldiers and horses. If we took advantage of the impact just now, we could take the four to fifty thousand. The infantrymen were all destroyed, and the Helan Division and the Servant Bone Division were severely damaged. Even if they were fighting outside, they could be defeated. I don’t know what the commander was worried about. Even if he wanted to defend the line of defense, there were five thousand people. Suffice it to say that 10,000 people go to the center and go to the forwards, which can be of great use."

Chu Sun hooked his mouth: "Okay, the commander uses soldiers. I won't be arrogant. When he needed to use soldiers before, he transferred A Shao and thousands of elites away. There must be reuse, and we are here now. , Defending the line is the commander’s arrangement. Didn’t Wang Cunjun come to pass the news just now, saying that the enemy’s aerial attack has been resolved by the commander, and the central commander’s station is as stable as a rock, and dropping the flag is also an act to lure the enemy. , Let us not worry about it."

Yuqiujin nodded, looked at the formation on the opposite side, and jumped out of the car: "Their archers are coming up again. Let's go. Let them continue shooting carts and shields. We continue to rest on the spot."

Chu Sun smiled and jumped out of the car with Yu Qiujin: "Lao Yu, is it a pity that I didn't receive the hands after seeing so many enemy corpses and heads outside."

Yu Qiujin's laughter drifted away like Sun Chu, and left the front line of the car array: "You still understand me!"

The left wing of the Jin army, outside the car array, above the hill.

Helan Lu shook his head: "Fortunately, I stabilized and didn't rush up rashly. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be caught in the ambush of the Jin army again."

Pu Guwu touched his heart, his face was filled with rejoicing: "Yes, if you rush out this moment earlier, then the one in front of the corpse formation is probably our thousands of people again, you say this What's going on with the Jin army, can you really calm down? The central government has beaten people and won't save it?"

Helan Lu gritted his teeth: "I'm afraid that Liu Yu is doing well in the center. He deliberately dropped the handsome flag in order to attract the national division to attack."

Pu Guwu's face changed: "So, is he tempting the enemy?"

Helan Lu nodded: "I'm afraid, the formation has already been murderous, and even the armored knights that attacked the formation, I am afraid they will all be sent inside. We have to make some plans for ourselves."

The servant bone Wu said in a deep voice: "Now we should immediately notify the national division and your majesty, so that they can quickly retreat?"

Helan Lu shook his head: "I'm afraid, we don't even know where the national division is. How to tell him to retreat? Although the wolf smoke rising from the right wing is a signal of general offensive, it does not mean that the national division is there, and Now, whether he has already entered the battlefield, or even attacked Shuaitai with those flying things just now, is not known."

Pu Guwu gritted his teeth: "Then what shall we do?"

Helan Lu frowned: "It doesn't make any sense here anymore. I'm afraid that the Yuan family brothers have also seen this and started to behave. Dayan is afraid it will be difficult to win this battle. We have to consider. It has to be what to do after the war."

Pu Guwu frowned: "We are Xianbei, unlike their Han people who can still switch to Liu Yu, besides, we all know the black robe's methods. Even if he loses here, he can still run back to Guanggu. Cure our sins. We have blood and deep feuds with the Northern Wei Dynasty. Without the protection of Yan Guo, we would not be able to survive for a day."

Helan Lu’s eyes sparkled and murmured: “My sister once said that she is a black-robed apprentice who works for a mysterious organization. The great chaos in the north for many years, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was planned by this organization. Now, Muronglan betrayed this organization because of Liu Yu, and against it, and the task of guarding Muronglan was given to my sister. Maybe, we can try to contact Muronglan through this relationship. It’s necessary. At that time, help her escape and make peace with Liu Yuyan."

Pu Guwu widened his eyes: "Is this okay? Make peace with Liu Yuyan? Then, doesn't that mean betraying Dayan? Even, to be an enemy of the powerful organization you mentioned?"

Helan Lu gritted his teeth: "On the grassland, we have always ruled the roost with strength and surrendered to the strong. There is nothing we can't abandon. Only a tribe that understands the current affairs and conforms to the weather can last long. We belong to Murong De and loyal to Nanyan. It's nothing more than the failure of resisting Tuobagui, and there is nowhere to go. In these years, we have worked hard for Nanyan, born and died, and we have guarded the northern border for them, and did not owe them. This battle would have suffered heavy losses, if Nanyan If we lose the battle, Liu Yu will probably not let Murong Chao and Heipao go, and will inevitably chase Guanggu. If we can return to Guanggu one step ahead of time, control Muronglan, and obtain a condition of submission from Liu Yu through her. Our best way out."

Servant Gu sighed: "That's because the black robe failed in this battle. Now the outcome is unclear, and the enemy's situation is unknown. I advise you to think twice."

Helanlu waved his hand: "Let’s go to Linqu City first and say that we are worried about the shortage of troops to protect Your Majesty. We will come to **** the driver. There, we can get the fastest and most accurate information. When the camera moves, we will be invincible. place!"

Speaking of this, Pu Guwu laughed: "It's still your brother Helan thought well, just come."

Having said this, his face suddenly changed slightly, and he said loudly to the messenger behind him: "Hey, what's going on in the back formation? I haven't given an order yet, why did he act?"

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